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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Daniel & Thomas - 7. Chapter 7

A new perspective

I can hardly believe it, it's now almost a year since I last added to this
Chronicle. In my defense there are lots of reasons for that and some are
easier to explain than others. You see up until recently I had pretty much
decided to leave telling my life story unfinished, because it wasn't
attracting much attention from readers. (Gee how boring does a
persons life have to be, to reach that stage?) But then I gave it a
lot more thought and considered that maybe it's not because my story is
boring, rather it's mundane. I guess a real life story would be mundane
rather then continually exciting, that is unless you are like rich and
famous in which case every single day of your life would be new and
exciting. Perhaps to spice my story up a bit I should throw in an enraged
pirate who kidnaps me and whisks me off to some exotic location or
something, hmm what should he look like? Maybe that guy in the Pirates of
the Caribbean, no, no, not Johnny Depp the other one Orlando Bloom? Then
again with my luck he would more likely end up being one of the ugly
skeleton dudes. Sorry got distracted there for a minute now where was I? Oh
I know.

I guess the right place to pick up is pretty much where I left off in the
last chapter. At Burger King that afternoon. Thomas and I had, had it out,
so to speak. I believe that I came away from that chat more enlightened
then Thomas had. In hindsight I can't deny the inescapable logic in Thomas
point of view, I honestly think at that time, Thomas believed he was simply
`getting off' and that there was nothing more complicated about it then
that. Perhaps I had unrealistic expectations kind of like a bride on her
wedding night, meanwhile Thomas was a guy just getting off, on a lucky
date. No matter how I cut it, the fact of the matter was, on that night I
had used him. After he got off, I unfairly expected something in return?
Silly really don't you think? It's funny though at that time it seemed like
the biggest tragedy on earth to me, the passage of time kind of has a way
of putting things into perspective.

For the next few weekends I adopted an altogether different approach.
Before going over to spend weekends at Thomas house, or alternatively prior
to Thomas coming to our place, I would masturbate like crazy, until my
penis was red raw. So by the time Thomas and I were together I didn't have
a single sexual urge left in me. (Having said that, my plan wasn't like
fool proof, often by Sunday afternoon my resolve would weaken). Thomas, at
first didn't seem to notice and we kind of went back to how we used to
be. We played computer games, wrestled, did tennis with Sara, swam and so
on. Three weekends of this treatment and Thomas had had enough; clearly he
had something on his mind.

"Ok, spill your guts squirt, what's going on?" Thomas asked angrily,
Saturday afternoon as we lazed by the pool.

My reply was neither contrived nor pretentious; I was simply confused by
the question, as he had caught me of guard. "What do you mean?"

"Don't lay the bullshit me, what's going on with you? All of a sudden you
have like totally switched off your sexual urges or something!" Thomas

It finally dawned on me what Thomas was on about. "Oh that" I laughed,
underestimating Thomas black mood.

Suddenly Thomas punched me really hard on the shoulder. `Ouch' I yelled,
`why did you do that?'

He looked angry; clearly he wasn't in the mood for a light hearted chat
about what was bothering him.

"Are you still pissed at me for not getting you off, is that what this is
about?" Thomas demanded angrily.

"No... well, yes I was, but I am not any more. After we talked about it
that afternoon I realized that you're right. What I did was wrong, I used
you to try and prove something to myself and I don't think that's fair and
I don't think that I should ever put you into that situation again." I

"So does that mean you aren't going to fool around any more?" Thomas asked

"Oh give me a break" I retorted angrily.

"Make up your mind Thomas, first you don't want me to be gay and to do
stuff with you, now you do, gees and you reckon I am being unfair. I
stopped hassling you because I thought you didn't want me too do that stuff
anymore and now you are saying you're pissed off with me, because I am not
trying to jump you?"

Thomas looked confused; I guess he could see my point. It takes a while for
logic to dawn on Thomas but when it does it usually hits hard.

"You totally misunderstood, you idiot, I wasn't telling you that I didn't
want to mess around with you anymore, I was only saying that messing around
is ALL that we are doing. We aren't gay we are only two friends getting off
together. Gees Dan all I want to do is fool around and have fun, without
you putting any gay connotations on what we do." Thomas explained.

I sighed, because I knew this was going to be a cyclic argument. What
Thomas wanted from our relationship was totally the opposite of what I
wanted. I had to make a decision, have NON gay sex with Thomas and totally
on his terms, or not have sex with him at all. It occurred to me that
Thomas was never going to form an emotional or romantic attachment to me
based on what we were doing.

Thomas is suggesting that we mutually masturbate each other, while
individually going to our own special place in our own minds. The only
problem being that the special place was different for the two of us. In
Thomas, nirvana I had no penis and was a girl, in mine Thomas was Thomas
and I loved every square inch of him.

I suppose that if I were a better person I would tell you that I chose the
moral high road and declined Thomas offer, but that's not what happened. I
guess at 14 morals are pretty flexible especially when you have an erection
and someone is offering to do something about it for you. In the end I
decided that Thomas terms were ok albeit far from ideal, I figured that
somehow along the way I would be able to convert Thomas to my way of
thinking. In hindsight, it's kind of ironic because the exact opposite
happened Thomas basically converted me to his point of view. We did in fact
reach each others destination, but like everything with me, not in sync; he
reached my nirvana at about the same time as I reached his.

"I guess your right Thomas, I mean after all we aren't hurting anybody and
I kind of do want to do more with you," I said resignedly.

"Cool dude, well let's not waste time sitting here by the pool, let's get
it on" he said provocatively, dragging me to my feet as we headed towards
the house.

I thought we were planning the future not then next three hours, my
comments had been entirely rhetorical... like I had already masturbated
four times the night before and now all I wanted to do was to curl up by
the pool and laze in the sun, Thomas however, was as horny as a mongrel dog
that had been locked up in a kennel for a month. I giggled and thought to
myself, oh well, this one is going to have to be for humanitarian
reasons. Besides if I hadn't agreed I probably would have been raped, as
Thomas wasn't taking no for an answer.

He pulled me up the stairs so fast he very nearly ripped my arm out of its
socket, we got to his room in record time and he locked the door behind us.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather play on the computer for a while?" I
teased, however I never managed to get the last words out, Thomas had his
lips fastened onto mine, taking my breath away as he pushed me backwards
against the door.

"Shut up Daniel," he admonished me, as he came up for air.

"And you reckon I AM the slut" I laughed as he bodily spun me around and
threw me onto the bed. He leapt on top of me, knocking the wind out of me.

Thomas straddled me and held my wrists above my head as he kissed me
passionately; there was a sense of urgency in his actions. He tugged
impatiently at the hem of my tee shirt; automatically I raised my hands
higher above my head so he could remove my shirt. Thomas smiled, "yeah
right... your so cheap squirt"

Thomas removed my shirt and kissed his way down my chest. As his tongue
slid over my overheated body I could feel, (despite my multiple
masturbation sessions,) my cock stiffen in anticipation, I sighed
involuntarily as he pushed his tongue into my belly button. Thomas expertly
in one swift motion threw the buckle and the clasp on my shorts open. I
felt a rush of cool air on my naked flesh as hot hands grasped my
hips. Thomas tugged hard on my shorts.

In an instant they were around my knees, then off my legs and discarded
carelessly on the floor, where a rapidly growing pile of clothes gathered.

Thomas hesitated as he stared at my Star Wars Boxer shorts, he burst out
laughing... "What are they?" he asked smirking, while pointing at my

"My cousin in the states sent them to me, hey when I say I have a Gungen
warrior on my ass I really mean it!" I said sheepishly, we both burst into
laughter as my boxer shorts joined the pile of clothes on his bedroom
floor, I was now completely naked.

Thomas hesitated and he sat back on my knees as he stared down at my body,
he sighed. "Gee Daniel, you really are very cute you know," Thomas said
blushing a little.

"Thanks" I said, as my cheeks reddened in embarrassment.

"No I mean it dude, you really are... if you were a girl you would be way
gorgeous you know!" Thomas said without thinking about what he was saying.

I wasn't sure if my feelings should be hurt or if I should feel
complimented, but before I had a chance to decide, my penis twitched,
obviously it decided it liked the comment so hey, I resolved to go with the
flow and giggled at the very thought of being under the control of my penis
beck and call.

"What are you laughing about" Thomas asked, looking at me curiously.

He glanced down to where my eyes were looking and saw my penis twitch
involuntarily again and he giggled also. "See your prick knows it's on the
wrong body, it wants to have sex with you also"

"ha ha ha," I laughed sarcastically, "Are you going to sit there all day or
are you actually going to do something?"

Thomas fingers lightly traced a path down my throat, "ooh I don't know," he
said as he reached my chest, lingering erotically over my left nipple which
left me shivering with anticipation, "Maybe we should stop" Thomas said,
meanwhile his fingers continued to travel down my torso towards my belly

As I felt his touch, my penis twitched making us both laugh again, "its
kind of got a mind of its own hasn't it!" Thomas stated, as his hands
explored my body. "Its weird isn't it, your skin is so soft and smooth like
a babies bum" Thomas laughed at his witticism.

"It's not my fault, it's my Scottish complexion," I replied thinking that
maybe he was being mean.

"Man I wasn't being nasty, I mean I really like it, its way cool."

Thomas fingers reached the base of my cock; he cupped his thumb and
forefinger around each side but didn't actually touch me. Anticipation was
killing me, I shuffled my hips under him causing my penis to touch his
hand, Thomas giggled again, "SLUT" he declared.

"NYMPHO" I retaliated.

"What are you calling me?" he said as he suddenly grasped my cock tightly
between his fingers, causing me to hold my breath.

"I kind of figure that when a guy has your private parts in his grasp its
not really a good time to antagonize him." Thomas said squeezing harder.

"Uhm you got a good point there, ok, I'm a slut" I offered, begging for

"Cool, now we know what you are we can move right along" Thomas said, as
slowly he began to stroke my penis.

"Wow it feels so weird, kind of soft and hard at the same time, and its
positively throbbing, and its so hot." Thomas commented absentmindedly.

`Ooh Thomas that feels so very good, please don't stop, I'll do anything
just don't stop" I begged him.

"Anything?" Thomas asked.

"Anything, as long as you don't stop" I kind of moaned rather then speak
the words.

"OK, I am going to hold you to that." He said, continuing to rub my cock up
and down.

I could feel sensations building inside me, it's hard to describe, I could
actually see in my minds eye, cum coiling around inside my balls and slowly
racing towards release. All of a sudden my fluids burst forward and I was
hit with what felt like ten thousand volts as cum shot out of the end of my
penis and splashed onto my tummy. Thomas was mesmerized by the spectacle;
he kept stroking me harder and harder until the feeling went from being
pleasurable to being painful.

"Stop, stop, your hurting me," I complained as I gripped his wrist with
both my hands.

Thomas looked at me wide eyed, "Sorry dude, I got a bit carried away there,
man that was awesome!"

"That's ok, just don't touch it anymore, ok?" I said breathlessly.

Thomas poked the puddle of cum in my belly button with his finger tips, as
if he were examining something in biology, he raised his finger tips to his
nose and sniffed, "smells different to mine" he commented, he then with the
palm of his hand rubbed my cum allover my belly and up over my nipples, as
if it were like skin cream or something. It felt good but right now I was
exhausted, I needed to have a breather.

Then suddenly something occurred to me, this is exactly how Thomas had felt
that day when I had gotten him off. I thought to myself, man our bodies are
so selfish, once it gets what it wants then all it wants to do is to curl
up in the corner and go to sleep I felt badly about how I had treated him
that day. I sat up and threw my arms around Thomas, hugging him to me as a
hot tear rolled down my cheek.

"Daniel what's the matter, did I hurt you?" Thomas asked with concern in
his voice.

"Nothings the matter," I stammered.

"Thomas, I love you so much and I am so way sorry for what I did the other
night, I mean now I know exactly how you must have felt, it was very
selfish of me" I told him.

"Hey don't sweat it squirt, after all you may not be thinking so kindly of
me after I hold you to your promise" Thomas said slyly.

"Promise? What promise," I asked perplexed.

Thomas raised the pitch of his voice and sounded like a girl, "Ooh Thomas I
will do anything you ask no matter what... please don't stop Thomas" he

"Ooh, that promise." I replied, dreading what was to come next. "Well you
know I was only kidding don't you? I mean you can't hold me to that." I
said unconvincingly.

"Oh yes I can, and oh yes I will" Thomas replied laughing.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked meekly.

Thomas reached out and traced his finger around my lips, "hush little one,
lets not get into those gruesome details just yet, hmm you've got such a
pretty little mouth," he said with a devilish grin.

"No way man" I looked wide eyed back at him as realization hit me.

"Way man, and besides you already told me that you wanted to do it.

I couldn't deny it, I did actually fantasize about sucking on Thomas cock,
but now that I had gotten off I wasn't so sure anymore, "look how about
next time, this time I will wank you and kiss you all over!" I offered by
way of compensation.

"Nope, I want it all..." Thomas said, steadfastly.

"Well OK, but your going to scrub it like totally clean first, with hot
water and soap too, man if I taste anything weird on it I am going to barf
all over you" I pouted.

Thomas was so excited at the prospect of getting his cock sucked, that he
leapt of me in an instant and tore into the bathroom, seconds later I could
hear the Fawcett running and the sounds of Thomas scrubbing himself clean,
in no time flat he was back in the bedroom, he had an expectant look on his
face, but he still had his clothes on, which confused me.

"How come you're dressed?" I asked.

"Cause you are going to strip me, I want the whole deal" he said, his voice
croaking a little.

"Cool" I said, as I got seductively off the bed and slid my naked form over
to him. I bit my lower lip as I stood wide eyed on tiptoes and slid my arms
around his neck. Slowly I brought my mouth up onto his. I kissed Thomas
passionately. My tongue forced its way into his willing mouth as I caressed
him orally for what seemed like ages.

"Ooh shit, I have to go home now!" I apologized suddenly as I attempted to
pull away from him.

Thomas chuckled as he grabbed my wrist and swung me back into his
embrace. "Your not going home, you haven't been fed yet!" he said as he
kissed me hard on the mouth.

I reached under his tee shirt running my hands over his muscular body, I
sighed, partly out of envy partly from jealousy, it wasn't fair that he was
so well developed and I still looked like a kid. My fingers found his
nipples and much to my surprise they were erect, with my thumb and
forefinger I pinched and played with them, causing Thomas to stifle a moan
into my mouth. Thomas raised his arms up for me to remove his shirt, but it
seems I am a lot better at being stripped then stripping. I wasn't tall
enough to slip his shirt over his head. Instead I got him hopelessly
tangled in his own tee-shirt.

"Smooth Dan, real smooth," Thomas chuckled as he bent over at the waist so
I could pull his tee-shirt the rest of the way off.

Wanting to redeem myself as `the master seducer,' I dropped to my knees and
grasped his belt buckle, in one quick flick I released the buckle and tore
the front of his pants open, it was going fantastically well I thought,
well right up until the moment I flicked myself in the eye with his belt
buckle. I fell to the ground clutching my wounded eye.

"Owe, owe, god I'm blind, I'm blind," I wailed.

Thomas dropped to his knees and pulled my hands away from my face, he was
splitting his sides laughing. "Get up you idiot," he said as he guided me
to the bed, removing his pants and boxers along the way.

Fortunately I managed a quick recovery; I was finally able to focus again,
what I saw was 6 inches of Thomas fat cock staring at me. I was mesmerized,
almost like I was staring at a cobra and hypnotized by the sight. It swayed
ever so seductively as Thomas breathed. It seemed like the most beautiful
thing I had ever seen. I knew I wasn't going to waste time in kissing and
licking him. I had to taste him, later there would be time for all that
other stuff but right now I had to taste his cock in my mouth.

I reached out with my hand and touched it. The skin was exactly how Thomas
had described mine, soft and hard at the same time, and most certainly
throbbing with anticipation. I slid his foreskin back to reveal the bulbous
head. I could see blue veins on the underside bulging from the pressure as
I gently caressed him.

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to pull the skin back before sucking his
cock, after all I didn't exactly have an instruction manual, but it felt
like the right thing to do. For the first time in my life a cock touched my
lips, the feeling was electric. Not really knowing what to do I poked my
tongue out and licked the tip of Thomas cock. Thomas jumped at the touch
and moaned so loud I thought the neighbors would come running, thinking he
had injured himself.

He tasted of soap, well that's considerate of him I thought he did wash
himself after all. I pushed my tongue around the head of his penis and a
new taste hit my taste buds, a salty taste. At first I thought Thomas was
about to cum but then I realized it must be what is called pre-cum, the
clear fluid that tells your partner you are in the mood...

I opened my mouth preparing to suck his cock in when Thomas thrust forward,
his prick pushed into my mouth causing me to gag. "Shit Thomas don't do
that... stand still or I won't do it any more" I threatened.

Thomas apologized and did his best to stand still. I slowly drew his cock
into my mouth again. Running the tip over my teeth, then along my gums and
eventually pushed it all the way to the back of my mouth. Even with his
cock pressing against the entrance to my throat it still wasn't all the way
in, maybe only 4 inches or so were in my mouth. I didn't know if it was
possible to swallow any more or if I would be killed or somehow ruptured if
I tried to go any further, but something deep within me made me try. I
pushed my head onto his cock and felt the pressure.

For a while nothing happened, except I wasn't able to breath. The suddenly
something amazing happed, my throat opened up and his cock just made a
popping noise as it slid effortlessly down into my gullet, almost as if
that was what my throat was made for. Thomas moaned again, but having a
full mouth I couldn't really admonish him. After a few seconds I realized
that I needed to breathe so I withdrew his cock from my throat. Thomas
sighed in disappointment.

After a few attempts I sort of worked out that it was possible to breathe
if you timed it correctly. A couple more tries and his cock was sliding in
and out of my throat and I was breathing ok. Though my eyes were watering,
I wasn't really in any sort of pain. Despite having warned him about
thrusting, Thomas put his hands behind my head and held me there as he
started to push in and out of me. I wanted to protest but breathing,
sucking cock and protesting at the same time are one to many things to do.

Instead I closed my eyes and went along for the ride, hoping that Thomas
wouldn't have to push my suffocated and dead body of his erect penis after
he had finished.

Suddenly Thomas thrusting had a sense of urgency about it. He pushed in
hard forcing all of his cock deep down into my throat. His cock seemed to
grow even larger inside me, then I felt a hot splash as he came deep down
inside my throat. He was squirting so much cum I couldn't possibly hope to
swallow it all. Much to my disgust cum gushed out from my nose; I didn't
really have time to ponder the plumbing though as another round of sperm
shot down my throat. It seemed like forever that Thomas continued to
cum. Finally, and none too soon, just as I was about to pass out, Thomas
cock stopped pumping. Even though he stopped pushing his cock into me, he
was still erect.

He slid his prick out from my throat and it sat in my mouth. Cum was still
dribbling from the end, and now I could taste it. It's weird but when cum
goes straight down your throat you can't actually taste it, but now I could
and it tasted just fine to me.

Thomas collapsed onto the bed exhausted as he pulled his cock from my

"Awesome, Dan that was fucking awesome, never had anything feel like that
before. Man I love you so much little dude" he said breathlessly.

I tried to answer but my throat was still to sore, instead I burped causing
cum to dribble from my mouth and nose. I was a horrible mess I had cum all
over my face, nose, mouth, chin and hair.

Thomas looked at me and burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked in a husky voice.

Thomas got up from the bed grabbed me by the hand and led me into the
bathroom, when I looked at the mirror what I saw was so funny it made me
burst into laughter. I looked like a drowned rat, I had sticky cum all over
my face, and my eyes were watering. I looked like that guy in ghost busters
after he gets slimed by the giant marshmallow man.

Needless to say we both decided to take a shower, we were feeling a bit too
awkward to have one together so Thomas used Sara bathroom and I used his.

Later that night eating dinner with his family, no matter what I ate is
tasted like cum, even the next morning each time I burped it tasted like
cum... it's a good thing I didn't hate the taste otherwise I would have
been barfing all over the place.

So that was the start of our mutual masturbation relationship. It went on
from early in my 14th year right up until I was 15. For a long while we
couldn't keep our hands of each other, before school, after school and
sometimes even during school we made out, or rather should I say I sucked
Thomas off and he masturbated me with his hands. Thomas was and still is
very fond of kissing, it's something he really gets off on. Often times
when we didn't have the opportunity to get naked we would just kiss and
pash. Despite what we were doing Thomas steadfastly maintained that he
wasn't even slightly gay, in fact he insisted that we were mutual stress

Continued in, A way forward....

Copyright © 2011 JDW; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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