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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story contains themes of incest and some violence. They are part of the narrative but not the whole story, nor are they meant to glorify or promote any sort of sexual behavior in any way, shape, or form. Despite being a work of fiction, if these themes are in any way triggering to you, I suggest you do not proceed with this particular story.

The Wayward Brothers - 2. "There You Are, My King"

Shane was perched precariously on the edge of the worn couch, his mind swirling in confusion. The police officers, dressed in severe uniforms, moved through his once safe haven with an eerie detachment. They were like specters, their forms shadowy and indistinct, their radios crackling with an indecipherable static that seemed to echo in the cavernous hollow of his skull. Their voices, muffled and low, barely managed to penetrate the fog of disbelief that had settled over him. Everything around him felt unreal, as though he was caught in the landscape of a dream from which he could not awaken.

His eyes, heavy with the remnants of the previous night's frills, struggled to bring the scene into focus. A lingering dizziness made the room precariously tilt as he tried to process the chaos around him. His hand, trembling slightly with exhaustion and anxiety, raked through his disheveled hair as he stared blankly at the worn carpet beneath his feet. The reality of what had transpired remained elusive, slipping through his grasp like a wisp of smoke.

Across from him sat a police officer whose bulky physique filled the room. His eyes, weary yet sharp, held a hint of skepticism as they bore into Shane's. His voice was harsh, slicing through the fog in Shane's mind with surgical precision. "How much did you drink last night, Mr. Green?" he demanded.

Shane shook his head, his voice as a hoarse whisper, "I don't know...too much, I guess. But this wasn't… this isn't..."

The cop arched an eyebrow skeptically. "Look, kid," he began in a tone that suggested he'd seen this scenario play out too many times before. "Looks to me like things got out of hand. Maybe someone swiped a few things, or perhaps there was a scuffle."

"No," Shane insisted, his voice gaining strength. "Noah, my boyfriend... he wouldn't just vanish into thin air. It's not like him."

The cop crossed his arms over his chest, his face reflecting blatant disbelief. "Mr. Green, you said it yourself...you blacked out. Do you have any idea what happened after that?"

Shane's head snapped up, anger flashing in his eyes for the first time. "No, I don't. But...this is different," he retorted, his words tumbling out in a rush. "He wouldn't just leave without... And Joshua..." His voice trailed off, the name catching in his throat like a raw wound.

The cop sighed wearily and waved his hand dismissively. "Joshua's the older brother, right?" he asked, leaning forward to catch Shane's gaze, which had now fallen to the floor again. "Family dramas aren't our priority unless someone's in immediate danger," he added before noticing Shane's apprehension. "Look, we gotta wait 48 hours before we can officially file a missing person's report anyway. In the meantime, try to sober up, okay? You'll think clearer then."

Feeling defeated and helpless, Shane could only stare at the man as he called over a few other officers and exchanged brief words with them before they started heading for the door.

Shane followed them, walking out into the building's narrow stairwell, damp and smelling faintly of mold. He stood inside the doorway, listening as the officers talked in low tones, the harsh overhead light hitting the cracked walls.

"Guy's a wreck. Probably invited the wrong crowd, and now he's regretting it," one officer muttered.

"Yeah," another said with a snort. "These types get wild. End up forgetting what they did the night before. Bet the boyfriend's off nursing a hangover somewhere."

"Or fucking another dude behind his back. Poor sucker," the other mocked as they shared a laugh.

Shane felt a burning shame and anger creeping up his throat. He gritted his teeth, heart pounding in his ears. As they descended the stairs, their voices faded, leaving him alone with the oppressive silence of the building.

Back inside the apartment, Shane felt the weight of despair settling over him like a shroud. Slowly, he made his way down the hallway toward the bedroom. The room was messy, clothes strewn haphazardly across the floor and the bed half-made, as though its occupant had left in a hurry. Noah's jacket hung limply on the back of a chair, still carrying his scent. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Shane gripped the mattress tightly, his hands shaking.

And then, as if the dam holding back his emotions had finally given way, he broke. His shoulders shook with the force of his sobs, each one tearing through him like a physical blow. His fingers dug into the sheets as he cried out for Noah, the taste of grief and fear bitter on his tongue. Noah was gone. And he had no idea where he was, how to find him, or even if he was safe.


Joshua flicked his wrist with nonchalant precision, the car keys jingling in his grip as he popped the trunk open. The old vehicle groaned beneath him, a low, metallic grumble that echoed through the quiet landscape as he pushed himself out of the driver's seat. His boots hit the gravel with a soft crunch. The wind was a living entity, whipping around him with an uncanny vigor, pulling at his clothes and tugging at his hair. It was the only sound on this lonely stretch of road, a wild melody that played against the softer hum of the car engine. Joshua's gaze fell on the figure curled up in the trunk.

Noah. His brother.

The boy's pale skin almost glowed in the moonlight against the cold, unforgiving metal of the trunk. His body trembled, whether from fear or from cold. Joshua couldn't tell. His dark hair was a tangled mess, falling over his face in disarray. His blue eyes, wide and rambling, stared back at the hunk. A bruise was already blossoming on his left thigh, a harsh reminder of their earlier struggles.

He was nearly naked, clad only in thin white briefs that clung to his lean frame. His ribs were visible beneath his smooth skin, and his wrists and ankles were bound with thick rope that left angry red welts against his flesh. When Noah looked up at Joshua, his gaze showed a certain intensity.

Joshua crouched beside him, his broad shoulders blocking the moonlight and casting a shadow over Noah's trembling form. "Are you thirsty?" he asked, his voice soft, almost too gentle. There was a mocking lilt to his tone, an amusement lurking in the edges. He wasn't cruel, not exactly. At least, not yet.

Noah held his gaze for a long moment, his chest heaving as he tried to steady his breathing. His throat was dry, parched from hours of silence and the strain of the gag that was still fastened around his mouth. But he nodded despite every instinct screaming at him to refuse and not give Joshua the satisfaction. Slowly, almost imperceptibly. His lips, chapped and dry, parted beneath the gag, a silent plea for relief.

With an unexpected gentleness, Joshua reached forward and untied the gag. He didn't rush, didn't yank it away with the same brutality he'd shown earlier when he'd thrown Noah into the trunk. Instead, his movements were slow and deliberate. He took a water bottle from his pocket and unscrewed the cap with a rough thumb.

He lifted the bottle to Noah's lips, tipping it just enough for the water to trickle out. Noah sipped greedily, his throat working to swallow the cool liquid. For a brief moment, it felt like kindness, a strange, disconcerting act of compassion in their brutal reality. Joshua's hand lingered near Noah's face, his thumb brushing against his jawline in an almost tender gesture.

"Where are we?" Noah croaked out, his voice hoarse and strained.

Joshua's response was a slow, lazy smile that never quite reached his eyes. "Some shitty motel off the highway. I'm beat," he tossed the now-empty water bottle aside and rose to his full height again. "I need to get some sleep."

Without another word, Joshua reached into the trunk and hauled Noah out. His movements were swift and efficient, with no wasted energy or hesitation. It was as if he'd done this a thousand times before. He hoisted Noah over his shoulder, his muscles straining under the weight.

The motel was a dingy, run-down building that loomed ominously in the darkness. Its neon sign flickered and buzzed sporadically, casting a harsh, orange glow over the cracked asphalt of the parking lot. It was the kind of place that reeked of desperation and forgotten souls, an eerie testament to the desolation of its surroundings.

Joshua kicked open the door to one of the rooms, splinters of wood flying in all directions as the door gave way under the force of his boot. The room was just as dismal as the exterior, with yellowed wallpaper peeling off in places and a faint smell of mildew permeating the air. Two single beds occupied most of the space, their sheets crumpled and stained from years of use and neglect.

With a rough shove, Joshua tossed Noah onto one of the beds. The springs creaked under the sudden weight, and Noah winced as his bound wrists were forced up behind him. He squirmed, trying to relieve some pressure, but Joshua was faster. He pulled out another thick string of rope from his pocket and snapped it onto Noah's wrists, securing him to the bedframe.

"It's too tight," Noah whispered, his voice barely above a breath.

For a moment, Joshua paused. His gaze softened as he looked down at his brother, something flickering in his eyes. Anger and regret. It was a connection neither of them could name or understand, an unspoken bond that ran deeper than blood. But it was there, tangible and honest in its intensity.

"Please?" Noah pleaded again, his voice mellow and steady.

Joshua offered no immediate response, his features locked in a cryptic expression that Noah found impossible to decipher. His face, usually so easy to read, was now a blank canvas. Then, a smile formed on the hunk's lips as if in slow motion. It wasn't the kind of smile that warmed a room or softened his rugged features. It was different, darker, more knowing, and filled with an implicit secret.

He leaned closer to Noah, deliberately invading his personal space until their faces were just inches apart. Noah could feel Joshua's breath on his skin and see the dark depths of his blue eyes. But just when he thought their lips would meet, Joshua paused. The tension hung between them like an electric charge as Joshua tightened the knots around Noah's wrists. With a final tug, he pulled away and stood up.

The hunk positioned himself at the edge of the narrow bed, his towering figure casting a pall over Noah. He began to unbutton his shirt with slow, measured movements, each button revealing more of his chiseled torso. The fabric slipped from his broad shoulders and fell onto the floor, leaving him standing there shirtless. His body was stiff and lean, every muscle finely sculpted. His tanned skin glowed under the murky motel light, each ripple of muscle illuminated like a piece of art.

His chest was broad and strong, and a thin trail of dark hair led from his sternum down to his waistband. A soft beard framed a jaw as sharp as a blade while his thick brown hair cascaded down the sides of his face. He had a commanding presence that demanded attention, an alpha male whose rough exterior was reflected in how he moved: powerful, confident, and dangerous.

But amidst this display of raw masculinity, there was something else inside Joshua's eyes, a softness, a contradiction to his imposing physique. His eyes, a striking blue that mirrored Noah's, lingered on him with an intensity that felt like a physical touch. He stood there, shirtless and bare, taking in Noah as if he were making some sort of internal calculation.

Joshua finished undressing, discarding his clothes onto the floor without a second thought. The sight of his naked body was almost breathtaking. The soft cock nestled between his muscular thighs, the sculpted abs, and his broad shoulders were all highlighted under the harsh light. He turned and moved towards the small bathroom, his muscular ass flexing as he did.

Joshua glanced back at Noah, his smile morphing into something more sinister. "Don't try anything funny," he warned in a light tone that carried an undeniable threat.

Noah swallowed hard, feeling his body tense up on the bed. He watched as Joshua disappeared into the bathroom, the door creaking shut behind him. He was left alone with his thoughts and a silence that felt heavier than the ropes around his wrists.

About fifteen minutes later, Joshua emerged from the bathroom, a mist of steam trailing behind him. His naked form moved with an ease that bordered on arrogance, muscles flexing under his tanned skin as droplets of water clung to him. He didn't seem to care that Noah was watching him. If anything, his casual nudity only heightened the tension in the room.

He grabbed a pair of worn denim pants from a chair and pulled them on. The rough fabric hugged his hips perfectly, leaving his upper body still glistening with moisture. The scent of cheap motel soap filled the air as he moved toward the bed and sat beside Noah.

For a long moment, they sat in silence. The only sound in the room was the faint buzz of the motel's neon sign outside. Noah's body curled in on itself, his pale skin hugging the dingy sheets. His raven-black hair lay in tousled disarray, sticking to his forehead while his chest rose and fell in shallow breaths. His wrists were red and raw from the ropes, the marks standing out against his pale skin. He deliberately averted his gaze from Joshua, but as time passed, their eyes inevitably locked in a silent exchange of piercing blue hues. Joshua's eyes exuded a deep, icy intensity, while Noah's held a delicate yet fervent gaze. However, the longer their eyes remained connected, the more challenging it became to distinguish between them. It was as if their inner essences intertwined, with their distinct natures seamlessly flowing from one pair of blue eyes to the other.

Joshua tilted his head slightly, his lips curling into a half-smile as he leaned closer to Noah. "If you promise to behave, I'll cut you loose," he said softly. The words hung between them, a promise and a threat rolled into one.

Noah nodded slowly, watching Joshua's hands move toward the knots around his wrists. The sensation of his brother's rough fingers against his skin was a relief and a reminder of their intricate dynamic. Joshua took his time untying the knots, each movement deliberate and calculated.

When the last rope fell away, he moved to Noah's feet. The boy's body involuntarily trembled as he flexed his fingers, wincing as the blood rushed back into them. He was free even though he didn't feel safe.

When he finally spoke, his voice was barely above a whisper. "What did you do to him?" He searched Joshua's face for any hint of an answer, his heart pounding. Joshua remained silent, staring ahead as if lost in thought. The silence stretched between them, becoming almost tangible. "Well?" Noah pressed again, this time more urgently.

But Joshua remained unresponsive, his face betraying nothing. He stood up and walked over to a chair where his bag lay. He pulled out a clean, faded grey tank top and slipped it on. The fabric clung to his still-damp skin, accentuating his muscular torso as he moved back towards the bed.

Noah's heart thumped like a drum, keeping time with the seconds passed in agonizing silence. Each tick of the clock seemed to echo in the room, amplifying his anxiety and turning it into raw, physical dread. He adjusted his position on the bed, his body protesting with an ache that radiated from each strained muscle. "What are you planning to do?" The question tumbled out of his mouth, each word encased in a layer of desperation.

Joshua finally broke his unsettling silence, turning to face Noah with a ghost of a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'm going out," he said as if that simple statement answered all of Noah's fears. His fingers danced over his phone's screen in a swift ballet of movement before he slipped it into his pocket with practiced ease. He moved towards the door, his keys clinking softly against each other as he picked them up from the small table by the entrance.

His hand hovered over the doorknob for a fleeting moment, and then, to Noah's surprise, he turned back. For a brief second, it seemed Joshua might offer some explanation. His eyes softened slightly, the harsh lines around his mouth relaxing as if he were about to break his stoic facade. But just as quickly as it appeared, the moment of vulnerability was gone, replaced by the hunk's cold, distant exterior.

Without another word, Joshua exited the room and locked the door behind him with a decisive click.

Noah stared at the door for what felt like hours. The room seemed to shrink around him as he sat there trembling, trying to make sense of what had just transpired and what was to come. The walls seemed to close in, morphing the room into a claustrophobic trap. As night fell, the shadows stretched across the room, their eerie length only adding to his growing unease.

With Joshua gone, the question of Shane's fate began to gnaw at the back of his mind, an unanswered riddle that left him with a sickening sense of trepidation.

Noah lay on the bed, every muscle in his body taut with anticipation. His breaths came in short, shallow gasps as he listened intently for any sound that could betray Joshua's return. The distant echo of boots crunching on gravel sent a fresh wave of terror coursing through him. He forced himself to remain motionless, his gaze fixed on the ceiling as he counted each agonizing second.

The door creaked open and shut, followed by the low rumble of a car engine coming to life. The sound faded slowly into the distance, leaving Noah alone in silence.

After an eternity of waiting, he finally allowed himself to move. His legs felt weak beneath him as he rolled off the bed and approached Joshua's bag. His hands rifled through its contents, clothes, a small knife, and loose papers, but found nothing that could help him. Frustration bubbled up inside him as he continued his frantic search. His breath hitched in his throat as the urgency of his situation pressed down on him like a weight.

In a last desperate attempt, Noah sprinted towards the locked door. His bare feet slapped against the cold floor as he tugged at the unyielding knob. A surge of panic washed over him as he tried again and again to open it, but it remained stubbornly locked.

Feeling helpless, Noah scanned the room for another way out. His gaze landed on the small, dingy bathroom, and an idea sparked in his mind. He darted into the room, the smell of damp and mildew filling his nostrils as he pulled back the shower curtain to reveal a small window high on the wall.

Noah clambered onto a small stool beneath the window with newfound hope. His hands were slick with sweat as he fumbled with the latch, heart pounding inside his chest. The window creaked open to let in the sharp, biting night air. He hoisted himself up and squeezed through the narrow opening. As he did, the rusted metal frame scraped against his skin, tearing it in places, but he didn't stop. With a final push, he tumbled out of the window and landed hard on the cold ground outside.

The impact knocked the wind out of him, and he lay there for a moment, gasping for breath. "Fuuuck," he moaned in pain, wincing at the sting of fresh cuts on his leg.

In front of him stretched a vast field of grass that seemed to go on forever. The air was crisp and cold against his skin, but Noah didn't care. He was outside. Free.

His body jolted upwards, muscles protesting as he forced himself into a standing position. A sharp sting of pain pulsed through his leg, the sensation akin to a fiery blade searing through his flesh. A steady stream of blood traced a crimson trail down his shin, each droplet staining the verdant grass beneath him with a macabre pattern. He drew in a deep breath, the night air searing his lungs like shards of ice. With a grimace of determination etched across his face, he started to move. His bare feet sank into the sodden earth, the ground beneath him rough and treacherous with uneven dips and rises. He limped through the field, each step an agonizing ordeal, but his gaze remained unwavering, fixed upon the glimmer of lights from the road in the distance. If only he could make it there and flag down a passing car.

A sudden jolt of pain surged through him as his foot collided with something brutal and unforgiving. A jagged rock, cruel and indifferent to his plight, lay embedded in the ground. The pain was near unbearable as he stumbled forward, gravity pulling him down until his body thudded against the grass. An involuntary cry escaped his lips, a raw sound loaded with frustration, as his fingers clawed at the damp soil in a desperate attempt to push himself up. Pain welled in his eyes, blurring his vision and turning the world into a hazy mess of shadows and shapes. But surrender was not an option. Not now. Ignoring the pain that screamed through every nerve, he hoisted himself back onto unsteady feet. His breath came out in ragged gasps, each exhale fogging in the chilly air while his body trembled uncontrollably from exertion.

The road was tantalizingly closer now. He could see the glow of approaching headlights in the distance, cutting through the darkness like a beacon of hope. A surge of adrenaline coursed through him, pushing him forward. Despite his weakened state, he ran, stumbling and faltering but never yielding. As the car drew nearer, he waved his arms frantically, his voice hoarse as he shouted for help.

However, his heart plummeted when the vehicle's headlights swept over the field. He recognized the car instantly, Joshua's beaten-up vehicle, its front bumper dented and scarred from countless incidents. Noah's stomach churned with frustration and disbelief.

"You gotta be kiddin' me," he murmured under his breath, his voice barely above a whisper. Ignoring the protests of his battered body, he pivoted on his heel and started to run back down the slope. But it was too late. The car's tires screeched against the asphalt as it ground to a halt, and in a blur of motion, Joshua was out of the vehicle and advancing towards him with alarming speed.

He had only managed a few yards before Joshua's strong hand clamped around his arm, jerking him back with brute force. A strangled cry tore from Noah's throat as he twisted and thrashed in a desperate attempt to break free, but Joshua's strength was unyielding. His brother's grip felt like an iron shackle, cold and merciless.

"I fucking knew it!" Joshua's voice boomed over the silent field, filled with amusement and a cruel satisfaction. "I knew you'd try something like this, little brother."

In response, Noah swung at him, his fist connecting with Joshua's chest with all the force he could muster. But it was like hitting a brick wall. Joshua didn't even flinch. Instead, he let out a chuckle, a deep, unsettling sound that echoed around them. He swiftly hoisted Noah over his shoulder as if he were nothing more than a sack of potatoes.

Noah kicked and struggled, his fists pounding against Joshua's broad back, but it was futile. His brother held him with an iron grip, a wall of muscle that seemed impervious to his attempts at resistance. "You really can't be trusted, can you?" Joshua mused, his voice laced with a mocking undertone as he carried Noah back to the car.

Joshua roughly shoved Noah into the backseat, the door slamming shut behind him. His body slumped against the cool leather seats, the adrenaline that had been fuelling him slowly draining away as despair set in. His breaths came out in shallow gasps as he watched Joshua slide into the driver's seat, his eyes glinting ominously in the rearview mirror.

The hunk turned the ignition with a flourish, and the car roared to life. They drove away from the field, leaving nothing but darkness and silence.

Minutes later, back in their dark motel room, Joshua tossed Noah onto the bed with such force that it knocked the wind out of him. The bed creaked under his weight as he landed awkwardly, his hands instinctively reaching out to brace himself, only to be met with the cold feel of ropes binding them together. His breath hitched in his throat, and he thrashed about, pushing himself onto his elbows as a wild tangle of hair fell into his pale blue eyes.

"Let me go!" Noah demanded, his voice rough with exhaustion and frustration. "What the fuck do you want from me?"

Unfazed by his outburst, Joshua stood over him, a towering figure radiating an aura of control and raw strength. His lips twisted into a smirk, his eyes flashing with strange amusement. "Why do you keep doing this, Noah?" The stud's voice was low, almost playful, as he watched Noah struggle against the restraints. He reached out lazily, his fingers brushing against the ropes around his brother's wrists and tightening them just enough to make him flinch. "You know better than anyone that you're not going anywhere."

Noah's eyes blazed with defiance, but his shoulders sagged slightly. The fight was slowly draining out of him as the hopelessness of his situation settled over him like a heavy shroud. He opened his mouth to retort, but no words came out.

Suddenly, his head fell to the side, lips gently parting as he mumbled. "I need my pills..."

Joshua paused, his hand lingering on the ropes longer than necessary. His smirk faded, replaced by a look of mild curiosity. "Pills?" he repeated, tilting his head as if considering the request. "That isn't you, Noah. It's never been you."

Noah's chest heaved as he struggled to steady his breathing. The ropes were cutting into his skin, leaving angry red welts from his earlier escape attempt. But it wasn't the physical pain that hurt. Joshua's words felt like a noose tightening around his very existence.

"Shane…" Noah muttered, his gaze shifting towards the door as if saying the name would make things better. It was as if his boyfriend's presence could magically undo the knots and free him from Joshua's grasp. "He'll…"

"Shane?" Joshua's voice sliced through the tense silence, laced with a venomous disdain, abruptly halting the conversation. "You're seriously banking on that spineless slut to ride in on his white horse and save your sorry ass? Now, that's delusional." He laughed, a hollow sound that echoed ominously in the small room, his head shaking in incredulous amusement. He reached down and grabbed Noah's chin, forcing his brother's eyes to face him. "You and I, Noah… we're not cut out for that cookie-cutter bullshit you've been playing with. That's not who we are."

A sharp pain knotted Noah's heart in his chest. He bit down hard on his lower lip, feeling the familiar tendrils of anxiety beginning to spiral out of control. He wanted to scream, to violently wrench himself free from the chilling reality Joshua was so cruelly painting for him. But there was an undeniable truth in his brother's words, a truth he'd spent years attempting to bury deep within himself.

Slowly, Joshua leaned in closer, his face hovering mere inches from Noah's. His scent, sweat, worn leather and a faint trace of soap were overpowering. His breath was warm against Noah's cheek, and for an ephemeral moment, their faces were so close together that Noah could discern the flecks of light dancing in Joshua's stormy blue eyes. Those eyes, a haunting mirror of his own.

Their mouths lingered there for a moment too long, close enough for Noah to feel his brother's breath ghosting over his skin.

"You know," Joshua began, breaking the tension-filled silence. His voice was soft yet laced with a bitter mockery. "You stink." His eyes raked over Noah's disheveled appearance, his hair in disarray, skin slick with sweat, and clothes rumpled. "You need a shower."

Noah's gaze darted to the coarse ropes binding his wrists and ankles, his pulse quickening. "I…" He started to speak, but before he could articulate his thoughts, Joshua abruptly pulled back and stood up, reaching down to haul him off the bed.

"Don't worry," Joshua said, his tone light as he hoisted Noah up without any visible effort. "I'll help you."

Exhaustion weighed heavy on Noah's body. His limbs were weak, still aching from the strain of his earlier escape attempt. He felt insignificant in Joshua's grip, powerless, like a rag doll being carried without regard for his own will. Joshua's arms encompassed him tightly as he brought him toward the bathroom, his strength seemingly inexhaustible as he maneuvered through the confined space.

With a grunt, Joshua shoved open the bathroom door with his shoulder and carelessly tossed Noah into the tub. The shock of the icy-cold surface against Noah's back sent shivers coursing through his body. His wrists were still bound, and as he tried to sit up, Joshua leaned over him, hands on either side of the tub.

"I'm leaving the door open," Joshua announced, almost cheerful. Yet the undercurrent of menace was never far from the surface. He stood up, towering over Noah for a brief moment before exiting the bathroom.

Confusion flickered across Noah's face as he watched Joshua leave the door slightly ajar, allowing a sliver of hallway light to cut through the dimness of the bathroom. Joshua spared him one last glance from the doorway, that twisted smile playing on his lips again.

He reached into his pocket, pulling out a set of keys, which he jingled tauntingly before setting them on a nearby table, close, yet frustratingly out of Noah's reach. "Don't even think about trying anything."

Then, without another word, Joshua turned on his heel and disappeared, leaving Noah alone in the bathtub. His body curled in on itself, his mind racing. His wrists throbbed, skin raw where the ropes had bit into him, and the sharp pain in his leg from the earlier cut throbbed with each heartbeat. He glanced at the open door, at the keys lying close yet still impossibly far away.

The temptation to make a move gnawed at him, but the fear of what Joshua might do if he caught him again was enough to paralyze him.


The morning light seeped through the grimy curtains of the motel room, radiating a pale, sickly sheen over Noah's skin. His body ached from the rough treatment he'd endured throughout the night. He barely had time to register his discomfort when Joshua yanked him upright, his sharp movements hinting at impatience.

"Get up. We're leaving," Joshua grumbled, his voice gruff and urgent.

Joshua freed Noah's ankles but kept his hands tied, the coarse ropes digging into his flesh as he grinned down at him. "You don't need your hands for walking, do you?" His tone was teasing, almost playful, as if this were a distorted game to him.

Noah didn't respond, glaring back as Joshua tossed a pair of old shorts in his direction. He slipped them on slowly, each breath shallow as he fought against the growing dread pooling in his gut. He followed Joshua out of the room, the warm morning air hitting his skin sharply.

Their car sat in front of the motel, its surface dusted with grime. Noah climbed in, leaning back against his seat, his exhaustion pulling at him. But when Joshua turned the key in the ignition, the engine responded with a feeble sputter. A vein on Joshua's temple visibly pulsed as he slammed his fist into the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white with rage. "Piece of shit!" he snarled, pounding the wheel again and again, his fury palpable.

Noah sat still, watching as Joshua vented his anger on the unresponsive car. A strange sense of relief washed over him. The idea of being stuck here for a while longer, of their escape plan failing, felt like a small, quiet victory. Perhaps the universe was finally granting him a reprieve.

Joshua's eyes met Noah's in an electrifying moment of silent communication. Their irises, mirroring the same familial hue, locked together, creating a bridge of unspoken understanding. Joshua's expression then underwent a subtle transformation. A flicker of calculation, cold and precise, danced behind the icy blue of his eyes, betraying an inner machination that Noah knew too well.

His gaze then shifted, wandering over the row of nondescript rooms, each one indistinguishable from the next. His attention, however, seemed magnetically drawn to one particular room. Its lights were still defiantly burning against the encroaching darkness, the heavy curtains drawn tight. A smirk found its way onto Joshua's lips, twisting into a crooked grin that was as unsettling as it was intriguing. Without a word of explanation, he extricated himself from the confines of their car. His hand disappeared into the backseat, reemerging with something metallic that glinted ominously.

As he started walking toward the room, Noah could only watch from the passenger seat in silent tension. From his vantage point, he saw Joshua knock on the door casually. His knocks became more insistent when no immediate response occurred, demanding attention from whoever resided within. Eventually, the door creaked open to reveal a young man appearing groggy and disoriented. He was clad only in a tank top and boxers, clear indicators of being roused from sleep. But before he could utter a single word or protest, Joshua launched himself at the man, shoving him back into the room and slamming the door shut with a resounding thud.

Despite the motel room's thin walls, which did their best to muffle the sounds, they weren't enough to mask the disturbing symphony that followed. There was the unmistakable noise of a struggle, muffled voices raised in panic and anger, a crash of something heavy hitting the floor, and a blunt, piercing sound.

The gunshot reverberated through the morning silence, its violent echo slicing through the air, leaving behind an unsettling stillness in its wake.

Noah's breath hitched in his throat, his body frozen. His hands lay forgotten in his lap, his wide eyes glued to the motel room's door as he tried to process what had just happened. A few heart-stopping moments later, the door swung open, and Joshua stepped out as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. His face was an unreadable mask, but an eerie satisfaction flickered in his eyes.

"Time to go," Joshua declared, his voice devoid of emotion. It was as cold and impersonal as a businessman concluding a deal.

Noah could only stare at him in utter disbelief. "What did you...what the fuck did you do?" he stammered out, his voice barely more than a terrified whisper.

But Joshua remained unfazed by Noah's question. He reached out, his hand closing around Noah's arm in a vice-like grip, yanking him out of the car. "We have no time for this, Noah. We've got to go. Now."

With his brother's words echoing in his ears, Noah stumbled out of the car. His feet scraped against the gravel, struggling to find purchase as he tried to regain equilibrium. His heart pounded like a jackhammer, each beat sending fresh waves of adrenaline surging through his veins. The sound of the motel manager bursting out of the reception barely registered in his overwhelmed senses.

Quick-thinking as always, Joshua was already heading toward another car parked a few spots down. A set of keys jingled in his hand, most likely stolen, and with a swift movement, he unlocked the car door.

The manager's voice grew increasingly frantic and loud as he realized what was happening. "Hey! Hey, stop right there!" He ran, charging toward the duo with all the determination he could muster.

But Joshua didn't miss a beat. He climbed into the driver's seat and pulled his brother in after him. Before Noah could even fumble with his seatbelt, Joshua was already firing shots out of the window. The manager dove behind a stack of containers, narrowly avoiding the bullets but effectively pinned down. With the engine roaring to life, Joshua floored the gas pedal, and they were off, leaving a cloud of dust and gravel behind them.

As the wind whipped through the open windows, Joshua let out a wild scream of exhilaration. His eyes gleamed with an unhinged joy that only chaos and violence seemed to inspire in him.

"Come on!" he shouted over the engine roar, turning to Noah with a grin that seemed more feral than human. "Doesn't this feel good?"

But Noah couldn't find it within himself to respond. He couldn't share in Joshua's deranged excitement or madness. He turned his gaze to the window, watching as the world blurred past them in a dizzying rush of colors. He was trapped, ensnared not just by the physical ropes binding his wrists but also by the bond tying him to his brother. One that he feared might never be broken, no matter how far or fast they drove.

Hours elated as they drove, the music blasting inside the car while Joshua's eyes scanned the horizon, hunting for their next destination like a predator stalking its prey. Spotting a faint, flickering neon sign indicating an exit, he tapped his phone screen with a quick rhythm and muttered, "Perfect," as he steered them down the exit ramp.

As they plunged deeper into the unfamiliar town, rows of buildings flanked their path. Their windows were dark, and the streets were deserted except for an occasional stray cat or wind rustle through discarded newspapers. Eventually, Joshua pulled up in front of a grimy strip club. Its neon lights glowed garishly over the cracked pavement, peeling paint on its walls.

Above the entrance, a sign read "Diamond Dreams," though the reality was far removed from any.

Joshua's grin widened even further as he parked the car. "We're gonna have some fun," he announced with a disturbing glee, hopping out of the vehicle as though they were embarking on an exciting adventure instead of spiraling further into chaos.

Noah cast a doubtful gaze at his older brother, his skepticism engraving deep lines into the ivory canvas of his face. "What the hell are we doing here?" His voice was a mere whisper, laced with bafflement.

"Relax, little brother," Joshua replied, his tone nonchalant and carefree. He casually draped an arm around Noah's tense shoulders as they walked toward the ominous entrance of the club. "We've earned a little break, haven't we? Life can't be all work, no play. We've got to unwind, right?" His laughter echoed against his brother's solemn silence.

Noah rolled his eyes skyward, a gesture of resignation more than annoyance. He knew where this was going. Joshua was in one of his manic moods, the kind that made him feel invincible and reckless. When everything had to be bigger, louder, and more dangerous. It was like walking on a tightrope over an abyss. The hunk leaned in and cut Noah's wrists loose with a swift flick of the blade.

Once inside, the club engulfed them in its sinister ambiance. Smoke, stale beer, and red lighting painted everything in an uninviting tint that only accentuated the grime. The patrons were just as unappealing. Dirty old men slumped in dark corners, nursing their cheap drinks with quiet desperation. A faint thump of music pulsed through the space, heavy bass notes weaving lazily between hushed conversations and the occasional crude catcall directed at the stage where female dancers twirled with palpable disinterest on a pole.

Undeterred by their surroundings, Joshua navigated them toward one of the private stalls in the club's back. The velvet curtains that were supposed to offer some semblance of privacy were so threadbare they could have been cobwebs. He sank into the plush seat with a satisfied sigh, ordering champagne with the casualness of a man who frequented high-end bars.

Noah glanced around, his heart sinking like a stone in his chest. "Where'd you get the money?"

Joshua simply smirked and lit a cigarette, leaning back into the worn seat with the ease of a cat stretching in the sun. "That guy back at the motel? Turns out he had a credit card. And some cash. Lucky us."

Noah's frown deepened, carving lines of unease into his young face. He wanted to argue, to point out the obvious, but what was the point? Joshua always found a way to drag him into situations like this. "This is ridiculous," he muttered, but his protest lacked conviction, his energy sapped by resignation.

"C'mon, lighten up," Joshua chided with a grin. He beckoned one of the dancers, a tall woman with blonde hair and tattoos snaking up her arms like ivy on an ancient wall. She gave Joshua a sultry smile, clearly surprised by his youthful presence and drawn to his confidence and energy. Within moments, she was in his lap, grinding his hips until his cock was hard. Soon, Joshua was laughing again, his hands roaming her body as if they were alone. Their lips met in a heated kiss, Joshua pulling her closer with a rough intensity that made Noah look away.

However, Noah couldn't ignore that his brother's actions were drawing unwanted attention. The men at the bar, weather-beaten locals with eyes as hollow as their lives and faces hardened by circumstances, watched Joshua with growing resentment. It wasn't just that Joshua was making noise. It was who he was making noise with. The girl in his lap was clearly someone they considered their own.

A group of them rose from their seats, the thud of their heavy boots against the stained floor echoing ominously in the room. The apparent leader, a broad-shouldered man with a scruffy beard and a scar that bisected his right eye, barked at the woman, "Get off him."

She froze, her eyes darting between Joshua and the man, fear flashing across her face. "I... I'm just doing my job," she stammered.

"I said, get the fuck off him," the man growled again, his voice like gravel scraping against asphalt, louder and more threatening this time.

Joshua's grin widened into a full-blown smirk, a dangerous gleam twinkling in his eyes like stars on a dark night. "Hey, man, we're just having a little fun," he provoked as he slid his hand inside the striper's slick thong. "No harm, no foul, right?" His voice was low and taunting, a red rag to the bull that was the burly man.

Noah stepped in quickly, trying to pour oil on troubled waters. "Let's just go, okay? It's not worth it," his voice advised, knowing they were treading on thin ice.

But it was too late. The tension in the room snapped like a strained elastic band. The man took a menacing step forward, and before Noah could intervene, Joshua tossed the woman to the side and launched himself at him with the ferocity of a cornered animal. His fists flew with brutal precision, landing squarely on the man's jaw, sending him staggering back. Two more men from his group jumped into the fray, but Joshua was relentless, a whirlwind of violence that left destruction in his wake.

As Noah stood back, watching his brother tear through the men like paper dolls, the third man with the scar suddenly pulled out a knife, the blade glinting as he lunged at Joshua. The sharp edge sliced through the hunk's stomach, a bright streak of blood staining his shirt. Joshua stumbled back, clutching the wound as the knife-wielder grinned triumphantly.

The bar owner, a towering man with a gruff voice that matched his intimidating appearance, stormed over and yelled, "Get the fuck out! Or I'll call the police!" His words were drowned out by the chaos around them, but his intent was clear.

Still clutching his stomach, Joshua laughed, a wild, manic sound. Even as blood seeped through his fingers, he seemed to relish the pain and the thrill of it all. The man with the knife sneered at him, but Joshua didn't flinch. He leaned into it, thriving off the danger.

Noah rushed to his brother and grabbed his arm, his voice firm. "We need to go. Now."

Like a flicker of magic, Joshua seemed to calm down. It was as if Noah's voice was the only thing that could pull him back from the edge of insanity. With a grunt of pain, he let Noah drag him out of the bar, blood still seeping from his wound. But the hunk was still standing, stubbornly strong, unwilling to show weakness.

Once outside, Noah eased Joshua towards their parked car. Noah reached into his brother's pocket with a practiced hand, swiftly extracting the keys. He tossed them from one hand to another, catching them deftly before sliding into the driver's seat.

"You're insane," Noah muttered under his breath. A shiver of adrenaline made his voice quaver slightly, matching the engine's rhythm as it roared to life.

The drive that followed was enveloped in silence. The only sounds breaking the quiet monotony were Joshua's ragged breaths and the occasional hum of passing cars. Noah's hands held the steering wheel, his gaze locked firmly on the road ahead. A convenience store loomed in the distance, its neon sign cutting through the darkness. It was almost deserted, save for a few stray cars in the parking lot. Noah maneuvered their vehicle into a vacant spot and halted it.

"I'll be right back," he declared abruptly before calmly walking towards the store.

Inside, he grabbed medical supplies, bandages, antiseptic, and anything else that could be helpful. His heart pounded in sync with each beep of the cash register as he paid for the items. Then he walked back to the car, where Joshua sat slumped over in the passenger seat, his eyes closed and his breathing unsteady.

Noah worked with silent precision as he tended to Joshua's wound. He cleaned it gently but thoroughly, wincing at the sight of the cut.

"Does it hurt?" Noah's voice resonated in the cool night air, his words heavy with concern. His eyes, wide and anxious, searched Joshua's. The blue-eyed hunk shook his head in response, his normally stone-like features softened by the moonlight. The pain from his wound seemed secondary, barely a thought compared to the comforting presence of Noah's engagement. "Well…" Noah paused, his gaze dropping to Joshua's midsection, where a thin red line slowly spread across his shirt. "It doesn't look like it went too deep," he added, sounding more hopeful than certain. His hands were remarkably steady as he carefully wrapped a bandage around Joshua's torso.

Throughout this intimate exchange, Joshua remained silent, his thoughts obscured. His piercing blue eyes, usually a tempest of emotions, were now softened by the low light of the parking lot. The physical space between them seemed to constrict as Noah's fingers lingered on the bandage, their contact imbued with a quiet tenderness.

As Noah finally pulled back, Joshua's hand drifted upwards, capturing his brother's wrist in a gentle grip. He brought the boy's hand to his mouth and kissed it tenderly. "Thank you," the hunk whispered into the silence, his voice barely audible yet filled with undeniable tension. "Noah..." he began but was cut off by his brother's hushed voice.

"Don't do that…" Noah muttered, breaking slightly as if the words were too heavy for him.

"What?" Joshua asked, feigning ignorance while internally relishing in Noah's discomfort.

"Don't…look at me like that," Noah choked out.

He tried to pull away in retaliation or protection, but Joshua was quicker. He pulled Noah in, their lips colliding in a desperate kiss that was more teeth and tongue than anything else. Suddenly, the inside of the car became their world, loaded with the sounds of their heavy breathing and the rustle of clothes as they moved closer to each other.

Noah's right leg lifted expertly, wrapping around Joshua's waist, saddling his brother like a raging bull. Their hands began to explore, mapping out territories that felt familiar. Noah's fingers traced the contours of Joshua's neck while Joshua found his hands drawn to Noah's hips, his grip possessive, lustful. Their breaths were irregular, punctuated by soft moans and deep groans as their shared desire heightened.

And then suddenly, something happened.

Noah's demeanor suddenly shifted, growing raw and charged. Gone was the hesitance, discarded like old paint shedding in flakes. Beneath that, a wildness stirred, clawing its way out from beneath his surface, an untamed force yearning for freedom. He let out a primal wail into Joshua's mouth, echoing ancient urges with the intensity of raging flames. Noah's skin flushed with warmth, taking on a hue as if he'd been caught under an unrelenting sun.

Shadows began to dance across Noah's face as the murky light flickered unpredictably around both of them. The sound of stifled breath filled the air in a syncopated rhythm tapped out by hearts driven more by instinct than intention. Joshua and Noah's touch became electric, each skin brush sending ripples through layers that had lain dormant for far too long. A faint musk hung in the air, an intoxicating blend of youthful energy and pent-up desire. And somewhere amidst it all, a taste, like hot spices or autumn leaves crushed beneath swift feet, lingering on their tongues, grounding them both in this moment of unexpected metamorphosis.

"There you are…my king," Joshua whispered as an ineffable hunger escorted every syllable.

Emboldened, Noah's hand slipped down Joshua's body, sneaking inside his pants. His fingers brushed against Joshua's hard cock, eliciting a groan from the hunk's mouth. In response, Joshua's hand moved towards Noah's backside, his fingers teasing at the fabric of Noah's pants before daring to delve deeper. He slid his hand inside his brother's crack, teasing the boy's sweaty hole with a gentle nudge of his middle finger, stretching the soft skin around it just enough to elicit Noah to moan back.

This prompted Noah to pull back, abruptly interrupting their kiss as they gasped for air. Their eyes met once more, twin flames dancing in the dim light. Sweat trickled down their chests, creating a sheen under their shirts.

It wasn't enough, though.
They needed more.

Joshua leaned forward again, nipping Noah's earlobe playfully before leaving a trail of kisses along his jawline. Noah's back arched involuntarily in response, a low moan emanating from deep within him.

"Ah, fuck!" Joshua cried out suddenly, pain flaring through him as Noah's legs inadvertently tightened around his waist.

"Shit!" Noah exclaimed, immediately pulling away from Joshua. "I'm sorry," he apologized quickly, examining the wound, which had started bleeding again. A chuckle slid through Joshua's hefty breaths.

"I guess those pills are finally tapering off," Joshua teased, his words laced with an unmistakable mirth. Noah paused at the statement, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. He swung his arm out, landing a curt punch on Joshua's chest. The impact sent the hunk reeling backward onto the leather seat.

Joshua chortled in response, a low rumble that vibrated through his broad chest. He tried to suppress his laughter, but the corners of his mouth twitched in barely contained pleasure. He recognized he'd prodded a sensitive topic, touching upon a nerve that Noah preferred to ignore. Yet, undeterred by Noah's reaction, Joshua leaned forward, extending his arm in a conciliatory gesture. His fingers brushed against Noah's face lightly, an attempt to cool the simmering tension.

"I'm joking," he added, even as he struggled to keep his laughter from bubbling up. But Noah quickly retaliated, his arm shooting out to knock Joshua away with a swift, deft movement.

"Keep your fucking hands off me!" the raven-haired beauty roared, his voice echoing in the confined space.

"Alright, alright," Joshua retorted, his tone laced with a resigned sigh. He hoisted himself out of the front seat and stepped outside into the cool night air before reentering through the back door. He carefully maneuvered himself onto the back seat, adjusting his position until he found a comfortable spot. "Fuck, Noah... I've missed you," Joshua admitted under his breath as he settled down. His voice was soft, almost tender. An underlying warmth seeped through his words as he succumbed to sleep's embrace.

Noah sat still, his piercing blue eyes flickering like sapphires in the darkness.

Within them, a seething rage simmered.
A tempest that had nothing to do with Joshua and everything to do with himself.


Shane found himself descending the narrow stairwell of his apartment building. His mind was a whirlwind of half-formed plans. He walked to Joe's, the corner café where he'd spent countless hours with Noah and his best friend, Nicole. He slipped inside the warm café and claimed a window seat, staring blankly at his phone.

Nicole arrived soon after. She spotted him immediately and rushed over, wrapping Shane in an embrace that felt like home. "Hey," she murmured into his shoulder. "You look like shit."

Shane chuckled weakly. "I feel like it."

They sat in silence for a while. Shane sipped his coffee absentmindedly, his gaze fixed on his phone screen. He was willing it to buzz, hoping that Noah's name would appear with an explanation, an apology, anything. But the screen remained blank like it had for the past few days.

Nicole dared to shake this tranquility, her voice soft yet resolute. "So, what happened...?"

Shane's response came not immediately but after a moment of contemplation. He exhaled slowly, and his hands tightened their grip around the worn ceramic coffee cup as if seeking solace in its familiar, comforting warmth. When he finally spoke, his voice was a low murmur barely audible above the ambient hum of the café. His words were halting and tentative, unlike his usually assertive and upbeat demeanor. With each sentence that spilled from Shane's lips, Nicole listened with unwavering attention. Her wide eyes shimmered with empathy, yet unable to hide the shock brought on by Shane's recollections. Occasionally, her hand would rest on his arm, a silent reassurance.

But suddenly, the tinkling sound of the café's door opening abruptly disrupted their exchange. Shane paid it no mind at first until his gaze fell upon two figures lingering by the entrance. A man and a woman. The woman's eyes were sharp, her gaze eerily alert, and they locked onto Shane almost immediately. An uncanny shiver crawled down Shane's spine at her intense scrutiny. The duo approached their table with an arrogance that bordered on invasive, their intrusion shattering Shane's fragile serenity like a stone thrown into a placid pond.

"Mr. Green, isn't it?" The woman's voice questioned, her words cold and piercing. Shane stiffened, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"Who's asking?" His response was curt and defensive.

She responded with a smile that was tight and practiced, revealing nothing. "Carmen Doyle. I'm a journalist with The Sentinel. Mind if we ask you a few questions?"

Shane looked at Nicole, confused. "How do you...?" he stammered, pondering the obvious. How did she know about Noah?

Nicole immediately bristled at the intrusion. "He's not talking to you," she said sharply, her hand protective on Shane's arm.

Carmen ignored her, her gaze fixed on Shane. "You're close with Noah Wayward, aren't you? You...live together? I assume you've met his brother, Joshua."

The mention of Joshua made Shane flinch. His eyes flickered to Nicole, who shot the journalist a murderous look. "Jesus Christ, lady, are you deaf? We're not talking," Nicole insisted, her voice raising a notch. "Leave him alone."

But Carmen was relentless. "Do you know why Joshua was in jail? Or did Noah keep that from you, too?"

Shane's mouth went dry. His mind scrambled for an answer, but the truth was, he didn't know. He'd asked, of course, but Noah had always been cryptic about his past, about Joshua's past. He'd chalked it up to trauma, to old wounds Noah didn't want to reopen. But now, hearing Carmen bring it up, it felt like a punch to the gut.

"That's none of your fucking business," Nicole snapped, standing up from the table, her body a protective barrier between Shane and the reporter.

Carmen's partner, the man who had been silent until now, crossed his arms, watching Shane closely.

Shane shot up from his seat, his pulse spiking. "We're leaving."

Nicole grabbed her bag, ready to steer Shane out of the café, but Carmen's following words stopped them in their tracks. "I wonder how much you actually know about your boyfriend, Mr. Green."

Shane froze, his muscles tightening as he picked up on the subtle inflection in the reporter's voice. Her tone, there was something there. He could feel it, like a door creaking open to a room he'd been too afraid to enter. Slowly, he turned back to her. "What do you want?"

Carmen smiled, sensing victory. "An exclusive. I'll tell you what we know. In return...you get Noah to talk to us."

Nicole's face paled. "Shane...don't."

But Carmen leaned in, her voice lowering to a whisper, her eyes gleaming. "I know you care about him, Mr. Green. I can help you get him back."

Shane's heart raced. He looked at Nicole, who was shaking her head fiercely, but there was a gnawing fear inside him, something Carmen had struck that he couldn't ignore.

What if Noah was in danger?
What if there were things she knew that could help him get him back?
Shane could feel a flicker of hope skim through him, the gentle memory of Noah's warm kisses brushing his mouth.

He barely had time to stop himself before a sudden impulse pushed the words out of his mouth.

"What do I have to do?"

(To be continued...)

Copyright © 2024 CasualWanderer82; All Rights Reserved.
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I'm glad you are continuing this story. I know its kinky, taboo...and little bit on the edge comparing to other writings here at GA. Nevertheless, your style is amazing, plot is intriguing, and tension is so high. 

Joshua is predator, using his brother lack of medicine to take him. How is Noah going to break free? Is Shane going to be able to help him? Journalists are offering help but, is the cost for their help going to be too high?!

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I appreciate the comment, @Cane23

I've come to learn and accept that not all my stories are for all my readers. And that's okay. I hope you enjoy the following chapters. 

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