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About CasualWanderer82

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    You Can Call Me
  • My Words
    Writing is giving birth to one's imagination.
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    Somewhere in the Universe
  • Interests
    Good storytelling, relatable characters and compelling narratives.
    Reading, Writing, Traveling, Swimming, Hiking, Gaming, Movies and Sex...lots and lots of SEX.

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  1. Thank you for the feedback @Erik
  2. I do like my stories with a twist!
  3. Thank YOU for reading and bringing my stories to life!
  4. (23 years earlier) Nate sat slouched on the edge of a weathered wooden bench, the paint long since peeled away to reveal splintered grain beneath. A cigarette dangled lazily between his fingers, the ember glowing as he took a slow drag. His eyes scanned the playground with sharp precision, moving from face to face like a predator surveying its domain. The smoke curled from his lips in thin tendrils, breaking apart in the warm breeze before dissipating into nothing. Around him, the usual cre
  5. I'm taking my time! Thank you @The Donling 😉
  6. Next chapter will definitely flesh out Enzo and his motivations. Thank you for commenting!
  7. This is as much a story about understanding who Nate is and what he's done, as it is about the boys realizing who they are without him.
  8. Thank YOU for being ao kind.
  9. I wrote chapter 8 and 9 back to back, ao it'll be here before the weekend hopefully. I think I might break my 10 chapter record with his story!
  10. This made me chuckle...
  11. The world around Caleb felt suffocating. A structure loomed before him, its grids endless, stretching far beyond what his eyes could see. The air was thick and heavy, like molasses, pressing down on his lungs. He was trapped inside, the only exit lost somewhere in the dark. Then, the voices. They came suddenly, sharp and chaotic, echoing from a distance. Men yelling, their words tangled in rage. The sound of bodies slamming, fists meeting flesh, something crashing to the floor. Th
  12. Good to see you back @SWGuy I missed your insightful comments.
  13. Nate is definitely a compelling, complex character. "Manhunt" isn't about looking for Nate. It's about understanding him.
  14. I'm glad you liked it, @austinbiguy Buckle up!
  15. Caleb's the least prepared for this. It's expected that he'll shut down when the only thing that held him together is suddenly gone. But he's slowly understanding just how strong he can be. It's just...a different kind of strength.
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