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The Wayward Brothers - 1. Good and Destroyed



"What we feel and do is beyond our control. That's our strength and our weakness." A male voice whispered in the dark.

Noah's body fired from the bed, his curled raven hair bouncing forward, shooting sweat drops from its tips. His chest rushed up and down as he tried to catch his breath, eyes glistening in the dark. Next to him, a light came on, and a very handsome young man stood up, placing his hand on Noah's back.

"Are you alright?" The handsome man asked. Noah nodded, his eyes vacantly locked on the wall before them. "You want me to get you some water?" The young man questioned.

"Nah, it's fine," Noah replied, falling back on the bed. His head sank into his pillow as he respired, and he unleashed a profound sigh. "It's just a weird dream," he explained before looking over to the side. "Go back to sleep, Shane." He proposed. But Shane's eyes were relentlessly locked on his, diving deep inside its deep blue puddle.

"Fine," Shane uttered, letting his body fall back, exposing his smooth, tanned chest and cinnamon-toned prickled nipples. But as soon as his eyes locked on Noah's satiny, muscular back, he felt compelled, as he usually would, to stretch his hand and let his fingers gently graze over his boyfriend's skin. "God, you're so fucking beautiful." He uttered.

And he was right.

Noah was 21 years old, with skin as pale as snow, piercing, crystalline blue eyes, wavy dark hair, and a toned body. The most luscious, plump, red lips and smoothest chest and legs. Between his thighs was a beautiful, long, semi-hard 6-inch cock, which tended to grow up to 8 inches when fully hard, framed by the softest dark bush.

Everyone regarded Noah as kind, compassionate, and an all-around good guy. Although young, he would sometimes come across as uptight and formal, which tended to occasionally cause friction between him and Shane, a passionate liberal. They met in college and had been in a steady relationship for two years. During that time, they frequently discussed their sexuality, which never quite hit a guileless stride. Shane was patient, always attempting to create a safe space for Noah to open up, but despite his best efforts, a part of Noah's past and himself always seemed to be layered in secrecy. Something regarding his older brother, Joshua, from whom he had been estranged since he was fifteen. At the time, following a tragic circumstance that led to their parents dying, Noah had left their hometown to live with his godmother. Joshua, in turn, started hanging with the wrong crowd and ended up being arrested, jigging in and out of prison since then.

Shane was also 21 years old, 5.5, with a typical jock build, naturally tanned skin, dark brown eyes, and light brown wavy hair. Smooth skin and a modest 5-inch cock, which he usually stroked as Noah fucked his ass. Shane was, for lack of a better word, a total bottom. And he took pride in his ability to take a dick. Shane seemed to garner a lot of attention within the local gay community, and his beautiful, perfectly rounded, bubble-butt peach was always the center of every top's attention whenever they went out. He was an extrovert, playful, and highly charismatic. But Shane loved Noah and worked tirelessly to keep their relationship going despite the stud's reluctance to experiment. Shane was constantly pushing Noah to try new things, both sexually and regarding their somewhat curbed monogamous relationship.

Shane was a sensitive young man who knew not to press Noah regarding his relationship with his brother or his past. Still, regardless, it was hard not to admit there was something strange and complex there, probably related to Joshua's leaving.

"I need to take a piss," Noah mumbled, swabbing his eyelids in the dark.

"Any chance I can get you to come back and fuck my ass?" Shane teased, rolling under the sheets and forcing them to fall to the side, slightly lifting his gorgeous ass from the bed as he sneered.

Noah's eyes lingered momentarily before a soft smile pushed through his lips. He rolled out of bed and walked naked out of the bedroom.

He strolled into the bathroom, flicking the light open and slowly pushing the door shut before punching his hands into the sink, his body leaning forward as he gazed at himself in the mirror. His expression was mild and mellow, and his reflection mirrored his youth. Yet inside his eyes, a solemn, unsettling depth was always present, as if his soul was somewhat disconnected from his physical body. A perpetual sadness of sorts. And it had always been like this, or at least, as far back as he could remember. And even though he had made an effort to move on from whatever plagued his past, lately, his dreams seemed keen on unearthing whatever he desperately tried to bury—like ominous whispers, alerting him that something inevitable was about to happen.

"Calm down, Noah." He whispered to himself, eyes gazing into his reflection. "It's just a dream." He added, opening the small cabinet door and taking a flask out. He popped the lid open and punched two pills into his palm, taking them to his mouth and swallowing them dry. He put the flask back inside and swiped the small door with his fingers, forcing it to close slowly, his reflection aligning with him again. A soft click echoed inside the small bathroom, and the stud's chest filled with air as he took a deep breath. He chuckled at himself and turned the light off, walking along the narrow corridor back to the bedroom.

As he stepped inside, the morning light was already eagerly creeping through the window shutters, and those few strings of sunlight now brushed Shane's perfectly smooth body, skating across his skin and prickling the blonde hairs on his faultlessly shaped peach. Noah smiled, his cock already rising from his morning haziness, hardening within seconds. He walked over and crawled slowly into bed, his nose scouring for his boyfriend's musky crack. He leaned into it, the tip of his perfectly shaped nose touching Shane's asscheeks.

"Finally." Shane moaned as he woke from his unexpected snooze. But before he could turn his head back, Noah slid his hands under his thighs and pulled him back, lifting his broad torso as he did. He was now kneeling behind Shane, his 8-inch cock twitching as it rested along his boyfriend's crack. "Shit, Noah." He moaned, seemingly surprised and exhilarated at the same time. "I love it when you get rough like that." The boy whimpered, pushing his cheeks into Noah's cock.

The stud started slapping his meat over it, and as he did, strings of precum started spattering over Shane's back. The boy stretched his right arm, going for the lube on his bedside drawer. But as his hand reached it, he felt Noah clutch his wrist and twist his arm, forcing it against his lower back. A gentle moan broke from Shane's mouth just as Noah drove his pelvis back slightly, allowing the tip of his cock to glide slowly down, now perfectly aimed at the tempting hole.

But, as Noah was about to push in, a muffled voice hurled itself into his mind at galloping speed.

"If you make a noise, I'll kill both of you. Do you understand?" The undiscernable voice threatened.

"Fuck!" Noah hollered as he stared down at his softened cock. He let his head fall back, eyes locked with frustration.

"What's wrong?" Shane questioned as Noah dropped his body on the mattress, plunging beside him, his hand shielding his eyes. "Hey, it's okay." Shane conveyed, sliding himself into Noah and kissing him tenderly. "It was one of those dreams, wasn't it?" He asked, to which Noah nodded, his blue gaze still hidden under his palm. "It's been a while since you had one..." Shane muttered. "Want me to go get your pills?" He asked.

Noah shook his head, slowly rolling to the side, his back facing Shane.

"You were right," Noah mumbled.

"About what?" Shane questioned, slightly nonplused.

"You should fuck other people," Noah uttered before pulling the duvet over him, shielding his entire body from view.

Shane lingered there, his hand hovering over Noah, uncertain of what to say or how to act. He had always felt a sense of responsibility towards Noah and took it upon himself to help him deal with his past traumas. But at that moment, and for the first time since they met, Shane realized whatever troubled Noah was beyond his ability to help. So he pulled back, frustrated, and they both lay there, the silence turning resentful.

The next day, their tiny apartment's mood was cold and slightly bitter. Noah woke, his eyes flickering as he stretched his body on the bed. He rolled out and stood up, walking out into the small, narrow hall. On the other end was the kitchen, and he could already smell Shane's freshly made scrambled eggs and French toast. He glanced to the left at their living room, eyes blinking at Shane's pillow resting on their small couch. He had snuck out of their bed while Noah was sleeping.

Noah strolled along the corridor, taking a deep breath before halting just under the old wooden doorway where he rested.

"Morning." He stated. Shane was already dressed, his back moving hectically around the stove and sink area. He wore a tank top and tight sweatpants that hugged his bubble butt perfectly.

"I'm going shopping for groceries. Then I'm meeting Nicole for coffee down at Joe's," Shane stated, grabbing a spatula and stuffing the eggs cooking on the frying pan into a large plate. "You can meet us there if you want," he proposed. Noah could sense Shane attempting to sound blasé and indifferent, but he knew him enough to feel that he was desperate to give Noah a piece of his mind.

"Just fucking say it. That passive-aggressive shit doesn't suit you." Noah finally expressed, bracing for impact.

"You know, as hard as I try, I don't fucking get you Noah!" Shane blurted out, tossing the plate of eggs and bacon with French toast on the side onto the small table. "It's like I'm constantly dancing around a mind field with you. It's fucking exhausting." He complained.

Noah sat on the table, picked up his fork, and struck down the bacon. He took it to his mouth and moaned with delight.

"These are so good," he said, lifting his head and smiling. As he did, he was met by Shane's dark brown eyes, gawking at him dumbfounded.

"Do you even care how I feel?" Shane questioned, bewildered by Noah's attitude, who took a bite of the toast and placed it on the plate, carefully wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Of course I do," the stud said. But I don't want to fight about it," he explained.

"So what? Am I supposed to go fuck other people now?" Shane questioned, sounding surprised, causing Noah to chuckle.

"You're the one who suggested it in the first place. I thought it's what you wanted..." Noah reasoned.

"Well...yes," Shane mumbled, suddenly feeling conflicted. He lingered there, watching Noah calmly eat his eggs before pulling a chair and sitting down. "Are you trying to push me away?" He asked, slightly stuttering as if questioning his own argument.

"I'm trying to make you happy," Noah uttered with disarming honesty.

"I hate it when you do that," Shane confessed, his tone shifting, reverting to his more tender nature.

"What?" Noah asked, his lips glistening with bacon juice, making them even more tempting than usual.

"Every time I get close to being mad at you...you say the right thing." Shane conveyed, leaning his back into his chair. But Noah stayed quiet, his eyes gazing at Shane, seemingly vacant. Yet, inside them, something stirred. "I wish you'd let me inside that brain of yours..." Shane murmured, feeling Noah's gaze puncture a hole through him. It was as if the stud was fucking him with his piercing blue eyes. "Fuck, Noah..." He whispered, feeling his cock leak inside his pants.

The stud smiled, tilting forward as he licked his plump, red lips. Shane followed suit, closing his eyes as he readied to be kissed. He eagerly waited for Noah to finish what they had started last night in the bedroom. But after a few seconds, nothing happened, and he heard a sharp noise of something dragging across the floor. He opened his eyes to find Noah circling the table, plate in hand, walking to the sink.

"C'mon, let's go," Noah stated, rinsing his plate before stuffing it inside the dishwasher.

"What?" Shane mumbled, confused and slightly annoyed.

"You said you needed to go grocery shopping." Noah clarified, running by him and winking.

"Right..." Shane replied, feeling his asshole pucker. He knew it was only a matter of time before Noah caved and ended up fucking him.

Being relatively inexperienced, Shane was still a young man. Which meant he was, ninety percent of the time, unduly horny. He thought about sex more times a day than anyone would care to admit. And that would probably be one of the reasons Noah's attitude felt alluring to him. Because, despite the stud's shy demeanor, Shane knew how passionate, tender, and attentive to his needs Noah was when he was fucking him. and although he always made him cum, Shane couldn't help but feel there was a part of Noah that seemed to always hold back.

They brushed their teeth and walked out, the scorching sun washing their youthful skins as they stepped outside. The sidewalks were humming with hoards of people walking back and forth, shoulders bumping. They lived in one of the busiest districts, so this rush was usual. As they began trekking, Shane felt Noah's hand grab his, pulling him slightly closer to him. He felt immediately better, his face beaming as he let his head fall on the stud's shoulder. People couldn't help but look at them as they drilled through the crowd. They had always garnered attention, but Noah radiated a particularly alluring light. But rather than feeling jealous, Shane was proud. He had snatched one of their neighborhood's hottest, sweetest, and most beautiful guys. And he was going to flaunt it any chance he got.

"Your hand is getting so warm..." Shane commented as he glanced down at Noah's arm. "They're always cold." He added as they stepped inside a small, local grocery mart.

"Is it?" Noah replied, looking at Shane, whose eyebrows immediately lifted in surprise. Noah's cheeks were flaming red, which made matters even worse, given his naturally pale complexion.

"Must be this fucking heat," Noah uttered, pulling his hand away from Shane's and swabbing it on his tank top. Then he glanced back, his eyes scanning the store window. Even peeking from the side, Shane could see Noah's pupils trembling.

"Baby, are you okay?" Shane questioned, now visibly worried.

"Hum...yeah. Fine," Noah dismissed. You get the stuff. I'll stand near the cooler for a bit," he proposed.

"Sure, babe." Shane hesitantly replied as he walked away.

Noah wandered over to the cold beverages section and crouched over it, picking up a soda can and holding it against his forehead. He sighed with momentary relief. Yet, an insidious feeling of foreboding seemed latched to the back of his mind. Part of him was guilty because he knew he had lied to Shane. The truth was, Noah knew precisely what it was. And that's what the other part of him desperately tried to bury. But despite his best efforts, he knew what he felt and what it meant. Whatever it was, it was inevitable.

As he moved the cold soda can away from his face, a dark pall approached from behind and moved slowly over him, covering his shadow on the store's pavement.

"Hey there, little brother." A deep and brooding voice called. Noah's deep blues closed shut, and a sharp, long breath spewed from his lungs. His body stumbled forward, hands pushing against the floor before he rose, slowly turning to face the voice.

"Joshua..." Noah muttered.

Before him stood the most stunning man.Around 25 years of age, 6.10 feet of towering flesh, sporting the most luscious gold tone. Thick-bodied dark hair and a beard framed the sexiest lips imaginable, and over them, these bottomless eyes, whose blue radiance was only rivaled by Noah's. He wore a tight pair of black ripped jeans, army boots, a white tank top, and a dark, worn-out brown leather jacket over it. Under it, a chest so large, it managed to block all the light coming from outside.

"In the flesh," the hunk replied. You look a little flushed. I guess that's still happening..." He proceeded to tease. The comment snapped Noah out of his momentary stupor.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Noah questioned, his chest filling up as his eyes darted around the store. "Weren't you supposed to be..." He muttered before being cut off.

"I just got out," Joshua informed, his eyes squinting at Noah.

"I thought we agreed...we weren't doing this anymore..." Noah whispered, his caged voice struggling to stay low.

"Well, actually, I vehemently disagreed. If you remember..." Joshua replied, sounding defiant. Something about the hunk's presence brought a certain edginess to Noah's calm behavior. Meanwhile, the hunk's eyes kept staring at Noah's fidgeting eyes. "Who are you looking for?" He questioned, his tall neck slowly pivoting as he scanned the store.

Two aisles down, he saw Shane's head moving towards them, carrying a bag of groceries.

"Please..." Noah beseeched. "Behave." He begged, every word layered with bottled apprehension.

"Babe, I bought the salad, but..." Shane announced before his eyes finally glanced up. He was immediately awestruck by Joshua's figure, albeit slightly surprised. "Oh..." He stumbled.

"Shane, this is Joshua. My brother," Noah reluctantly introduced him. This is Shane...my boyfriend," he added as he glanced up at the hunk. Joshua's eyes were squinting at Shane intensively.

Those next few seconds felt like the longest in Noah's life.

"Oh shit, no fucking way!" Shane finally uttered. "Nice to meet you, man! I'm sorry, but I seemed a little taken aback. I just thought...you and Noah weren't very close." He explained, his voice slowly becoming fainter as he saw Joshua's gaze linger on him. It was by far the most intimidating thing he had ever felt.

"Did you?" Joshua questioned.

"I mean..." Shane stuttered nervously, immediately looking at Noah for some support. "Noah doesn't talk about you that much." He added, closing his eyes like a rock had just fallen on his pinky toe. It was like a trainwreck, with every word he uttered causing an even bigger blast.

"I see," Joshua said, finally turning his focus over to Noah, who lifted his head to face his brother. When he did, something happened. It shifted the entire energy around them. Even Shane felt it, his neck dancing back and forth between the two. "Actually, we're very close," the hunk said, a sliver of vulnerability oozing out of his deep blue eyes.

"Oh, you should definitely join us for coffee!" Shane offered, trying desperately to redeem himself.

"Actually, Joshua was leaving." Noah chimed in a pressing manner.

"No, I wasn't." The hunk interjected, smirking as he turned to Shane. "I'd love to, little man." He stated, brushing his luscious hair out of his face. Shanes's jaw dropped slightly in awe of the hunk's captivating and somewhat unequivocal sexual energy. "I'll just grab some cigs and meet you outside." He informed, winking at Shane and walking to the back of the store.

There was a momentary silence before Shane, whose body had followed Joshua, finally turned around.

"What the fuck was that?" He questioned a clearly annoyed Noah. "You always made it sound like you guys didn't..." He commented before stumbling on his own thoughts. "And when were you going to tell me how fucking hot your brother is?" He drilled playfully. Truth be told, nothing could be more severe than the raging hard-on he sported inside his pants.

But Noah seemed elsewhere, his mind aimlessly wandering while his eyes scoured Joshua across the store. Shane pulled his tank top gently, signaling the stud to move outside. And slowly and begrudgingly, Noah followed, stopping as he reached the sidewalk. Moments later, Joshua punched the store's door, the bell tolling as he did. Shane turned, his eyes scouring every inch of the hunk's body and how he moved, a gentle yet manly swag to his walk. Joshua ripped the plastic from the cigar pack with his teeth and pulled one out, a small flame coming up to light it. Pulling the lighter down, he got closer and blew smoke in Shane's direction.

"So, where to, little man?" He questioned. Shane could feel Joshua's disdain for him, but for some reason, which clearly lacked reason, he didn't care. All he could think about was how he could continue gawking at the hunk without getting caught.

"Oh...this way." Shane stuttered, pointing to the other side of the busy street, cornering their apartment.

It was a five-minute walk before they finally arrived. Joe's place was a very cozy, smallish cafe slash diner where Noah and Shane usually hung around with their friends. Luckily, one of the tables outside was empty, so Shane rushed over and sat down, his hand raised as he greeted the cute waiter who approached their table.

"Hey, James!" Shane welcomed.

"Hey, gorgeous! The usual?" The cute waiter flamboyantly greeted back. But as Noah and Joshua sat, James' hand slapped his chest. His eyes gaped as he stared at the hunk, his mouth slightly opened. Noticing this, Shane leaned forward, discreetly signaling his friend to tone it down.

"A large, iced coffee for me," Joshua ordered.

Shane and James' eyebrows wadded at each other. Even the hunks' vile manners seemed to entice their youthful horniness. Everything about Joshua was wrong, pesky, and unbelievably sexy.

"Noah?" James asked.

"He'll have the same." Joshua interrupted. Noah's eyes lifted, rolling slightly with annoyance.

"You hate iced coffee..." Shane whispered, trying to sound discreet while feeling utterly puzzled.

"He loves it," Joshua stated inequitably, his eyes momentarily fleeing to James' ass. You could cut the tension with a knife as they sat there silently until a soft, nervous chuckle broke from James' mouth.

"Right, let me get your order, and I'll be right back." James declared, turning as Joshua followed him with his eyes.

"Nice neighborhood." The hunk commented, smirking as he turned to the table.

Shane's lips reluctantly stretched before he felt Noah's fingers grip the metal frame on the side of his chair. He slid his hand down and held the stud's hand, but uncharacteristically, Noah pulled away. Not that Shane wasn't used to Noah's cold nature emerging at times, but this felt different. It was as if Joshua's presence suddenly had a peculiar effect on him.

"Here we go!" James' voice announced as he approached, tray in hand. One espresso and two iced coffees," he said, placing the order on the table. He lingered there for a while, waiting for their usual chit-chatter, but Shane pointed his eyes and asked him to move away. James obliged, but not before peeking at Joshua again and winking at Shane, who did his best not to smile at his friend's unspoken cheeky remark.

"Nicole should be here any minute now," Shane desperately said as he tried to ease the mood. The gods were probably listening because two seconds later, a young woman about Noah and Shanes' age, with curly ginger hair and freckled cheeks, approached the table.

"Hey, lovebirds." She greeted, sporting a welcoming smile.

Shane rose from his chair, leaning in to kiss her. And that's when it happened. As their faces hid and their eyes became distracted, Joshua popped the lid off his plastic cup with his thumb and slowly poured the iced coffee over his shirt, smirking at Noah as he did.

"Ah, fuck!" He theatrically exclaimed, his deceiving tactic only perceptible to Noah, who immediately rolled his eyes as Joshua grabbed a handful of napkins and sponged the coffee off his stained shirt.

"Oh, shit!" Shane uttered as he pulled away from Nicole. "Do you have a spare?" He asked.

"In my car. But it's parked four blocks from here." The hunk explained.

"Well...I'm sure Noah has something that fits you back at the apartment. It's just around the corner. I can go with you." Shane proposed, already grabbing the groceries.

"No fucking way. Your friend just got here." Joshua argued, tossing the soaked napkins on the table. Then, he stopped, his blue eyes lifting to meet Noah, who was already waiting for him. "He can go. Right, little brother?" He questioned in a viciously eager fashion.

Looking left out, Shane glanced back at Noah as the two brothers' gaze soldered together.

"Fine." Noah begrudgingly accepted.

"Are you sure?" Shane whispered, trying to understand Noah's thoughts. But Joshua had already proven just how relentless he was.

"Don't worry, boyfriend. It's not like I'm going to kill him." Joshua stated, laughing as he slapped the table violently, forcing all eyes around on them.

"It's fine. Just...wait here. We'll be back," Noah calmly stated as he stood up, cornering the table. Let's go," he ordered as he rushed past Joshua, who quickly bounced off his chair and sprinted after his brother.

Shane sat back down, observing as the two walked away. Nicole leaned into the table, blocking his view, but not before he saw Noah pulling away as Joshua's hand tried to slide under his tank top, discreetly but playfully brushing his lower back.

Five minutes later, Noah burst through the door to their apartment with the hunk closely behind.

"What the fuck are you thinking, showing up like this?!" Noah shouted.

"Calm down," Joshua replied. A sudden and unexpected tenderness exuded as he moved slowly through the corridor, following Noah's voice into his bedroom. "Cozy little place you got here..." He teased.

"Cut the shit," Noah uttered, his voice lower as he realized Joshua was standing under the doorway. The stud walked to his closet and pulled out his only L-sized piece of clothing. An old Pearl Jam T-shirt that he had bought at a local fair, which he only wore once because he thought it looked too baggy.

"Don't get upset...I just wanted to have a look at you." Joshua stated with disarming gentleness. It was like he was slowly becoming a different person, his rough and edgy nature tainted by Noah's vulnerability.

"Well, you looked," Noah said, lifting his arm and tossing the T-shirt to Joshua. "Now leave."

"You're so fucking cute when you get angry like that." Joshua teased.

"That coffee stunt was lame as fuck." Noah mocked.

"Hey, I had to think fast. How else was I going to get you alone?" the hunk excused.

Noah fell back, his ass punching the opened drawer in. He lifted his eyes and stood there, darting at Joshua before a soft chuckle broke from his mouth.

"You're a piece of shit, you know that?" Noah uttered. From the other side of the room, Joshua slowly nodded in agreement, eyes scanning Noah's body like an X-ray machine. Suddenly, Noah released a sharp gush of hair, and all his muscles finally relaxed. "Take that off. I'll toss it in the washer." He ordered, pointing his nose at Joshua's coffee-stained shirt.

The stud leaned away from the doorway and took a few steps forward, stopping inches from the bed. He pulled his leather jacket off and tossed it to the side. Then he crossed his arms and pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his flawless upper body. Noah pulled his eyes away from it momentarily as if a bright incandescent light had just dazed them. But he went back like a moth to the most brilliant of flames. Only to find that Joshua had now walked across the room and stood inches from him.

Noah's eyes lingered on his brother's momentarily. Soon, his hands ascended, fingers skimming over the hunk's skin. They started mapping every inch, seemingly charting familiar territory. His perfectly shaped stomach, from which a flawless six-pack protruded. Then up the hunk's pecs, where his massive, fuzzy chest burst out, slowly moving up and down as it breathed, the prickled skin of his nipples rolling with it. Noah's fingers veered outwards, moving along Joshua's muscular shoulders and descending his bulky arms.

Then, Noah's eyes suddenly stopped, noticing a small black shadow on one of Joshua's pecs. Under the hunk's left nipple, just inches from where his heart stood, was Noah's name—tattooed on his skin. The boy's eyes glanced up, their tamed light now sparkling.

"When was this?" he asked. Joshua looked at him and shrugged. Noah looked down at it again, his eyes focusing on how his name moved slightly each time the skin pulsed as if it had a heartbeat of its own.

Noah's mind went numb, the sound of his heartbeat pumping inside his ear, and gradually, the world began to shrink. The noises outside dimmed, the walls around the room caved, and everything became small and meaningless. Everything except Joshua, who seemed to grow in size and presence. His musky scent started overpowering Noah's senses. Joshua's nutmeg breath and suede-scented skin swept into Noah's nostrils like a summer breeze, bringing old and treasured memories. And soon, the boy's head fell forward, his forehead bumping against his brother's massive chest. He lingered there, his breath coating it with a warm layer.

"You shouldn't have come," Noah whispered, his words fueling Joshua's musky breath to compress around him.

"Why?" The hunk provoked, feeling Noah's cock brush against his thigh.

"Because..." Noah stuttered. "Because...I can't be trusted around you." The boy admitted.

As he did, he felt Joshua's hand grab his, forcing it down his black denim pants. Inside, Noah found the most massive cock. One he knew all too well—Joshua's 10-inch, thick, uncut beast.

"Do you feel that?" Joshua questioned, his breath hectic and profound. "That's how much I fucking love you." The hunk groaned, his dick leaking precum that started oozing down Noah's fingers. He pulled his brother's hand back out, lifting it to his nose. "Do you smell that? That's how much I want you." He continued, lowering Noah's cum covered fingers close to his lips. The boy's tongue slid out, licking the sheer, salty, gelatinous goo, his eyes smirking at his older brother. "Do you taste that? That's how much I need to be inside you, Noah." The hunk added, leaning in, his lips diving into a kiss.

But suddenly, as their mouths skimmed together, the sound of keys turning on the door burst through the small apartment, and Noah pushed Joshua's body backward, the hunk's heavy, massive figure barely flinching off the ground.

"Babe?" Shane's voice hollered from the hallway.

Noah glanced up at his brother, his eyes glistening.

"In here," he called. Shane's footsteps grew closer before he appeared under the bedroom doorway, looking slightly flustered. I was just about to toss Joshua's shirt in the washer. Do you mind?" Noah asked, picking the stained shirt off the bed and giving it to Shane, who looked at it before his eyes peeked at Joshua's massive back. Even if he tried, it was impossible not to look at his perfectly carved musculature. It was a sight to behold.

"Hum...sure." Shane stuttered. "Is he staying for dinner?" He asked.

"No. He's leaving." Noah stated resolutely before walking out and rushing for the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

Shane flinched slightly, startled by Noah's outburst, before mentioning to leave. But he suddenly halted, turning back.

"You should at least eat something before you go," Shane suggested, turning around and stopping in front of their bedroom door. He took a deep breath and went inside, closing the door gently. "Are you going to sleep?" He asked, walking up to the bed and sitting beside Noah.

"Most likely," Noah mumbled.

"Did you take one of your pills?" Shane asked, his hand reaching for Noah, who rolled over and turned his back on him.

Silence took hold, and Shane felt the weight of their differences for the first time since they started their relationship. As much as they loved each other, they were on opposite sides of a profound chasm where Noah's troubled past was stowed.

"You shouldn't have done that?" Noah's voice muttered.

"Done what?" Shane asked, his hand retreating.

"Invite him to stay." Noah clarified.

"But I thought..." Shane stuttered, sensing that the effects of his appeasing nature had disappointed Noah yet again.

"I know what you thought," the stud whispered calmly. He didn't seem upset, but his voice was changing. You have no idea what you're dealing with," Noah uttered ominously before reaching for his bedside light, turning it off, and enveloping the room in darkness.

Shane sighed with discontent, feeling his fragile connection to Noah being strained. He stood up and walked out, closing the bedroom door behind him. He strolled to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and took out the salad he had brought. He took a bole from one of the cupboards and tossed the salad inside it.

"Don't take it too hard, little man." Joshua's voice said from behind him. Shane glanced back. The hunk stood there, leaning against the small breakfast table, his massive chest still disclosed, with Noah's T-shirt hanging over one of his shoulders. Shane's eyes lingered on him, unable to pull away.

"I think you should leave...Joshua." Shane conveyed, turning his head back to the sink. "I don't want to upset Noah." He added, grabbing a small knife and cutting the cherry tomatoes in half. "I feel way out of my league on this..." He whispered discreetly, almost as a self-admission. While his mind wandered off, the knife slid accidentally over his thumb, slicing a piece of its skin. "Fuck!" He yelled out, closing his left hand around it as his face withered in pain.

Suddenly, he felt someone approaching from behind and leaning into his back. A sudden rush of nutmeg and suede pushed into him.

"Here." Joshua's deep voice whispered, his hand turning the water on and forcing Shane's sliced finger under it. A heavy blood flow brushed from the open wound, mixing slowly with the water as it skated down the drain. They lingered there, Shane's heartbeat increasing as he began to feel Joshua's massive cock press against his crack.

"I think it's fine now..." The boy stuttered, chuckling nervously.

"Let me see," Joshua said, turning him around.

The hunk grabbed Shane's waist and lifted him like a feather, carefully placing his ass over the sink. Then he leaned in, sliding between Shanes's legs, grabbed the boy's wrist, and brought his hand up, taking his bruised finger into his mouth. Shane's whole body quivered, the hairs on the back of his neck prickling with uncontrollable lust. He closed his eyes, shame and craving fusing as he felt the hunk's tongue roll around his wound, licking the blood off it.

"I..." Shane whimpered.

"Shh...relax, little man. I'll take it from here." Joshua groaned with ravenous hunger.

Shane kept his eyes closed but could hear the hunk unbuckling his belt. And he could smell the salty, musky scent of the hunk's precum-covered cock as his hand finally went down to reach for it.


[Several hours later]

Shane's hefty eyes began to unfurl strenuously, his eyelids practically glued together. He tried to speak, but his mouth felt parched and swollen. As the fog around his eyes began to dissipate, he realized he was lying on the living room's couch, naked, his bare ass facing up. He could feel large chunks of thick cum oozing off his exceedingly sore hole.

"What the...what happened?" Shane mumbled incoherently, his neck lifting as he finally glimpsed back.

Joshua sat beside him, bent over the coffee table as he calmly rolled a joint. His immense, muscular, naked body was covered in sweat, his thick hair dripping buckets onto the floor. The smell inside the room was intoxicating and intense.

"Damn, little man, you're still here?" He teased, sliding his tongue over the rolling paper. "Gotta hand it to ya...you're a trooper to be still talking after the pounding I gave you!" The stud taunted belligerently.

"Did we...?" Shane questioned, still struggling to move. He could feel his sphincter still puckering as it tried to close.

"We sure did!" Joshua heatedly replied, smacking Shane's ass vigorously, which was already covered with several red prints of the stud's hands. "I loosened that pussy real good." The hunk conveyed proudly. "And before you start wandering...yes. Yes, you did." He noted.

"Did what?" Shane mumbled, pulling his body closer to the edge of the couch. He could see his clothes scattered around the floor and several beer bottles, many shattered to pieces.

"Begged, little man. I fucked you for two whole hours, and you still implored me to keep going!" Joshua recounted, lighting his joint, taking a big hit, and turning over to Shane. "But...all good things must come to an end." He stated.

"I don't feel so good," Shane said, his hand skating along his numb face.

"Yeah, I had to slip a little something in your drink. Sorry about that, Sean." Joshua revealed, his tone condescending and hostile.

"It's...Shane." Shane rectified, feeling the room spin around him slowly.

"Whatever." The hunk responded coldly. "Trust me, I did you a favor. You don't want any part in what's coming next." He stated. His voice suddenly deepened, his words gaining significance.

Shane began hearing the sounds of muffled screaming inside the bedroom, escorted by thumping noises and objects breaking.

"Noah...?" Shane whispered, feeling his mind slip away.

"Noah can't come to the phone right now. Would you like to leave a message?" Joshua mocked in a disturbingly callous manner.

"What the fuck did you..." Shane whimpered before his consciousness tumbled into darkness, Joshua's voice still whispering in the back of his mind.

"Fairytale is over. Go to sleep, princess." The hunk whispered in the distance.


[The following day]

Shane woke, his eyes forcibly pinched open by the most uncomfortable daylight riddling through the living room window. His body shuddered, and he pulled himself up, rolling his legs to the side as he sat on the edge of the couch. As he lifted his neck, his eyes began scanning the room. It was as if a bomb had exploded inside the flat. Everything had been broken, knocked down, or thrown against the walls. It was a war zone.

"Fuck..." Shane mumbled as his mind attempted to gather pieces of what had happened. Suddenly, his eyes gaped. "Noah!" He uttered, flying off the couch and stumbling through the corridor to the bedroom doorway.

The old wooden door was smashed down, the sheets were scattered all over the floor, and blood stains were sprinkled around the window glass, which had been broken at the base. And Noah was missing. Shane's fingernails dug inside the doorway's old wood frame, his eyes gaping in shock.

"FUCK!" He hollered.


[Meanwhile, roughly 12.5 miles outside of town]

The car sped along the abandoned road, the sound blasting as Joshua enthusiastically bellowed along with the music, his hands drumming the steering wheel.

"Big wheels keep on turnin'
Carry me home to see my kin
Singin' songs about the Southland
I miss Alabamy once again, and I think it's a sin, I said

Sweet home, Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home, Alabama
Lord, I'm comin' home to you."

Fuck yeah!" The stud roared with rebellious joy.

But he suddenly halted, his eyes scouring the rearview mirror. From under the loud music, a muffled thumping sound could be heard from the back of the car. The hunk grinned, looking around before slowly pulling over to the side of the road. He turned the engine off, hopped outside, circled the vehicle, and opened the trunk.

Noah was inside, his wrists and legs tied, and his mouth gagged with a piece of gaffer tape. Joshua looked down at him, sighing with impatience. He leaned forward and yanked the tape off his brother's mouth.

"Ouch!" Noah screamed in pain.

"What the fuck were you thinking, Noah?" He questioned disparagingly. "I mean, did you actually believe this...ordinary little life you built for yourself would last?" He pressed.

"I was doing fine..." Noah replied, his teeth clenched with bottled anger. Joshua chuckled sarcastically.

"I'm sure everyone believes that. But we both know that's not true, right?" the hunk provoked.

"Fuck, Joshua. Let me go!" Noah pleaded, wriggling his body inside the small compartment as he tried to unlock his wrists from the rope's tight grip. But Joshua seemed unphased.

"What do you think that slutty boyfriend of yours would say if he knew about...you know?" The hunk questioned cryptically. This made Noah stall, his body slowly pausing as his magnetic sky-blue eyes glanced up at his brother, who smiled down at him.

"What the fuck is your plan?" Noah inquired, trying to sound calm.

"To keep doing what no one can but me, little brother. Take care of you," he said with unexpected gentleness. Then, he leaned forward, resting his arms on the car and nearing his face to Noah's. "Now, are you going to behave?" he asked.

Noah's cerulean eyes blinked at the hunk before arching his neck and spitting on his face. But Joshua just stood there, motionless. Then his tongue rolled out and carefully licked Noah's spit off his beard, groaning with contentment as he did.

"Fine. No front seat for you then." The hunk uttered, pulling up and slamming the trunk door shut with both arms. He returned to his seat, with Noah's muffled screams cussing at him in the back. He sat down and turned the key in the ignition, driving off as the loud music resounded in the distance.

"Sweet home, Alabama (old, sweet home, baby)
Where the skies are so blue (and the governor's true)
Sweet home, Alabama (Lord, yeah)
Lord, I'm comin' home to you (woo, whoa, yeah, oh)
All right, brother, now."


(To be continued...)

Copyright © 2024 CasualWanderer82; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

Dark, toxic...and hot as hell! Made me read some of your older stories...man, you can write smut! This story can take so many directions...and I'm already afraid of each one of them! 😉

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All I can honestly say is that these folks deserve each other, I see no hope or path to redemption or healing...color me done...

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On 2/29/2024 at 5:16 PM, Ticklishboy30 said:

@CasualWanderer82, This is an amazing start. Can't wait to see what's next. Really hoping Shane and Noah remain a couple. 

I'm glad you enjoyed it! 🙏

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23 hours ago, Cane23 said:

Dark, toxic...and hot as hell! Made me read some of your older stories...man, you can write smut! This story can take so many directions...and I'm already afraid of each one of them! 😉

That pretty much sums what I was going for. I'm glad you could delve into my other work. More to "cum" soon.

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