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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
[Disclaimer] My stories are about erotic, sensual, and emotional connections between gay men. Albeit romantic, sweet, and uplifting, they also contain rough, sometimes edgy sex scenes between consenting partners. If that kind of sexual display is in any way triggering for you, I suggest you do not proceed with this particular story.

The Good Son - 4. Our Angel, Our Light



[26 years ago]

Seven-year-old Jonathan sat on a stone bench on the small patio, his tiny legs stretched and his feet barely brushing the ground, trying to hide his small frame from the heaviest rainstorm. It had been like that for five days, and seeing a sunny sky seemed unrealistic. But, as Jonathan sat there, his head dunked between his shoulders, a young nun walked silently up to him.

"Jonathan!" She called, disturbing the boy's daydreaming. She signaled for him to follow as he raised his head to look at her.

Jonathan was born on August 18th, on a freezing morning. Son to a teenage mother, unbearably unprepared for the challenges ahead. She fled the night after his birth and left him on the hospital's emergency room steps. Authorities eventually placed him in the system. He spent his first years jumping from one foster family to the other, many of which were violent and overbearingly cruel, waiting for a permanent placement that never came.

He finally found his way into a local monastery of Episcopalian nuns that took displaced children into their care. But trickled by a treacherous and flawed system, young Jonathan eventually surrendered to his loneliness. While his young age prevented him from understanding the cruelty of his situation, his heart finally broke, yielding to the inevitability of his future: that he would never have a family.

Jonathan's little legs throttled, chasing the nun, trying to catch up as she glided across the cold marble halls. She eventually stopped, turning around so fast her habit swirled with her.

"Wait here." She steered. Jonathan's hazelnut eyes looked up attentively. He hopped over to the wall and leaned on it. His arms crossed behind his back. He could hear mumbling inside the large door to his right.

"Did you fetch the boy?" A raspy female voice muttered from the other side.

"Yes, Sister Isabelle. He's outside." The nun confirmed.

"He's a good boy, smart. You'll have to be patient, though. He's been through a few...complicated situations in the last couple of years." The female voice spoke. "Sister Sarah, bring the child inside." She requested.

Jonathan heard footsteps, and soon, the large, opaque brown door was opening.

"Come," she requested, extending her hand. But just as Jonathan approached her, she leaned forward, lowering her head to meet the boy's height. "Jonathan...please behave this time," she pleaded, placing her hand around the boy's neck as she guided him inside.

Inside the room, a mold-smelling scent layered the air. There were two oversized chairs where a couple sat, their back facing the door. And in front of them, on the other side of a large, bulky desk, sat an older nun sporting large reading glasses and a heavy silver cross with a chain around her neck.

"Come in, boy." The older woman voiced. "This is Claire and Thomas Morgan." She said, pointing to the couple that turned around, their lips stretching into a reluctant smile. "This is Jonathan." She introduced.

There was a long, seemingly uncomfortable silence until the young woman finally stood and approached the boy.

"Nice to meet you, Jonathan." She greeted, extending her hand in salute. The boy shook it reluctantly before pausing as the young woman scanned him from head to toe, lingering on his face. "You're a very handsome boy." She teased, smiling gently.

"Thank you," Jonathan mumbled, transfixed by the woman's smile.

"And polite, too. Oh my." She taunted, finally standing up and stepping aside, disclosing her husband, who glanced at Jonathan with a soft scowl.

"Hey," the man greeted. "How are you doing today?" he asked, visibly uncomfortable.

"Fine," Jonathan mumbled, his eyes lingering over to the older nun sitting at the desk who darted at him threateningly. As Jonathan's eyes locked back on the young man, they were met with skepticism.

"So, how old are you?" Thomas asked reluctantly as his eyes scanned the boy from head to toe.

"Seven," Jonathan replied, glaring. Thomas looked back at his wife, whose face squirmed as she tried to hide her discomfort.

"Do you like baseball?" Thomas asked. Jonathan shook his head, making Thomas nervously chuckle as he tried desperately to find common ground.

"I like soccer," Jonathan replied just as Thomas was about to turn around, making him stop.

"Really? That's cool. Me too! Love European football!" Thomas uttered excitedly, his eyes twinkling. Then, suddenly, from under Jonathan's somber expression, a shy smile finally peeked through.

"I can go fetch my ball from my room if you want?" Jonathan suggested, his voice bottling with excitement. Thomas looked back at Sister Isabelle, who shook her head before standing up.

"Actually, why don't you meet Sister Sarah outside, Jonathan? I want to talk privately with this nice couple." She suggested, forcing her hand on Jonathan's neck and piloting the boy out the door.

As soon as he stepped outside, she closed it shut. Jonathan stood there, his eyes scanning the hallways. He spotted Sister Sarah further down, chatting with one of the boys from his dormitory. Jonathan turned around and glued his ear to the door, attempting to hear inside the room. But the loud commotion coming from the patio prevented it. He cornered the room and opened an old door that gave access to a balcony glued to Sister Isabelle's office. It was at least a thirty-foot fall to the bottom floor, but truth be told, it wasn't the first time he had done it. He climbed over the rail and saddled it, darting through the open window. From there, he could hear them talking.

"He's stunning," Claire commented, her voice inebriated by Jonathan's looks.

"Something seems off. Maybe there's something you're not telling us." Thomas insinuated. There was a brief moment of silence.

"Like I said. The boy is bright and has a strong personality. But...we've had some incidents with his violent behavior." She divulged.

"What do you mean?" Thomas drilled.

"He tends to lash out. He had just been released from a particularly violent household when he came to us. He's still young..." Sister Isabelle stuttered, her voice conveying a sweetness unrevealed until now. "Perhaps if a loving couple like yourselves would give the child a chance..." She implied.

Claire reached for Thomas' hand. He glimpsed at her, then at the window, stood up, and walked to it. He was inches from Jonathan, who slinked under the balcony, grabbing the railing with his tiny hands and hiding from sight.

"I've always wanted a boy," Thomas said with a sorrowful voice. From under the window, Jonathan's eyes flared in expectation. "But it sounds like the kid just has too much baggage," he uttered. Jonathan's eyes closed in disappointment. "It'll take longer, but we should try for a baby, right?" Thomas asked his wife.

Jonathan couldn't see, but the silence instilled showcased Claire's disappointment.

"Well... of course. It's your choice." Sister Isabelle muttered.

"I appreciate your time, Sister," Thomas said coldly. "Claire, let's go."

Jonathan slowly climbed up the railing and hunkered his small body inside the balcony. He peeked over to the hall, watching the couple amble away. He sat there on the cold marble ground, wondering if he would ever find a home, a family.

He picked himself off the floor and ran through the hall, his breathing hectic and accelerated. As he rushed into the patio, he veered into a hidden section beneath the gravel cloisters. He stopped, turned to the wall, and started kicking it with his feet, falling back occasionally. Then, suddenly, he punched it, knocking a piece of painted plaster from it. Jonathan stood there. His fist closed in anger until his face finally flinched. He lifted his hand and gazed at it. His knuckles were coated in blood that dripped silently to the floor.

"Jonathan..." Sister Sarah stuttered. She was standing a few feet from the boy. Her eyes gaped in shock. "Come with me." She beckoned, snapping the boy from his violent reverie.

He turned around and walked over to her. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and rushed for the bathroom. Once they got there, she opened the tap water and placed Jonathan's hand under it, washing the blood off and finally revealing all the broken skin underneath. She gazed at Jonathan with a troubled look and gently cleaned his hand with a paper towel.

"It's not your fault." She uttered. Jonathan's gaze pierced the mirror in front of them.

There was a deep and unsettling sadness in the boy's eyes. There was no innocence or childlike wonderment. Jonathan's life had broken his soul. A series of unfortunate circumstances and cruel events seemed bent on steering him down a dark path.

"One day, Jonathan, you will find a family that will love you unconditionally." Sister Sarah stated, her voice straining to reach the dark depth the boy found himself in.

"How do you know?" Jonathan questioned.

"I don't," Sister Sarah replied, cornered by the boy's disarming question. Then she took her hand, lifted Jonathan's chin, looked into his eyes, and smiled. "But I have faith," she finally stated with a firm conviction in her voice.

In that bathroom, Sister Sarah embraced Jonathan in the warmth of that momentary comfort her empathy provided.

But as Jonathan grew older, his most profound wish seemed even more untenable.

[9 years later]

Jonathan pulled the last coin out of his pocket and shoved it inside the soda machine, jamming the button with his fist. He stood there waiting for his chocolate bar to drop, but nothing happened.

"Mother fucker!" He yelled with overwhelming frustration. Soon, everyone in the hospital's waiting room swerved their heads, gazing at him disapprovingly.

"Sir, please, can you keep it down?" A female nurse requested from behind a large desk in the middle of the room.

"It ate my fucking money. I want my chocolate, goddammit!" Jonathan exclaimed, his eyes red and his face visibly bloated and exhausted. The nurse darted at him, squinting her eyes.

"Here," a male voice said. A wrinkled hand came from behind Jonathan and gently pushed the machine's glass, tilting it and causing the chocolate bar to fall into the base deposit.

"Fuck yeah!" Jonathan hollered, seemingly unaware of his brass behavior. "Thanks, man!" He uttered, turning around and slapping the older man's back, causing him to jump forward.

Jonathan was sixteen now and had grown into the most beautiful young boy. Alluring, charmingly rugged, and utterly ill-mannered.

"You're welcome, kid," the older man replied. "What's your name?" he asked.

"Jonathan. Nice to meet you...?" He said, extending his hand in greeting as he chewed on the bar, visibly famished.

"I'm Robert," the older man answered, smiling. He pulled back and sat very slowly on the nearest chair. "So, what are you here for?" he asked, trying to make conversation.

Jonathan looked at him, walked over, and dropped his body on the chair beside Robert, making it tremble slightly. Then, oblivious to it, Jonathan exhaled and stretched his body, his head facing the ceiling.

"My girlfriend just had a baby." He said as if it were the most disinteresting thing in the world.

"Congratulations." Robert congratulated as he gazed at Jonathan.

"Save it, old man. It was an accident." Jonathan remarked, taking a piece of chewing gum from his pocket and tossing it inside his mouth.

"Oh...I see." Robert uttered with caution.

"How about you?" Jonathan asked, trying to sound polite.

"My wife had a stroke. She's fine now, but they're doing some tests." Robert answered, his voice suddenly sounding more somber.

"Dude, I'm sorry," Jonathan commented. "She old?" He drilled as everyone around frowned at him. Robert chuckled.

"She's 87." The older man replied.

"Ah, right," Jonathan said, sounding positively bored.

"Was it a boy or a girl?" Robert asked.

"Oh, a boy...I think." Jonathan muttered as he stared at a cute girl who had just happened to walk in. She gazed at him, and he winked, making her hide her face, embarrassed.

"Do you have a name yet?" Robert questioned.

"Nah. We're not keeping him," Jonathan uttered. Robert's eyes gaped. "Dude, chill. He's getting adopted. Nice family, bla bla bla and all that shit." Jonathan continued, unbothered by Robert's stunned expression. "He's better off, trust me," Jonathan said before a male nurse approached them.

"Mr. Johnson, your wife's ready to see you." The male nurse informed.

Robert stood up with difficulty and turned back to face Jonathan, who glanced at the older man.

"Good luck, kid," Robert uttered.

"Yeah, you too. Hope your wife feels better!" Jonathan expressed. Robert smiled and walked inside, escorted by the young man.

Jonathan sat there, tediously drumming his hands on his legs as he impatiently glanced around the room. He eventually stood up and snuck back into the maternity aisle, rushing towards his girlfriend's room. He pushed the door open unceremoniously and stepped inside.

"Where the fuck were you?" The girl questioned.

"Went to get something to eat," Jonathan replied immediately, sensing something amiss. "What now?" He questioned, puzzled by her worried face.

"The agency called. They tapped out." She explained.

"FUCK!" Jonathan hollered, letting his body drop on the couch by the window.

"That bitch from the agency is coming here to talk." The girl briefed.

"Beth..." Jonathan uttered, shrugging. He wanted to be supportive, but words weren't his strong suit.

"I'm not fucking keeping it..." She muttered.

"You need anything?" Jonathan asked.

"Yeah. Leave me alone." Beth whispered, her voice bottling angrily as her eyes fled for the window.

"Fine," Jonathan uttered, internally glad not to have to stay there and deal with her.

He got up and walked out of the room. He stood in the hallway, vacantly looking left and right before deciding to sneak past the nurse's office toward the nursery. As he reached the outer glass, his hand started gliding over it, his hazelnut eyes scanning the nameplates. Suddenly, he stopped, his eyes locked on a tiny foot holding a tag with "Lancaster" scribbled on it. He leaned his forehead into the glass and gazed at the crib.

"We haven't been able to keep him quiet," a female nurse said. "Are you the father?" she asked.

"For now..." Jonathan muttered to himself before looking at the nurse, who squinted her eyes.

"Do you wanna hold him?" The nurse invited. Jonathan chuckled nervously.

"I don't know..." Jonathan mumbled with trepidation. But suddenly, his eyes sparkled, intrigued by the nurse's proposal.

"Who knows, maybe you'll be able to calm him." She suggested, winking at Jonathan and tilting her head, signaling him to follow her inside.

Jonathan obliged. As he stepped in, he immediately felt out of place. The nurse walked ahead of him and leaned over the crib, grabbing the tiny baby in her arms. He was crying and hollering, and the noise was piercing and unpleasant.

"Get that blanket over there and put it around your chest, will ya?" She guided.

Jonathan did as instructed, and she placed the baby in his arms as he turned to her. He stumbled, falling back slightly, but the nurse seemed at ease with his awkwardness and kept her hand around Jonathan's back, holding him in place. The baby was now bawling his eyes out, the shrieking sound of his cries echoing across the infirmary.

"Shit, he's loud. Take him." Jonathan pleaded, extending his arms.

But the nurse denied it. And then suddenly, it happened. The baby stopped crying, and these soft, delicate moans flared from his lips.

"Works every time." The nurse proudly stated.

Jonathan glanced at her. His eyes were glistening with wonderment. He held the baby in his forearms and stretched them outwards, gazing at him as he tilted his head from side to side. Jonathan couldn't explain it, but something was changing.

"Hey, Bud...you're kinda cute. Without the screaming, I mean." He joked, a glimmer in his eyes. The nurse smiled. "This is so weird..." Jonathan whispered, his face lighting up. Suddenly, the baby's mouth opened, and cries began to spew back out, so Jonathan pulled his arms in and nestled his little head on his chest. The baby stopped crying instantly. "Hey, Bud, it's okay. I'm here." Jonathan whispered as he sat on a small chair just left of the nurse.

"I'll be right back." She said, turning around and entering a small room adjacent to the nursery.

And just like that, Jonathan was alone, holding that tiny, fragile baby in his arms. But then, everything suddenly became quiet; the room got warm, and Jonathan could feel his heartbeat thumping loudly inside his chest.

"The couple bailed on you, Bud," Jonathan said softly. "Guess you are mine...We can't catch a break." He said, chuckling sarcastically. Suddenly, he tilted his head back and reclined on the chair. The baby stretched his arms over his chest and rubbed his nose on his father's shirt, seemingly enamored by his scent. "Maybe we could make this work..." He continued, gradually tumbling down into a pleasant peacefulness. "What do you say, little angel?" Jonathan whispered as he sniffed the baby's head.

Suddenly, the baby's hands gripped Jonathan's shirt, pulling his chest hair. And there, in that room, as he held his son in his arms, something changed inside Jonathan's heart. It felt sudden, invasive, and utterly intoxicating as if his son had pulled his soul out of his body, holding it hostage. His mind went blank, his heart melted, and his body trembled with fear and joy.

For the first time in his life, Jonathan didn't feel alone. He had someone he could love and that needed his love in return.

However, he couldn't, at the time, realize how much.

[Present time]

Jonathan slid the card key on the door and entered the suite. It was quiet and dark. He strode over to his room to find Gabriel sleeping naked on his bed. His beautiful body stretched, belly down, his ass lit by the lights from the slim lamps outside the balcony. Jonathan beamed, momentarily seduced by his son's peacefulness. But soon, that smile shifted into a somber expression. Elliot's words had shattered his serenity, and the boy's statement shadowed his newfound passionate moments with Gabriel.

Jonathan loved Gabriel with all his heart. But Elliot's words had inadvertently exhumed the person he was before his son's birth. Someone Jonathan had worked so hard to conceal. Was Elliot right? Was this hidden nature incompatible with his love for Gabriel? Did his sexual encounter with Elliot unearth the violence he swore to destroy? Jonathan's mind was spinning so fast that his legs caved, and he sat on the edge of the bed. As he let his head fall between his shoulders, surrendering to overwhelming fatigue, he heard a soft voice behind him.

"Hey, you're back," Gabriel mumbled, still exhausted.

Jonathan's felt his heart immediately invigorated. Gabriel's voice was the only thing capable of plucking him from his sadness. As long as Gabriel was around, Jonathan would never succumb.

"Hey," Jonathan uttered, looking back at his son and smiling.

Gabriel stretched his arm, calling his father to him. Jonathan let his body fall back, his head nestled into his son's armpit. Then, Gabriel's leg came over him and wrapped around his waist, rubbing against his crotch, teasing his cock, which was now hard. But then, Gabriel's hand rose, brushing his father's hair delicately. Jonathan closed his eyes, enclosed by his son's loving touch.

"How did it go?" Gabriel asked. Jonathan's eyes opened, struggling to answer. He took a deep breath. He knew he had to tell his son the truth.

"He told me he loved me," Jonathan revealed, his voice sharp and stern.

Gabriel's hand suddenly stopped, drawing out from his hair. Then, his son's body pulled away quickly, making Jonathan's head fall back on the mattress. Gabriel hauled himself up, leaning back on the pillows, his arms crossed over his legs as he gazed at his father. Jonathan towed himself up but could not face his son, so he just sat there, looking out at the balcony, his broad, muscular back casting a shadow over Gabriel.

"I know it's not what you expected to hear, or me for that matter...but I promised myself I wouldn't keep anything from you anymore." Jonathan stated, his voice now soft and calm. There weren't layers to his statement. He was being truthful, just as he had promised.

"Okay," Gabriel replied before a deep silence enveloped the room. "Why do you think he said it?" Gabriel questioned.

"I just think he's confused," Jonathan responded.

"Well, now you're lying," Gabriel uttered, his disappointment creeping in. "Do you love him?" He asked. Jonathan sat silent before finally turning to face his son.

"No." He answered firmly.

"Do you wanna fuck him again?" Gabriel drilled, his arms tightening around his legs as his body tensed up.

"Yes," Jonathan replied.

They both closed their eyes, trying to mask the discomfort propelled by Jonathan's truthful answer. For a second, Gabriel felt like he was brought back to that night, watching his father fucking his best friend. But as he gazed inside his father's eyes, all the hurt and pain dissipated, and a gentle smile blossomed. Gabriel's love for Jonathan was boundless, and although his father's conversation with Elliot had layers even Gabriel couldn't possibly understand, his heart knew their love would survive the challenges.

"Okay." He uttered.

"You're not upset?" Jonathan asked, his voice scanning his son's feelings.

Gabriel slowly shook his head, his lips still stretched. He leaned forward and crawled over to Jonathan, grabbed his shirt, and pulled it off, exposing Jonathan's beefy upper body. Then he glanced at his father's shorts. Jonathan slid his fingers under their waistband and pulled them off, revealing his rock monstrous cock.

"Thank you," Gabriel whispered.

"For what?" Jonathan asked as his lips hovered over Gabriel's chest, his nose taking in all his scent.

"For telling me the truth," Gabriel replied, swathing his arms around Jonathan's neck and pulling him into the bed, scissoring his legs around his waist.

Jonathan's cock was now rubbing against Gabriel's crack, oozing precum as he moved his pelvis in circular motions, teasing the boy's hole. He nestled his lips inside Gabriel's neck, kissing his son's skin and licking it with his tongue, exhaling profusely.

Jonathan pulled his head back and gazed at Gabriel. Their eyes briefly met before Jonathan lunged and shoved his tongue inside his son's mouth. The boy released a loud moan as his head sunk into the sheets, their tongues swirling together in a passionate dance. Jonathan's lips sucked on Gabriel's mouth, covering every inch of it while his pelvis pushed deeper into the boy's crevice, his cock familiar with every inch of his son's body.

Jonathan's tip pushed through Gabriel's hole without aid, coating its sphincter with a glistening layer of natural lube. The boy's hole puckered excitedly, beckoning the presence of the large shaft. Slowly, it began drilling inside, Gabriel's muscles stretching to accommodate the beast. Jonathan could feel Gabriel's fingers gripping his lower back as his cock slid deeper inside. Every time this happened, it was as if Jonathan was plunging them underwater to a realm of no sound, where their bodies floated effortlessly, guided by an everlasting current that surged with rapture and joy.

This stream would wash Jonathan's anger away, emptying his body until his love for Gabriel was the only thing left inside him. He felt whole, complete. Gabriel was his light, the only person capable of taming the violent beast that lurked inside him.

Jonathan began thrusting as he finally drilled his 9 inches inside his son. His ass lifted in the air with physical prowess, lunging down on his boy's hole with vigor. All the muscles on his body worked tirelessly to provide Gabriel with all the pleasure he deserved. Yet, the gentleness with which Jonathan carried this endeavor was beyond delicate. His arms held Gabriel inches from the bedsheets, his body floating mid-air. The boy wafted in a cloud of devotion and desire as his father's cock pummelled his hole, grazing his prostate with determination.

"Daddy..." Gabriel moaned in between whimpers of passionate lust. "I love you so much..." He whispered in Jonathan's ear, unleashing a deep growl from within the stud as his thrusts became faster, more intense. His sweat started dripping over Gabriel, hitting his scorching skin and releasing a soft vapor cloud. "Fuck...Dad..." Gabriel uttered. But Jonathan's eyes were now closed, his mind completely relinquished to the moment. "Dad..." Gabriel's voice called as his father's thrusts became sharp and relentless, his muscular hips slapping against Gabriel's ass, the sound firing across the room. "Dad...please...stop..." Gabriel's voice wheezed, sounding faint and undistinguished, finally breaking Jonathan's trance.

He opened his eyes, and they instantly flared in shock. His hands were around Gabriel's neck, choking the air out of him. The boy's eyes were now red, glistening with tears, and his hands clutched Jonathan's wrists as he tried desperately to free himself from them, his body twitching uncontrollably.

"No..." Jonathan uttered, his eyes bucking in stupefaction as he finally unleashed his grip on his son and tumbled back on the floor, distraught.

As he did, Gabriel released a loud gasp, coughing, and his body wriggled up the bed, his back hitting the bed's headboard violently. His hands clambered to his throat as he desperately tried to bring his breathing down again.

"I'm so sorry!" Jonathan pleaded, getting up and rushing over to Gabriel. But as he neared the bed, the boy pulled back, fear taking hold of him.

The floor seemed to cave, and the room collapsed as Jonathan realized what he had done. There, in front of him, was Gabriel, and for the first time in his life, he looked at him in fear.

"I'm so sorry...I...I don't know what happened..." Jonathan tried to clarify, perplexed and distressed. His knees dropped to the floor as his arms tumbled over the bed, his face hiding in shame. "I didn't mean to..." He stuttered, feeling his chest tighten.

Suddenly, a hand touched his hair softly.

"It's okay. I'm okay." Gabriel's voice spoke.

Jonathan lifted his head, his eyes scanning his son's neck. Gabriel smiled, propelling his father to lunge and swat his arms around him.

They stayed there for over twenty minutes in silence, their bodies interlaced, until Jonathan fell asleep, exhausted from his emotional breakdown.

A few minutes later, Gabriel squeezed himself from under his father's heavy body and tiptoed to the bathroom, silently closing the door behind him. He turned the lights on and walked to the mirror, lifting his neck. Around it, a red halo. And just inches from his throat, darker bruises shaped like his father's fingers. Gabriel's eyes twitched as he tried to cage his tears. His hand sheathed his mouth as he stood silently in that bathroom, feeling lost and isolated. His innate empathy propelled him to try to understand and help his father, but could he, Gabriel thought. He closed his eyes, his hands holding his weight against the sink as his head tumbled between his shoulders. And it felt, for a brief moment, as if all his life flashed before his eyes. All the moments that Jonathan was there to catch him before he fell, all the times he cuddled him when he felt scared, and all the nights his father stayed awake whenever he got sick.

And then, at that moment, Gabriel understood. His love for Jonathan was as deep as those scars on his neck. His father lay naked in that bed, unaided, abandoned, needing his love, and yet, there he stood, gazing selfishly at his reflection. Maybe he had been unmindful all this time. Perhaps the love he gave Jonathan wasn't enough or wasn't the right kind of love. For Gabriel, until now, Jonathan has been just his father. He was loving, caring, and protective. But he was now seeing glimpses of the person behind the father figure. An edgy, broken, feral, violent man. Bearer of a burdened past of which Gabriel knew very little.

As he looked at himself in the mirror, Gabriel vowed to learn to love that person, too.

Jonathan's eyes unfolded with strain the following day, the sunlight bursting from the window, forcing his glued eyelids open. He looked to his left to find his son gazing at him.

"Hey..." Jonathan uttered, his voice still lagging. He immediately took his hand to Gabriel's face and brushed it tenderly. "Let me see." He said. Gabriel tilted his head back, revealing his bruised neck. "Fuck." Jonathan muttered before pulling Gabriel and banding his arms around him.

Gabriel rolled on his side and turned his face towards Jonathan, who was lying there as they stared at each other deeply. No words were spoken between these two men. As Jonathan delved into the boy's eyes, he could feel the love emanating from them. An overwhelming emotion overcame him as he realized Gabriel had forgiven him. His passion seemed even more profound, more mighty. The boy slid up, brought his hand to Jonathan's lips, and gently skimmed his fingers over them. Jonathan exhaled, overpowered by the tender moment, unleashing a cloud of wet, wood-scented breath.

Gabriel, I..." Jonathan muttered before Gabriel leaned forward and kissed him.

Their lips locked, touching softly. Jonathan closed his eyes, submerging himself in the moment. He could feel Gabriel kissing him softly, pulling away only to return and kiss him again. They were delicate kisses, the boy's lips barely touching Jonathan's, like a butterfly landing on a single string of grass. Jonathan had never felt anything like it, an enchanting melancholy pulling him into new depths of his infinite love. Then, he felt the boy's tongue skim his lips, moistly coating them with Gabriel's flavor: pomegranate. Jonathan moaned, his eyes afraid to open, desiring to extend this moment indefinitely. Gabriel's tongue and lips started marking more territory, and soon, Jonathan's beard was soaking with the boy's spit, and he could smell his son's aroma on it.

Gabriel finally slid his tongue inside his father's mouth, moaning as he went, his breaths resonating across the room. Jonathan's cock sprung from under the sheets, rock hard, its veins protruding through his delicate foreskin, which stretched back, unveiling the precum-soaked tip. A translucid string spewed into his stomach when Gabriel finally touched it.

"Daddy..." Gabriel pleaded.

Jonathan knew. He rolled over, taking the boy with him, grabbed Gabriel's arms, and stretched them upwards, locking his wrists with his right hand. His left hand skated the boy's body, caressing his soft skin. Gabriel scissored his legs around his father's waist, positioning his puckering hole for the taking. Jonathan's left hand reached the boy's knee calf, pulling it up and exposing his hole. He lifted his firm ass, its muscles flexing and tensing as he hovered there. He aimed his cock into his son's gap and let his body sink.

A profound pleasure pierced through Jonathan. Gabriel's hole felt like home, inviting, warm, and cozy. As the last inch punched through, Jonathan could feel the walls tightening around it, and as he slowly began to move his hips, the grip became even tighter. Gabriel was claiming him. His body was telling Jonathan his cock was his, and it belonged inside him. Jonathan fell forward, unlocking the boy's wrists. His fuzzy chest locked with Gabriel's, whose arms came down and encircled his father's back.

Suddenly, Jonathan's eyes opened, his face hovering over his son's. Gabriel was there, waiting for him. He slid his hand upwards and held his father's head.

"Stay with me." He uttered. Jonathan nodded, his eyes fidgeting with emotion. "That's it." The boy ushered as Jonathan's fingers dove inside his son's hair, brushing it delicately. "It's okay. Don't be scared." Gabriel finally whispered.

And just like that, Jonathan eventually let go, thrusting his cock inside the boy with vigor, his eyes hostage to his son's gaze.

"Gabriel, I love you." Jonathan rasped, his voice beaming with rapture. His hips now lunging his 9-inch monster inside his son's gap, the slapping sound of their colliding wet bodies reverberating through the room. He kept staring at Gabriel, whose eyes endeavored to stay open. His mouth gaped as he finally experienced a glimpse of his father's true sexual nature.

"Fuck..." The boy uttered, perplexed. Then, suddenly, his hole started queefing, unleashing sharp gusts of air as Jonathan's shaft slid in and out of it with reckless abandonment. Gabriel's legs trembled as they struggled to stay wrapped around Jonathan's bouncing ass. "Dad...fuck..." He hollered, his hands unleashing his father's head and dropping down to his back, his nails grating the stud's skin, leaving a trail of blood in their wake.

Jonathan's head snapped back in pain, his cock still pounding Gabriel's hole mercilessly. It only seemed to fuel his lust further as his thrusts deepened in strength and speed. The boy's ass was now sinking into the sheets, drilled with unbridled, uncaged eros.

"Dad...I can't...oh fuck..." Gabriel wailed before Jonathan felt his son shoot his load, blasting between their stomachs.

Jonathan howled into the air, his orgasm furiously exploding inside his son's hole. His ass halted, their hips glued, and his cock buried deep inside as he seeded Gabriel's crevice. Jonathan's ass muscles twitched as he fired load after load, escorted by his low guttural groans. His eyes still plunged inside his son's. He could still feel his bloated staff pulsing inside as he finally pulled out.

"What the fuck..." Gabriel mumbled, seemingly zoned out and disoriented.

Jonathan pulled back, grabbed Gabriel's legs, and turned him over on his stomach, clasping his ass and spreading his cheeks.

"Let me see it." He requested as the boy's hole queefed loudly. "That's it, push it out." He ordered. Gabriel started puckering his hole, pushing his father's seed out. A few seconds later, white batter started spewing from inside his loose hole, sliding down his thighs into the sheets.

"Shit," Gabriel exclaimed, taking his hand to his hole, his eyes glowing, perplexed at how it endeavored to close again.

"Good boy!" Jonathan teased, raising his arm and slapping Gabriel's bubble cheeks playfully. "C'mon, let's shower. I'm starving." Jonathan instructed, jumping off the bed, his muscular body soaking wet as he rushed for the bathroom.

Gabriel turned his head to catch his father walking away, utterly transfixed on Jonathan's form and stamina. His hole felt sore, his legs still shivering, and his head clouded. And yet, all he could think about was how he couldn't wait for his father to fuck him like that again.

Later that morning, Gabriel and Jonathan sat at the breakfast table, their legs grazing and their fingers intertwining playfully under it. But amidst their newfound peacefulness, Jonathan couldn't help but notice how Gabriel kept looking at the deck's entrance, his eyes scouring for something.

"He's probably slacking in his room..." Jonathan said, reclining on his chair, trying to calm his son's anxiousness. But as he gazed at Gabriel's countenance, Jonathan began to understand. "You miss him, don't you?" He questioned. Gabriel stopped momentarily, and even from the side, Jonathan could see his son's eyes glistening. "Go get him, then." He suggested.

Gabriel turned his head to his father, a smile pushing through. The boy cleaned his mouth with the napkin, stood up, and rushed for the stairs, hopping down the brick road and fading between the palm trees. Jonathan chuckled, shaking his head. Jonathan knew securing Gabriel's happiness meant he would have to find a way to coexist with Elliot.

"Hi!" A husky voice suddenly greeted.

Jonathan lifted his eyes, taking his hand up to block the sun. Nathan stood there, smiling at him.

"Hey. Nathan, right?" Jonathan asked, despite knowing who he was. The boy nodded, his eyes transfixed on Jonathan's beauty. "You just missed him." He teased.

"Shoot. Been meaning to ask Gabriel if he wanted to hang out today." Nathan disclosed, looking around.

"Did you now..." Jonathan commented, a strange emotion building up inside him. "Want to sit down?" He invited.

"Thanks. But my folks are waiting for me." Nathan nervously replied, his eyes darting between Jonathan and his parent's table.

"They can wait," Jonathan said. "It's okay. I won't bite." He razzed.

Nathan chuckled nervously, pulling the chair before Jonathan and sitting down.

"So, what's the deal between you and Gabriel?" Jonathan questioned bluntly, his eyes piercing through a visibly tense Nathan.

"Oh, we're just friends." Nathan blurted out, struggling to keep his voice from stuttering and avoiding Jonathan's gaze like the plague.

"Hmm..." Jonathan uttered. Suddenly, that strange feeling shifted, turning into a sharp, boiling sensation in the pit of his stomach. He was jealous. "Gabriel's one of a kind," Jonathan stated, eyes scanning Nathan's body language.

"For sure..." Nathan uttered immediately.

"He's had a lot on his mind lately." Jonathan interrupted, his tone overpowering Nathan's polite demeanor. "But he's slowly getting back on track...wouldn't want anything to disturb that, you know?" He voiced.

Nathan finally locked his eyes on Jonathan, mesmerized by the stud's protective instincts. And within his gaze, the boy understood: Jonathan's words weren't a casual conversation. They were a warning.

"I understand." Nathan stuttered.

"Good," Jonathan said. "It was nice talking to you. Enjoy your breakfast." He then seemingly requested the boy leave.

Nathan dragged himself off the chair and strolled over to his parents, stunned and shaken yet visibly mesmerized by Jonathan's empowering presence and energy.

After about twenty minutes of waiting for Gabriel to return, Jonathan stood up and strode through the brick road to the beach, soaking in the first rays of scorching sun that heaped down on the resort. He walked over to their private canopy and tossed his bag over his chair, yanking his shirt off and turning to face the sea, his hands over his waist. All the other people at the beach turned their heads, marveling at Jonathan's beauty and physics. His towering muscular body stood on that white sand, eyes scanning the water. Suddenly, he squinted.

Gabriel and Elliot were inside the water, splashing around. Gabriel jumped over Elliot, dragging him under, his friend's more muscular body able to hold Gabriel afloat. They seemed happy, and their connection appeared restored to what it once was. Jonathan's eyes glistened with emotion. Something had happened in Elliot's room. And although his mind struggled with the urge to find out, his heart celebrated his son's unmistakable joy. Gabriel's smile as they exited the water, piggybacking on Elliot, who held his friend's legs firmly, sent a shiver down Jonathan's spine, and his dick twitched inside his pants.

As Gabriel spotted Jonathan in the distance, his hand excitedly waved. Jonathan couldn't help but beam as his son smiled back at him. Elliot's arms dropped as Jonathan's eyes locked on him, letting Gabriel's legs fall gently to the floor. The boy rushed over to Jonathan and embraced him, his wet body soaking up his father's torso.

"You guys looked like you were having fun," Jonathan commented, his eyes lingering on Elliot, who seemed keen on avoiding eye contact.

"Fuck, yeah. The water is amazing!" Gabriel remarked enthusiastically.

Elliot walked inside the canopy and let his body fall on his chair, lifting his ass and pulling his shorts up, exposing his smooth, broad thighs. Jonathan struggled to prevent his eyes from wandering over to them. Gabriel followed Elliot, and instead of sitting on his chair, he sat next to Elliot's feet, pulling his friend's right leg and putting it over his crotch. Jonathan sat down, placed his sunglasses on, and reclined on his chair, his eyes locked on the boy's understated intimacy.

"What the fuck happened between you two?" Jonathan finally questioned, breaking the invisible awkwardness that lingered beneath that tiny space the three men shared.

The boys looked at each other and chuckled. Then the chuckle veered into laughter, and soon, Gabriel's body fell sideways into Elliot's embrace. His best friend enveloped his arms around him and kissed his wet hair.

"Isn't that Nathan?" Elliot questioned as his blue eyes skimmed the seashore.

Gabriel's head slingshotted up, locking on Nathan, who waved. He was smiling, but as he noticed Jonathan, his smile wained, and his hand dropped slowly.

"I'm going to talk to him," Gabriel said, rolling away from Elliot and rushing to Nathan.

Jonathan opened his mouth, ready to stall his son, but it was too late. He sighed and leaned back on his chair, discretely gazing at Elliot, who sat with his legs crossed, his arms holding his knees as he gaped at Gabriel in the distance, his blue eyes beaming at his friend.

"I guess you guys talked it out, hum?" Jonathan's voice remarked. Elliot chuckled, his eyes latched on Gabriel. "Are you going to behave from now on?" he asked.

"Yes," Elliot replied. "I am." He reiterated.

"Good," Jonathan uttered before a peaceful silence took hold. "What made you change your mind?" He drilled with a smooth hesitancy.

There was a considerable interlude as Elliot's eyes glared at his best friend in the distance.

"Gabriel did," Elliot stated. Jonathan glanced at him and saw the boy's blue eyes sparkle with emotion.

"What do you mean? What did he say to you?" Jonathan enquired, struggling to finish his question as his emotions began to surface.

"He kissed me. Embraced me in his arms." Elliot muttered, his voice laboring not to succumb. "Then he told me he loved me, and we were a family." He whispered, the cracks in his voice finally showing.

Jonathan saw when the tears finally began tumbling from Elliot's eyes. He looked away at his son, who chatted playfully with Nathan in the distance. If pride could kill, Jonathan would have died right there.

Jonathan choked as he heard Elliot's words. He didn't think his love for Gabriel could grow beyond the reaches of his already infinite adoration. But at that moment, Jonathan's heart was tested even further, its walls stretching to their limit, encompassing new waves of devotion that still flowed inside, untamed.

Gabriel's heart was pure. The brightness of his soul could not be contained. No ill intent, malice, or bad blood could breach it or contaminate it. Jonathan glanced at Elliot, and as he did, the young man finally turned his head, looking straight into Jonathan's eyes, their tears merging. And inside Elliot's blue, glistening gaze, Jonathan saw the boy's realization of what his heart had always known.

Gabriel was their light.
And it was their job to protect it at all costs.

"Dad!" Gabriel hollered as he walked back, snapping Jonathan and Elliot out of their beat.

"Yeah," Jonathan replied, turning his head.

"Nathan is taking me into town," Gabriel announced. Jonathan's stomach instantly turned.

"...Where?" Jonathan drilled, trying to ascertain the sudden motivation.

"It's a surprise," Gabriel said illusively.

"Gabriel..." Jonathan muttered, his intuition whispering to him.

"C'mon, Dad...it's like two miles from here. He's renting one of the resort jeeps. We'll be back before you know it." Gabriel negotiated. Jonathan looked at his son's pleading eyes before rolling his own.

"Fine." Jonathan conceded. "Can Elliot go?" He bargained.

"Dude, I ain't no fucking candle stick," Elliot replied, annoyed at having to third-wheel Gabriel's date.

"I want you back in two hours, Gabriel," Jonathan stated. Gabriel smiled and ran to their room to get his stuff. Jonathan reclined back on his chair, his breathing accelerating.

"Calm down." Elliot's voice uttered. "We can't follow him around everywhere." He calmly stated.

Jonathan chuckled sarcastically. But deep down, he knew Elliot was right.

During the following hours, Jonathan did everything he could to keep his mind off Gabriel. But soon, two hours had gone, and he had yet to text or call. Jonathan rushed back to the main suite, the hotel bar, and the lobby and even knocked on Nathan's parent's room, who joined Jonathan in the resort's reception, now equally concerned for their son's safety. And as the clock neared 8 pm, Jonathan's concern had morphed into sheer panic. His mind wandered into horrible scenarios. Elliot eventually came out of his room and joined them.

"He's not back yet?" He questioned.

"No." Jonathan nervously replied as he paced back and forth. A considerable crowd had now gathered around him and Nathan's parents.

Suddenly, tires scraping the dirt road outside shot through the large hall. Jonathan was already running out as Nathan's jeep finally cornered the large gold fountain before the main entrance. As he approached the car, he could only see Nathan sitting at the wheel, his face sludgy and his lip dripping blood as he steered the wheel with one hand.

"Where is he?" Jonathan shouted just as the car halted abruptly in front of him. As his hands slapped the glass, he looked at the back seat. Gabriel lay there with his body curled up in a fetal position. Jonathan pulled the door open with such force he ripped the handle from it. "What the fuck happened?" He questioned as he finally locked eyes with Gabriel. His face was covered in blood, his shirt ripped, and his hands sheathed his ribs as he moaned in pain. "Elliot, get help!" Jonathan hollered. But Elliot was already on it, running back inside. "Gabriel, look at me. Please, baby, look at me." Jonathan pleaded as he tried to contain his tears.

"Dad..." Gabriel's voice whispered faintly.

"Nathan, what the hell happened." Nathan's father questioned as he went around the car. But Nathan walked right past him and went towards Jonathan.

"Some guys jumped us as we left a store. They came for me with a knife...Gabriel pushed one of them...they dragged him into a narrow street and beat the shit out of him." Nathan recounted, his voice trembling and his body shaking. "I'm so sorry!" Nathan cried at Jonathan.

But it was as if he wasn't even there. Jonathan's face was now glued to Gabriel's, soaking in his son's blood. He whispered into Gabriel's ears, almost like a prayer. And it wasn't until the paramedics arrived that Jonathan finally shifted his position. Even then, his hand stayed latched to Gabriel's as they drove him to the hospital.

Three hours later, after the police report was filed, Gabriel was finally discharged with one broken rib, a laceration on his forehead, and some minor bruising. Jonathan drove back to the hotel, gently carrying Gabriel back to their bed. Elliot followed behind, holding his friend's backpack. Jonathan undressed Gabriel slowly, the boy still struggling to move. Finally, Elliot grabbed a water bottle from the minibar and placed it on the bedstand.

"Bro..." Gabriel mumbled, his voice toiling.

"Yeah?" Elliot replied, hovering over Gabriel's body.

"Look," Gabriel uttered, extending his arm. Elliot chuckled.

"I bet you cried like a fucking pussy." He razzed before looking at Jonathan. His eyes glazed with tears. Jonathan approached the bed, squinting.

"He wanted to surprise you." Elliot divulged as he pointed to Gabriel's arm.

Jonathan sat beside his son and looked at his arm. On the inner part, near the wrists, a plastic film layered the boy's skin. Under it, still smudged by the extra ink, was a tattoo. Jonathan looked closer. It was the outline of a heart. And inside it read:


Jonathan's eyes closed. Love and rage collided inside him with such brutal force the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He looked at Elliot, whose tears skimmed down his face.

"I love you, Elli," Gabriel whispered tenderly.

"I love you too, Gabe." Elliot pledged, leaning down and kissing Gabriel's cheek. "Get some rest." He said, getting up and walking out of the room.

Jonathan sat there, gazing at his son's broken body.

"Do you remember why we came on this trip?" Jonathan asked.

"My birthday. It's in three days." Gabriel mumbled, occasionally shifting his position with difficulty. Jonathan's hand hovered over him, eventually landing on his son's hair.

"Then rest until then. It's going to be the best birthday ever." Jonathan informed, trying Gabriel's curious nature, the boy's eyes peeking from under his father's fingers as they grazed his face.

"Dad...do you like my tattoo," Gabriel asked.

"It's beautiful," Jonathan replied, his voice finally cracking. He stood up, his son's voice stopping him as he walked out.

"My family..." Gabriel whispered as he finally fell asleep, benumbed.

Jonathan looked back at his son and smiled before sliding the door shut. Elliot waited for him on the other side. Immediately, Jonathan's expression transformed.

"Where is he?" He asked, his voice low and menacing.

"At the bar. Alone." Elliot replied as he followed Jonathan, who now rushed for the door. "I'll get the car and wait at the entrance." He added, describing a perfectly synchronized, unspoken plan.

They split as they reached the hallway, and Jonathan rushed for the bar. Nathan sat at one of the end tables, looking defeated, his lower lip slightly swollen.

"Hey, kid," Jonathan said as he sat before the boy, who flinched slightly.

"Look, I said I'm sorry...I feel like shit as it is." Nathan argued.

"Chill. I'm not here for you. But I do need you." Jonathan whispered. "Come with me, Nathan," Jonathan said.

"I don't know, man..." Nathan mumbled, apprehensive.

I'm not asking, kid. Get the fuck up." Jonathan ordered before standing up and waiting for Nathan to follow him.

The boy eventually did, and they rushed for the entrance lobby, walking past it towards the golden fountain, where Elliot waited inside a jeep, his hands holding the steering wheel. Jonathan grabbed Nathan's neck and shoved him into the backseat, closing the door loudly before sitting at the front next to Elliot.

"Go." He instructed.

Elliot drove off, speeding along the main road. And it was only a short time before they finally crossed the bridge into the main town. Nathan sat quietly at the back the whole way there, his eyes flaring in dread.

"Nathan, where did it happen?" Jonathan questioned. Nathan sat there in silence.

"Dude, where?" Elliot reinforced, his tone restrained yet commanding.

"To your right," Nathan informed. Elliot veered the car into a dark street. "That one on the left," Nathan said as Elliot stopped the vehicle.

"Point," Jonathan demanded. Nathan's arm lifted, his fingers trembling as he spotted the two guys that assaulted Gabriel, casually leaning against the Tattoo Shop they had just been to earlier, laughing as they smoked a joint.

"Those two over there." He stuttered.

"Here," Jonathan uttered, throwing a stack of cash into Nathan's lap, his gaze locked on the two thugs. "Call a cab. Go back to the resort." He instructed before turning back and looking at Nathan, his gaze menacing. "If you tell anyone about this, I'll beat the shit out of you." He threatened. "Get out." He demanded. Nathan froze, his eyes gaping as he stared at Jonathan.

"You better do what he says, dude," Elliot advised. Nathan hopped off, his eyes twitching with apprehension.

As soon as he touched the ground, Elliot's foot punched the accelerator, and the jeep launched forward, dirt and gravel lifting from the ground. He drove past the thugs and turned the corner, placing the jeep near the dark street's exit.

"Draw them here. Leave the rest to me," Jonathan directed. Elliot nodded, ready to hop out of the car, when Jonathan stopped him. "Hey!" he uttered. Jonathan extended his hand and brushed Elliot's face tenderly, his fingers skimming his chin and his eyes wandering around the boy's plump lips. Elliot smiled, opened the door, and rushed down the street.

Jonathan stayed inside the car, a deafening silence taking hold of the entire street as his eyes monitored the rearview mirror like a predator waiting for the right moment to strike.

Elliot finally turned the corner, followed by two young Thai thugs, a slender one and another taller, more built guy. Jonathan's eyes waited, twitching with anger, a bloodlust building inside him as they approached.

"I'll just get the money. Wait here." Elliot's muffled voice spoke before the driver's door burst open.

Jonathan rushed out and grabbed the more petite guy by the hair, smashing his head against the car's window, glass exploding everywhere. The man fell backward on the floor, his hands on his nose, spewing blood everywhere. Further back, the other man ran in the opposite direction, but Elliot moved behind him and kicked his leg, making him tumble.

"Mother fucker!" Elliot snarled, walking over to the guy, lifting his leg, kicking him in the face, and knocking him out temporarily.

"Bring him over," Jonathan instructed. Elliot grabbed the guy by the foot and pulled his body through the gravel, his face sanding the floor as he moaned.

Jonathan walked over to the skinnier guy, hauled his leg back, and booted him, making him roll over, his face dripping blood onto the floor. Next, Jonathan kneeled, searching the man's pocket, and took out a blade, scanning it closely. It was still stained with Gabriel's blood. Then he placed his knee on the man's back, pushing his chest into the ground, blocking him from breathing.

"That's the problem with people like you. Too arrogant to watch your fucking back." Jonathan uttered before plunging the knife into the man's back. A loud gasp erupted from the thug's mouth. "That should keep you quiet for a while." He mocked, standing up and walking over to the other guy, which Elliot had dragged through the floor and hidden behind the car.

"You piece of shit!" The guy exclaimed with a thick accent as Jonathan approached him, saddling and securing the thug's wrists with his knees.

"You understand English? Good." Jonathan stated, his mouth stretched thin in anger, his eyes flickering with rage. "Earlier today, you beat up a young boy. Right here. Remember that?" Jonathan announced, his voice piercing. The man's eyes flared, gradually piecing together Jonathan's words.

"Who the fuck are you?" The thug questioned, his eyes gaping in fear.

"I'm retribution." Jonathan declared, punching the guy's face, the back of his head hitting the sidewalk. But Jonathan didn't stop. He kept going. Each blow struck harder than the one before. His eyes were blood red, and he had a sadistic smirk on his lips. Soon, everything went quiet. The only thing heard was Jonathan's knuckles hitting the man's battered face. Again. And again. And again.

Thirty minutes later, after having driven back to the resort in absolute silence, Jonathan and Elliot walked back to the suite, walking past the front desk into the long hallway. Jonathan slid the card key on the door and waited for Elliot to enter, following the boy inside. As he closed the door, Elliot turned around, looking at Jonathan, his blue eyes shimmering in the dark. He glanced down at Jonathan's hands, stretched his arm, and grabbed the stud's wrist, pulling him with him. They crossed the first chamber and went inside the bathroom. Elliot turned the light on and opened one of the cabinets under the sink, pulling out a small first aid kit. Jonathan reclined back, his ass slanted against the cold marble, his back facing the large mirror.

"Let me see that," Elliot whispered.

Jonathan stretched his right hand. It was covered in blood, the skin on his knuckles ripped open. Elliot took some hydrogen peroxide and poured it over the wounds. Jonathan flinched and groaned, his eyes shut as he bit his lower lip, trying to control the overwhelming burning sensation. Then, the boy started to clean the wound so delicately that the hunk seemed almost hypnotized by the boy's smooth motions. Elliot tossed the dirty cloths on the trash under the sink and enveloped a thin gauze over Jonathan's hand, eventually sealing it with a small piece of medical tape. As he did, Jonathan glanced down at his hand. And for a moment, his eyes lingered there.

Then suddenly, Elliot held the stud's hand, brought it to his lips, and gently kissed it. His body tumbled forward, their chests rubbing together. Then, the boy raised his face, and Jonathan waited for him. Their mouths lingered inches from each other but didn't touch. Instead, Elliot started to rub his nose gently against Jonathan's neck, sniffing his skin. Jonathan mimicked the boy's movement, plunging his nose inside his raven curls. Then, Jonathan's arms finally enveloped Elliot, pulling the boy into a peaceful embrace. And Elliot's arms swathed Jonathan, going around his broad, muscular back. Until Elliot finally looked up, his deep blue eyes piercing Jonathan, who met the boy's gaze, smiling.

"I'm going to check on him," Elliot uttered, pulling away.

"Thanks," Jonathan mumbled as he spun to face the mirror, his left hand drawing his messy long hair away from his face.

He watched through the mirror as Elliot exited the bathroom, mesmerized by how calm and collected he seemed. Very few people would have been able to withstand what transpired without buckling under the pressure, but not Elliot. As the door shut, Jonathan realized the boy was right. They were the same: damaged, untamed, and violent, united by their undying devotion to the source of their strength: Gabriel.

He sprinkled his face with cold water, dried it with a towel, and left the bathroom. He walked past the bedroom, through the living room, into his room, and slowly opened the sliding portico.

As he did, his eyes beamed. Gabriel and Elliot slept in the dark, lit by the pale moonlight that crept through the balcony glass window. Their bodies were spooning tightly. Gabriel's hand clutched Elliot's near his chest while his friend's nose nestled gently behind Gabriel's neck, their legs tangled and their feet hugging. Jonathan's chest expanded, and his eyes glistened with sentiment. He stepped back, slowly sliding the door until it clicked gently. He returned to the first room and let his body tumble over Elliot's former bed. He tarried there momentarily, one arm under his head, the other holding his chest. Finally, he turned his head, glimpsed out the window into the beach, and closed his eyes. That night, Jonathan slept like he hadn't in years.

They stayed at the hotel for the next few days, lounging and doing nothing. But a cloud loomed over Gabriel since the assault. He had been uncharacteristically quiet and even avoided Nathan's attempts to reach out to him on several occasions, keeping to himself and reading his books. Jonathan and Elliot tried to cheer him up but to no avail. Gabriel seemed off.

His birthday finally came, and the three sat at their regular breakfast table. Gabriel had barely eaten, and he scanned the ocean line, his hazelnut eyes brightened by the radiant sun. Jonathan slanted on his chair, looking frustrated, unable to pierce through Gabriel's evident dismay.

"So...what do you wanna do for your birthday?" He questioned, faking his excitement. Elliot chuckled involuntarily, immediately regretting it.

"Not sure yet," Gabriel muttered elusively. Elliot ripped a piece of his paper napkin, rolled it, and threw it on Gabriel's face. "Bro..." He uttered, annoyed.

"Hey, Scarface, wake the fuck up!" Elliot fired, snapping Gabriel out of his self-induced coma. "We came all this way to celebrate your birthday. Plan something, for fuck sake!" He hollered, the whole deck glancing at them. Gabriel bowed his head with mortification.

Then, suddenly, he lifted his head and sat there scanning Elliot, then Jonathan. Then, he leaned forward, his eyes glistening.

"Meet me in our room in thirty minutes," Gabriel said as he started to get up.

"I'm pretty sure he means you..." Elliot teased, looking at Jonathan.

"No. I meant both of you." Gabriel explained. Jonathan and Elliot looked at each other, their mouths slightly opened in surprise.

Gabriel turned around and rushed for the stairs, vanishing between the palm trees. The two men sat there, awkwardly waiting. Each minute seemed like a month as they monitored their phones, their bodies fiddling on the chairs. Once that clock hit the thirty-minute mark, they bounded from their seats and strolled out of the deck area, past the palm trees, and into the reception area, veering left into the hallway. As they neared the suite, their step quickened exponentially, and it wasn't long before Jonathan was sliding his card key in the door, unlocking the main suite's door.

Everything was eerily quiet, but they could hear a faint noise coming from Jonathan's bedroom. It sounded like music, a low-beat tune, slightly sultry.

"Well, now I'm fucking intrigued," Elliot stated. He lunged forward, but Jonathan's arm stopped him, pulling his shirt and knocking him back. "Hey!" He uttered, causing Jonathan to chuckle.

They walked side by side towards the room, and as they reached it, Jonathan's hand finally skated the door open. The shutters on the windows were down, and a soothing yellow glow covered the whole space. Dozens of candles scattered randomly around as their flames danced sensually, exuding a mild vanilla perfume that loaded the air.

Suddenly, Gabriel walked out of the bathroom, wearing one of the resort's silk robes, his nut-brown hair still dripping wet. He walked over to the bed, stopping behind it and finally looking at Jonathan and Elliot.

"I know what I want for my birthday?" Gabriel stated.

"Gabriel..." Jonathan stuttered.

"Dude..." Elliot muttered.

"Dad, Elli...I want you to fuck me." Gabriel finally whispered.

Jonathan and Elliot looked at each other, sharing a complicit smile. Gabriel took his right hand and unlocked the bathrobe's strap, pulling it off as it tumbled into the ground. Gabriel was now naked, his beautiful body still bruised, looking the most vulnerable as he offered himself to the two men he loved the most.

"You're...so..." Elliot stuttered.

"Beautiful." Jonathan completed, his eyes locked on his son, blinded by the boy's light.

Gabriel crawled into the bed, kneeling in front of them.

"Take your clothes off. I wanna see you naked." The boy commanded.

The men obliged. Elliot and Jonathan began stripping their clothes, and soon they were both naked, their eyes locked on Gabriel's lustful gaze. Elliot was the first to move, crawling over the large bed until he finally reached Gabriel, who instantly embraced him, tilting his head back and exposing his neck for Elliot to kiss.

"I wanted this for so long..." Elliot groaned.

"I know...me too." Gabriel moaned back, their voices loaded with lust. Jonathan stepped forward, his cock throbbing violently, but Gabriel's hand halted him. "Wait. Not yet." The boy ordered. "I want you to watch." He informed.

Jonathan chuckled nervously, his hand already stroking his massive cock as he cornered the bed and walked over to the chair near the window, slanting his naked body on it, legs spread. Gabriel's eyes followed his father as Elliot's face stayed buried in his neck, the boy's lips sucking on his friend's skin, his tongue savoring every bit of his taste. They suddenly fell back, Gabriel's legs scissoring Elliot's smooth muscular body, pulling his friend closer to him. Elliot's lips began descending, his tongue glazing Gabriel's shape like a brush, docking on his nipples.

"Yes." Gabriel sighed.

Elliot's hands traveled across his friend's body with nuance, gentleness, and care. As if Gabriel's was made of glass. His cock rubbed against his best friend's crack, precum spewing from it every time his pelvis throbbed with rapture.

"Your tongue feels so good, Elli." Gabriel conveyed, his head turning as he looked at his father. And as always, Jonathan was there, vigilant. He smiled gently as he slowly stroked his cock, managing his lust with prowess.

Elliot continued downward, sliding his tongue along Gabriel's belly, stopping at every bruise and kissing it gently before proceeding. Soon he began to feel the scent of his friend's hard cock. A shower gel-scented, soapy fragrance. He took his right hand down and held it, stroking it several times, pulling back Gabriel's foreskin and unleashing all the glazy precum. Then, before Gabriel could say anything, Elliot swallowed the tip and sucked all the glistening liquid off it, his tongue rolling around as he did.

"Fuck." Gabriel moaned, his hands capturing his friend's raven curls and gripping them tight. "It's so warm." He uttered.

Elliot moaned and immediately upped his game, sliding his mouth further down, his head now vigorously moving up and down on Gabriel's shaft, coating it with his spit, his tongue hugging the edges. His moans became more pronounced, escorting his movements as he glided on Gabriel's cock, and soon, both boys were sighing in unison, their pleasure echoing across the room. Jonathan watched, enthralled by the boy's exploration, their first plunge into their sexual intimacy, stroking his 9-inch cock slowly. Gabriel's fingers tensed, his grip on Elliot's locks tightening. Sensing this, his friend slowed his rhythm, keeping his mouth over Gabriel's tip, rolling his tongue around it, and sliding his luscious lips delicately over his sensitive spot.

"Oh god..." Gabriel uttered, a moan fusing with a gentle chuckle as his legs bent in tension.

Elliot detached his mouth from Gabriel's cock, and without ever pulling away from his friend's body, he slid his tongue up, returning his mouth to where he had started. Soon, he was back on Gabriel's neck, and the boy held Elliot's face, forcing him to lock eyes. The young hunk blue gaze tried to flee, avoiding the stare, but Gabriel's light was too tempting, too refined to refuse.

"Elli...I love you. So much." Gabriel whispered, feeling his friend's face trying to pull away. "Don't be afraid." He continued.

Gabriel ushered Elliot's misery into him, freeing his friend from his pain. Each whisper Gabriel chanted was magical, enchanted, and relentless, extracting one tear for each moment of suffering in his friend's life. Soon, tears fell from Elliot's eyes, tumbling delicately over Gabriel.

"I'm sorry I hurt you..." Elliot sobbed.

"I know," Gabriel whispered, smiling.

"I don't deserve your friendship." Elliot cried out, his pain finally released.

"Elli...we're more than friends. We're family. And families stay together. No matter what." Gabriel ushered, his words healing Elliot's anguish.

Suddenly, Elliot felt something wet touch his cock, rubbing a jello-like substance on it, stroking it as it hardened. Gabriel's hands still held his face. It was Jonathan stroking his cock.

"Elli..." Gabriel moaned, his head stretching back in ecstasy.

"Yeah...?" Elliot questioned, his voice muffled as he continued to kiss his best friend's neck.

"Put it in...all the way, this time," Gabriel whispered, looking at Elliot.

It was as if Gabriel's hole suddenly flared like a landing strip. Jonathan's hand guided Elliot's cock into it, finally letting go. With a swift move from his hips, Elliot was gliding inside. His eyes rolled back, his heart pounding mercilessly with excitement. It was finally happening. His tears began to dry, and his beautifully plump lips stretched into a delighted smirk. And then it happened. Elliot's eyes flared open, and he looked down at Gabriel, finally facing his friend's gaze of his own free will. Gabriel's mouth hovered open, and his eyes squinted in awe as his best friend's cock slid in and out of him slowly.

Elliot's childhood flashed through his eyes, all the junctures spent with Gabriel, the day they met, his friend's devotion to him, the evenings sleeping outside in the tent, the laughter, the nights spent cuddling, the fights, and the hugs. At that moment, he finally understood, beyond a reasonable doubt, what love indeed was.

He felt Jonathan's hand touch his smooth ass, guiding his movements as he began thrusting his dick inside Gabriel's hole with more intensity.

"Holy fuck." Elliot groaned, consumed by lust.

"Elli...your cock..." Gabriel muttered, his mouth now closer to his friend's ear. "It feels so good." He stated, his words cut short as Elliot's ass began to bounce with unbridled energy, pounding his shaft deep inside Gabriel's hole.

Elliot's head fell, sliding under Gabriel's neck, protected. The scent of Gabriel's skin enveloped Elliot's soul, and the two friends merged, their bodies moving now as one. Each thrust deepened their bond, finally sealing their love for each other. Elliot's pain, hurt, and jealousy melted away through every sweat drop falling from his body. Gabriel's light was purifying him, cleansing his spirit and soul. He was overcome with emotion, the likes of which he had never felt.

"I can't...FUCK!" Elliot hollered before his cum started firing inside his best friend's hole. As it did, he could feel Gabriel's hole hug his cock, milking every drop of his man juice, clenching around it like a snake.

"Good boy, Elliot." Jonathan's voice groaned from behind them as he watched Elliot's perfect muscular ass clench and spasm, drilling the last shots of batter into his son.

Elliot finally came up for hair, his face drenched in sweat and his eyes glazed with eros. His head hovered there, his blue eyes entranced by Gabriel's beauty.

"Gabe..." He stuttered.

Gabriel knew precisely what he was thinking. So, without missing a beat, he leaned forward and kissed Elliot's mouth, their lips locking in a fiery kiss. Inside, their tongues rolled around together, tasting each other.

"My turn." Jonathan's deep voice uttered.

Elliot's head came up, glancing back at the stud who stood behind him, kneeling and stroking his monstrous cock. Elliot looked at Gabriel, smiled, and slowly pulled his dick out of his friend, his face mirroring his reluctance to leave such a warm and cozy place, his new favorite spot in the world. He rolled to the side, and Jonathan stepped right in, grabbing Gabriel's legs and spreading them aside. Gabriel's hole puckered, spewing some of Elliot's cum out, who, in turn, looked utterly mesmerized at the sight of his batter drizzling out of his best friend's loose hole.

"I'm going to push it right back in, don't worry," Jonathan said, looking at Elliot and winking.

He held his cock, aimed it, gathered Elliot's cum with its tip, and pushed it inside. Every single inch in one go. Gabriel's head snapped to the side, his eyes locked on Elliot, who leaned closer and kissed his lips. Then he laid next to Gabriel, their head touching, and gazed up at Jonathan, viewing the stud's muscular body as it lengthened and flexed, his eyes on Gabriel like a hawk, ready to strike down. Instead, Jonathan started pumping his hips, one arm on each side pressing against the mattress. Elliot marveled at Jonathan's pecs and shoulder muscles as they bulked, seemingly growing in size. Soon, the flapping sound of his hips hitting Gabriel's ass, along with the boy's hole queefing as it received his father's giant cock started traveling across the room, like soundwaves, carrying these men's lust and passion with it.

"Fuck...oh shit..." Gabriel moaned, his face tensing up as Jonathan's manhood finally reached his prostrate, teasing it gently, ushering precum out of the boy's dick which dangled happily over his stomach.

Elliot's face lit up, his blue gaze looking up at Jonathan. His hand unwillingly came up and brushed the stud's chest.

"Fuck him harder. I wanna see his face while you do it." Elliot uttered, his eyes twitching with desire. Jonathan was stunned, momentarily slowing down his rhythm as he looked down at Gabriel, who had his eyes on Elliot. "You want that, don't you?" He asked as he looked at his friend. Gabriel's head just nodded, his tongue sticking out as he clamored for Elliot's kiss. His friend obliged.

He leaned forward and kissed Gabriel, their mouth sucking on each other. Then, it happened. Gabriel's body began shaking up and down as Jonathan's hips plunged into him, the rhythm so intense that Elliot struggled to keep his mouth locked on Gabriel's. The boy's body was being pounded mercilessly, his hole queefing at every thrust, Elliot's mouth the only thing silencing his whimpers and cries. Yet, they were still there, albeit muffled, pushing through from within their locked mouths. Until Elliot finally pulled away, a clangorous gasp erupting.

"FUCK!" Gabriel cried, his eyes rolling in profound pleasure. Elliot's left hand grabbed his chin and pulled his face to face his.

"Open your mouth!" He ordered. Gabriel spread his lips. "Stick your tongue out." He commanded, his dominant side pushing through.

Gabriel's tongue rolled out, these strange animal-like sounds bursting from within. Elliot spat inside his mouth, licking Gabriel's lips afterward. He did this several times, riled up by his friend's willingness to submit to them. Finally, Elliot stood up and slapped his dick over Gabriel's lips before sliding it inside his mouth. Gabriel swallowed his cock eagerly, and from inside his stuffed mouth, screams of pleasure began to emerge.

Jonathan had just straightened himself, his legs bent under his son, grabbing his thighs as he lunged deeper and faster inside the boy's hole. Gabriel's body slingshotted over the bed, his legs dangling by the sides, completely subdued to the will of these two men, fucking him senseless.

Elliot looked down at his friend, whose lips stretched around his cock, and grinned as he witnessed Gabriel's sexual taming.

Inside his hazelnut eyes, something shifted. It was like a rebelliousness hidden underneath, finally unleashed—something primal that had been dormant and could now move and breathe.

Elliot glanced at Jonathan, drilling his son's hole like a pneumatic hammer, wholly zoned in on Gabriel's expression of painful pleasure, and immediately pulled out.

"Shit, Gabe, you're taking it..." Elliot uttered, his eyes overindulging with excitement. "Fuckin' hell!" He hollered.

Gabriel lunged his arm sideways and grabbed a large pillow, covering his face as he bit on it, caging his wails. But Jonathan's hand came swooping in, grabbed the pillow, and yanked it off his son's face, tossing it on the floor, his hips pounding away as he did. Then suddenly, as fast as it was humanly possible and with a swiftness only a seasoned pro could master, Jonathan pulled Gabriel by his wrists, held his shivering body, and rolled over, his back now on the bed and his son mounted on top of his pelvis, with his cock still throbbing inside him. Gabriel's head fell on Jonathan's chest, exhausted.

"Get in here." Jonathan's voice instructed from under his son. He was addressing Elliot, who smiled.

"Wait, wait, wait...I need a break..." Gabriel mumbled incoherently, but it was too late. Elliot was already saddling Jonathan's legs, moving upwards, nudging his throbbing cock into his friend's crack.

"Shhh...you can take it, baby. We're going for the home run now." Jonathan's voice growled, profound and unsettling.

"Daddy..." Gabriel muttered before a sharp gasp erupted from his mouth.

Elliot slid his cock inside, skimming over Jonathan's beast as it entered. He arched his neck back, overwhelmed by the indescribable feeling. Nothing could ever top this, the boy thought. He could feel Gabriel's walls stretching beyond recognition. His cries of rapture echoed his body's movements. Pain and pleasure combined.

"That's it, baby. You're such a good boy." Jonathan groaned, his face buried inside his son's neck. Elliot's body dropped down, his dick sliding in and out.

Then, suddenly, everything stopped.

Time stood still, and the world went silent. Not a flicker from the candle flames could be seen. These men, who, for whatever reason, life had brought together, were now closer than they had ever been before. Their souls merged as tightly as their bodies, forever entangled in an unbreakable knot. Their chests moved together, their breaths following each other's tempo.

Gabriel's arms stretched, and he pulled himself up. Jonathan and Elliot followed, and soon, they were seated, their bodies laced. Inside Gabriel's hole, the hunks dicks throbbed together. The boy arched his head and looked at the ceiling, tears running down his face. He suddenly felt his heart shatter in two. One piece was Jonathan's, the other Elliot's. Whatever sanctuary he had lived in until now was being destroyed, and a new one was rising. Strong enough to hold the three of them inside. A dome of love, desire, and joy. And just like that, Gabriel's soft voice broke the quietness.

"Would you die for me? Kill for me?" He questioned, his voice soft and melodic, like a merman's song, pulling both men into the depths of the world he had just erected.

"Yes," Jonathan replied.

"Did you hurt those men?" He asked.

"Yes. We had to." Elliot stated, his mouth brushing Gabriel's ear.

"Do you love me that much?" Gabriel finally whispered, exhaling, his breath coating everything around them.

"No, Gabriel...we love you more. Our angel..." Jonathan muttered as his breath fired.

"Our light..." Elliot whispered, his breath chasing Jonathan's as they finally began unloading.

Gabriel's vision blurred, an overwhelming pleasure steering his consciousness away. The last thing he felt before fainting was Jonathan and Elliot's thick loads blasting inside him.

(To be continued...)

Copyright © 2023 CasualWanderer82; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

I've noticed the lack of comments on these chapters.  Your writing has left us speechless.  The subject matter isn't for everyone, but you have handled it so masterfully.

It is hard to imagine where you will lead these three men next.  The emotional path is so complex, so different from anything I've read before.  Their lovemaking is beyond lust, and yet thoroughly embraced by it.  I am very much looking forward to the next chapter.

And is Nathan just collateral damage in all this?  What will his part in all this be?

Thank you for this journey.

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2 hours ago, Quixo said:

I've noticed the lack of comments on these chapters.  Your writing has left us speechless.  The subject matter isn't for everyone, but you have handled it so masterfully.

It is hard to imagine where you will lead these three men next.  The emotional path is so complex, so different from anything I've read before.  Their lovemaking is beyond lust, and yet thoroughly embraced by it.  I am very much looking forward to the next chapter.

And is Nathan just collateral damage in all this?  What will his part in all this be?

Thank you for this journey.

Dear Quixo,

I got a bit emotional reading your words. Thank you for acknowledging the care and detail I put into my work.

Means a lot. 😘

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