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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Recognized characters, events, incidents belong to J.K. Rowling, Warner Bro / Discovery, WB Games and subsidiaries. <br> <br>
- This starts at the end of book 4 (Goblet of Fire) and is an alternate universe to book 5-7.
- There are spoilers from all published books, including Deathly Hollows.
Harry Potter and the Parliament of Dreams - 4. The Order of the Phoenix
It took a few days for Harry to wake up. When he did, he was ravenously hungry. After a very thorough scan by Madam Pomfrey, several house elves appeared with food. Harry promptly dug in.
Madam Pomfrey left him in peace as he ate but came back when he was done. “How do you feel Harry?”
“Odd. I miss Sirius tremendously, but I also feel like he is with me.”
“As I understand it, it is one of the gifts of the House of Black.”
“What else has changed?” Harry asked, intuitively knowing there was more. There was a lot more.
“Medically speaking, you have started to receive the magical boosts teenagers typically get as they enter adulthood. Because of everything that has happened to you, it has come a bit early. I would imagine over the next few months, many things will be changing for you and there is little you can do but hang on.”
“What about everything else?” Harry asked, recognizing there was stuff he was not being told.
Poppy lightly touched the Lord’s Ring for the House of Black and said, “It would probably be better for Professor McGonagall to explain this to you. It is a bit over my head. She will be along shortly, as she has been checking on you personally every couple of hours and she’s due.”
Professor McGonagall walked in at that moment. “You’re awake, Mr. Potter-Black. How do you feel?”
“Harry please, Professor. Just Harry.”
McGonagall smiled. “Okay Harry. How do you feel?”
“I miss Sirius a lot, but it also feels as if he is here with me. I can feel his magic around me. Does that make sense?”
“Sirius once told me that one of the things that the Black family had was a magical sense of identity and that the family members you are closest to stay with you if they pass. In some form or another. He had trouble explaining it.”
“Thanks Professor. Madam Pomfrey indicated that you may be able to help me with some other information. I’m a Black now, in addition to a Potter and I do not yet have a grasp on the politics of the Wizarding World. Can you explain things to me please?”
“You are now a pure blood, by law and by custom. Since you were already of half-blood stock and you were adopted by the magical blood adoption by a pure blood, it makes you fully pure blood. With the death of Sirius Black, you are also now indisputably the Lord Black.”
“What does that mean?” Harry asked, not specifying which part he was referring to.
Professor McGonagall answered both at once, “You are now a pure blood Lord on par with Lord Malfoy, from a political power standpoint. The Minister of Magic will quite likely move to your political orbit, once all this gets fully out in the open. It won’t take long. If Sirius did not tell you, you now control the Black seat on both the Hogwarts Board of Governors and the Wizengamot.”
“Wonderful. That will make life more interesting,” Harry replied sarcastically.
“It might make things a great deal easier for you. The Black family has a powerful legacy. Combine that with your own history and more importantly, your power, and you are third in our world only to Dumbledore and You Know Who. Given time and training, I suspect you will greatly exceed them both,” McGonagall said with confidence.
Harry was stunned at the conviction in her voice. “Are you certain?”
“I feel it in my bones, Mr. Potter. I will inform the Headmaster of your recovery. He wants to move you to the Order of the Phoenix immediately.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
* * *
Harry’s arrival back at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place had a great deal more fanfare than the first time he went there. All of the Weasleys were waiting for him and once again he found himself caught up in a hug from Mrs. Weasley quickly followed by Ron, the Twins and then Collin and Dennis.
After a flurry of activity, Mrs. Weasley got everyone back to his or her cleaning duties. Harry found himself in the entry hall staring at a painting of a disgusting old woman, who was examining him like he was a potion ingredient.
“You’ll do boy,” the old lady cackled.
“Who are you?” Harry asked politely.
“Walburga Black. Sirius and Regulus were my sons.”
“I see. Sirius mentioned you the night of the blood adoption ceremony. I think I will need to learn more about Dark Magic if I am to defeat the Dark Lord. Will you assist me?”
The old woman stared at him silently for a long time before she nodded.
Harry’s eyes went wide, the pupil dilating fully so the green nearly disappeared. He spoke in a quiet monotone, “I am not a blood purist, nor will I ever be. But I understand the needs to keep the magical lines strong to keep our world hidden. I understand you can walk in the dark without being evil. I understand the needs of the many over the needs of the few or the one. I know that I have a difficult destiny, but I will not go quietly into the dark night. This I have seen in dreams and though I don’t understand it yet, someday soon I will.”
Walburga, who lived no few years, had never felt such presence. Even as a portrait, she could feel the power. This boy, this teen-aged half-blood her son had adopted, was a power out of another time. She knew great and terrible things were going to come. She felt fear for the first time in a long time.
Harry’s eyes returned to normal and he said firmly, “Voldemort will fall.”
“Where is that whelp Sirius?” Walburga demanded after the moment passed.
“He was killed three days ago by Bellatrix Black Lestrange,” Harry replied in monotone and walked away.
He did not see the shocked look on Walburga’s face nor the anger that replaced it.
* * *
Harry found himself back in front of the portrait the next day while the others were working on cleaning the house.
“The ring has accepted you, I see. We have the summer to train you in pure blood etiquette and manners. You should also take the time to update your wardrobe. No Lord of the Black family should ever look like some vagabond in castoff clothing of a walrus.”
Harry blinked hard and then nodded after some quiet thoughts on the matter.
“Good. Go about your business and be here each afternoon at four to learn.”
“As you wish. That is, as long as you stop your foul-mouthed rants about blood purity and blood traitors. That is no way for the matriarch of the Black family to behave,” Harry said firmly, unintentionally making it a Black Family directive.
Walburga looked at Harry in shock that he would have the audacity to say such a thing. More shocking to her was that she felt the magic of the command, even though he obviously did not know it was a command or that she was merely a portrait and it should not have affected her. After a few minutes of staring at the powerful young man she bowed her head in acceptance, as if she had the actual choice.
Harry knew this was just the beginning of what would be an intense summer of training.
* * *
It was a few days later that Professor Albus Dumbledore showed up at Headquarters. He came with two small boxes and two envelopes.
“I’d like to see Harry and Ron please,” he told Fred, who had answered the door.
Fred led the Headmaster to the kitchen where everyone had gathered.
“Good morning everyone,” Dumbledore said when he arrived in the kitchen.
Everyone replied in kind.
Dumbledore cleared his throat and in a very dramatic and official sounding voice, “On this date, I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, etc, am honored to present to Mr. Ronald Bilius Weasley The Order of Merlin Third Class for Outstanding Bravery and defense of fellow Hogwarts Students in the Diagon Alley Attack. Congratulations Mr. Weasley!”
Ron blushed as he took the award from the Headmaster and his family and friends cheered him on.
Dumbledore cleared his throat once again when the cheering died down. “I am also honored to present to Lord Harry James Potter-Black The Order of Merlin Third Class for Outstanding Bravery and defense of fellow Hogwarts Students in the Diagon Alley Attack. Congratulations, Lord Potter-Black!”
The cheering was the same for Harry. Both boys got hugs from everyone present and exchanged firm hugs with each other.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t have the normal ceremony, but under the circumstances we thought it would be best to do it this way,” Dumbledore said when everyone had settled down again.
Now that things settled down a bit Harry and Ron were both blushing a bright red and looking guiltily at Colin and Dennis.
Colin noticed and said, “You both deserve the recognition. I wouldn’t have been able to stand there the way you two did.”
Harry looked at the pained expression on Colin’s face and went over to hug him. It very quickly became another large group hug in which everyone was involved.
“I’d love to stay and chat, but I have a lot of business to take care of back at Hogwarts. Congratulations again and I’ll see you when school starts,” Dumbledore said cheerfully.
Molly followed him out and they talked while the boys all smiled at each other and examined the ornate medals.
* * *
July 31st arrived before they all knew it. Molly Weasley had managed to get everyone settled and feeling at home within a few days of their arrival. Arthur had used his connections at the ministry to see to the Creeveys’ stuff. The boys were fairly well covered in insurance and investments that their father had made. Arthur arranged for a financial planner, familiar in both the wizarding world and muggle world, to take care of the boys’ finances. He also arranged to have himself placed in temporary custody of both boys until the Weasleys could adopt them. The Muggles went along without a hitch as the Ministry of Magic used its connections with the Muggle government.
Molly had also successfully prepared a surprise party for Harry’s birthday, arranging with Hermione’s parents for Hermione to stay at Headquarters for the rest of the summer.
Harry had found a letter and box from Sirius when they had moved in. He opened the letter and read it before going downstairs to start his day. It was the usual niceties with the addition of the explanation of the book that was in the package. It was a guide on how to become an Animagus. There were numerous notes in the margins that were Sirius’ and what must have been his father’s handwriting. He realized with a jolt that this was the book that they studied to become Animagi. He secreted it away in his trunk, before anyone else saw it.
Harry was feeling very tired, but otherwise was recovering well from his loss and all that had been going in the last few weeks. He did continue to stew over the thoughts of being gay. His nightly dreams became a lot more interesting as he figured out his true preferences sometimes involving Colin and a continuation of the incident of the couch back at The Burrow. Colin never brought it up again, though he glanced at Harry every so often in a more interested way.
He was jolted away from his thoughts by the arrival of his other best friend, Hermione. She walked right into his room and pulled him into a hug. Harry was surprised for only a moment before he returned the hug.
“Harry, I’m so sorry about Sirius.”
“It’s okay Hermione. He is a part of me now.”
Hermione appeared to want to question that, but she let it go for now. “Can’t you ever have a quiet summer?”
“It would appear not,” Harry replied dryly.
Visibly shaking away the morbid thoughts she said, “Happy Birthday Harry! I’m staying the rest of the summer.”
“Thanks… You are?” Harry asked in surprise.
“Mrs. Weasley invited me to stay and my parents thought it was for the best. I think she wanted to have as many friends around you as possible.”
“Most likely,” Harry smiled back at her.
“I’ve been studying some new curses and hexes.”
“Of course you were,” Harry said with a straight face.
Hermione mock glared at him for a moment before breaking out in full grin. “Why are Colin Creevey and his younger brother staying here?”
“Their father was killed in the fight in Diagon Alley,” Harry replied quietly.
“Oh No! I didn't realize they were staying here. I read about what happened in the Daily Prophet. Are they okay?”
“Ron and I defended them against some Death Eaters. Not all of them survived,” Harry’s face showed some of the grief he felt before he was able to mask it.
Hermione looked stricken for a moment at the pain that Harry didn’t hide fast enough before pulling Harry into another tight hug. "I'm glad you stood up to them to save others Harry."
"They gave us both the Order of Merlin Third Class."
"I read. Congratulations on the honor, though I can see how much it hurts you to think about it."
“There is something else I need to tell you Hermi,” Harry said very quietly.
“What is it Harry?”
“I think I’m gay.”
Hermione tilted her head a little bit and said very calmly, “Harry, you are my best friend. You will be my best friend, no matter what. You can’t help your sexuality. I read this really nice book called Real Boys once, and in it…”
Harry smiled as he cut her off with a big hug, “Thanks Hermione. You have no idea how much that means to me.”
It was at this point that Ron walked in. A look of slight confusion and a bit of jealousy crossed his features before a smile went across his face.
“Hermione! Good to see you. Ginny came upstairs to let me know you were here, since I wasn’t in the kitchen when you got here.”
“Ron, remember what we talked about that night?” Harry asked.
“Yes,” Ron replied.
“I told Hermione about me, I think you should tell her what is on your mind.”
Ron paled. “Tell her what?” he whispered.
“You know what, twit.”
“Tell her!”
“Tell me what?” Hermione demanded, quietly hoping it was what she wanted.
Ron looked desperate and trapped. He finally rushed it out, “Hermione, I really like you a lot and want you to be my girlfriend.” He cringed a little expecting an explosion.
Hermione walked over in front of him. She looked in his eyes for a moment before leaning in and kissing him on the lips. His whole body blushed a brilliant red that rivaled his hair.
“It’s about time!” Harry grinned at his two best friends.
They went downstairs together to join what was shaping up to be a big party. Harry got gifts from all his friends and they all had a good time. They all were able to forget about the pain and the problems that had been hovering over their heads, for a while at least.
* * *
Harry woke up abruptly again. The pained expression on the face of the fallen Death Eater faded from his vision as he regained consciousness.
Another nightmare!
He had been having them all too frequently. It was still a couple of days until they left for Diagon Alley. It was decided that they would all spend the last day of vacation there. The Ministry, through Arthur Weasley, had arranged protection, in the form of Aurors, for both Harry and the Creeveys. Harry did not want protection, but he wasn’t given any choice in the matter. Both Arthur and Molly had been very firm on the point and Harry had relented.
Harry’s attention was brought back to the room when he heard a sniffle from the direction of Dennis’s bed. It was apparent that Dennis had another nightmare as well. The boy was awake and cringing under his covers. Harry made a noise and Dennis popped his head out and Harry gestured to him. The boy hopped out of his bed and climbed in next to Harry as soon as he had lifted the covers. The boy folded himself into the same shape that Harry was in and Harry wrapped his arms around the boy. The boy fell back asleep almost instantly. Harry was glad. Both he and Ron had taken on the roll of big brother for little Dennis.
Dennis was having a hard time and Colin could not provide him with what he needed. Colin was suffering too and could not shake his own misery to help his brother. Harry really couldn’t blame Colin for it either.
Harry snatched his glasses off the stand and looked over in Ron’s bed. Colin was curled into Ron in a similar fashion that Dennis was curled into Harry. Both Ron and Harry had been acting as an older brother and comforter to the boys for the last two weeks. Neither boy had any previous experience providing comfort to a sibling as Harry was alone and Ginny never went to Ron when she needed comfort.
They both did very well, though. Harry was glad that Colin usually went to Ron’s bed for comfort, as Harry was afraid that he might become more interested in Colin sexually. Harry found Dennis cute, but still a bit too young for sexual desire. Colin, on the other hand, was cute and gay. The small event on the couch had not left Harry's mind. They were not interested in each other, but Harry did not see any reason to test hormones.
Harry decided to stop pondering things and get back to sleep. He placed his glasses back on the nightstand and then pulled Dennis in a little tighter. He went back sleep almost immediately and was able to sleep the rest of the night away.
* * *
The rest of Draco’s summer passed quickly. His daily routine was set after a few days and he didn’t leave his room until the last day of August. He spent each day doing exercises from the magic books to learn how to apparate and how to become an Animagus. He was not able to fully achieve results, but he learned everything he needed. Some of the ingredients he needed to prepare the initial potion were unavailable to him.
He figured he could get the ingredients from Professor Snape as soon as he got back to school. Snape liked him enough to give him the potion ingredients without asking why he wanted them.
Draco had continued to have strange dreams throughout the summer. On a few occasions, he even woke up sexually aroused from something that occurred in his dream. Except for the first time though, he couldn’t remember any of his dreams. He still wasn't sure what Voldemort did, but the fact that he was sent away in one piece, without the mark of the Death Eater, pleased him greatly. Despite what Harry and his friends might think, Draco had no desire to be subservient to the Dark Lord. Draco had far too much ambition to be a kowtowing underling.
Draco stood in his room on the last day of his incarceration. All of his school things were packed and he was wearing slacks and a tight silk shirt. The room was as dark as pitch except for a small candle burning brightly on a low table near the bed. The light caused shadows to leap and climb across Draco’s pale face. He had come to the conclusion that he would no longer be following his father’s dark path. He would now do what he felt he needed to do. Narcissa arrived within moments of his conclusion and they walked together down to the car, several elves levitating his school trunk behind them. As soon as the car was loaded, they sped off towards London and Diagon Alley.
Draco went to the Leaky Cauldron first. He checked in and dropped his trunk in his room. His mother had left him at the door, and driven off without even a simple goodbye.
Draco set out into Diagon Alley on his own. It was the first time in two months that he had any chance to interact with anyone. He was feeling somewhat overwhelmed as he passed through the bar area. He saw the famous Boy Who Lived sitting alone, drinking a butterbeer. Their eyes locked in the mirror and Draco, in an uncharacteristic manner merely nodded to the other boy as he passed him on his way out the door. Once into Diagon Alley, Draco looked over the book requirements for the fifth year. As soon as he determined what he needed, he made his way to Flourish and Blotts to buy his books.
This year he would be different. No longer would he be Lucius’s pawn.
* * *
It was August 31st, the very last day that they were on summer vacation. Harry truly wanted to get back to school. Hogwarts promised at least a bit of normality to his life. Normality and Hogwarts, oddly out of place in the same sentence, Harry thought wryly to himself.
He was sitting at the bar of the Leaky Cauldron, silently sipping a butterbeer. After the last incident in Diagon Alley, no one was taking any chances at all. There were not one, but two Aurors standing in the shadows near the back of the tavern room. If he hadn’t been told they were there, he really wouldn’t have noticed them. Colin and Dennis were upstairs in their room, also with a guard. They did not feel like going out into the Alley at all.
As he was drinking, he looked up in the mirror just in time to lock eyes with Draco Malfoy as he passed by him. Malfoy nodded to him in acknowledgement. Harry nearly fell out of his stool in surprise. Malfoy not only did not stop to insult him, he acknowledged him as a person. Harry turned his head in wonder and watched Malfoy saunter quietly out the door into Diagon Alley. Harry watched the slightly smaller boy until he was out of sight before he noticed two sets of eyes on him. He turned to see one of the Aurors approaching him. He turned fully to face her.
“Mr. Potter, was that boy Draco Malfoy, the son of Lucius Malfoy?” she asked.
“Yes, ma'am,” Harry responded politely.
“We have long held suspicions that Lucius is an important Death Eater and…”
Harry cut her off, “Lucius Malfoy is most certainly a Death Eater. He was present when Voldemort returned.”
“We don’t have any definitive proof of that,” the Auror replied shortly.
“I was there, but you can believe what you like. Why are you asking about Draco?”
“We wanted to keep an extra sharp eye on him and see if we could check for a Dark Mark on his arm.”
“I seriously doubt that Draco would join Voldemort’s ranks. He’s more bark than bite. In fact, he tends to be nothing without an audience. I doubt that he even is Death Eater material.”
“How would you know?” she snapped at him.
Harry’s eyes flashed a brilliant green for a moment, but he only replied, “Like I said, believe what you will. I’ll do what I need to do and I’ll let the truth attend to itself.”
“I have no idea what I did wrong to get assigned to this arrogant little shite…” she mumbled under her breath.
“Probably the same thing I did to get you,” Harry said sotto voce.
She stiffened in anger and swallowed her retort.
* * *
Draco was in the store for only a few moments when he noticed a bushy brown head in front of him. He rolled his eyes to himself when he realized it was Granger with her nose in a book as usual. He was surprised to see Weasley’s arm across her shoulder in an almost intimate embrace. He shifted slightly trying to leave, but he made too much noise. Weasley turned towards him and his face turned red when he recognized Draco.
“Malfoy! Buzz off!” Ron Weasley snapped out at him.
Draco was already turned around so he spun back to retort, “Weasley, I have absolutely no desire to see you with your Mud… Muggle-born girlfriend.” A rather weak comeback, he immediately thought. He also realized that he choked on saying Mudblood. That wouldn’t make him popular in Slytherin House. Draco turned and stormed off, angry with himself. Ron stood there for a moment with a confused look on his face.
Draco managed to calm down and collect his books and supplies in record time. He sauntered back to the Leaky Cauldron with only slightly less of the Malfoy pride displayed than his normal.
He breezed by Potter again without insulting him. He went up the stairs and as soon as Draco arrived in his room, he dropped on the bed and started going over his new schoolbooks. He fell asleep several hours later.
* * *
Harry turned back to his butterbeer, as soon as the Auror went back to her post. He sat there for quite a while contemplating his drink and waiting for the return of his friends. He was surprised again as Malfoy breezed by him without saying anything. Harry was suddenly feeling confused about Malfoy’s actions and his gaze followed Malfoy as he disappeared up the stairs. Harry was startled to realize that he was also checking out Malfoy’s arse. Harry sat up straight in surprise.
It was only about twenty minutes later when Ron and Hermione returned with Mrs. Weasley. Ron was smiling again and had his long arm draped around Hermione’s waist. Harry smiled at his two friends as they approached.
“Any problems getting books?” he asked.
“Other than bumping into Malfoy? No. He doesn’t seem to be on the ball though. He barely even insulted either of us before rushing off,” Ron replied.
“Odd, he passed me twice. The first time he passed, he nodded at me. The second time, he just breezed by as fast as he could saunter.”
“How are the bodyguards?” Hermione asked, nodding to the agitated looking female.
“They really don’t like this babysitting job. I wish Mr. Weasley hadn’t insisted that Minister Fudge assign them to me. I am glad that once we are on the Hogwarts Express, they’ll leave me alone.”
“They are here for your safety Harry!” Hermione admonished.
Harry scowled.
“Don’t give me that look Harry!”
“Hermione, I know I keep surviving through luck, but I have survived so many attacks now that I’m feeling more than a little jaded about the whole thing. I just want to be left alone.”
“Harry, something you did nearly fifteen years ago saved the wizarding world from You Know Who. That world owes you a debt of gratitude. Some people think that you are the only one that can beat him.”
“Bullocks! Voldemort is not unstoppable and I’m not the one that is ‘destined’ to stop him. You are starting to sound like Trelawney!”
Hermione flushed scarlet, “I do NOT sound like that old windbag!”
“Yes you do. I’ll die when I die. It’s that simple. If I happen to die at the hands of the Dark Lord, early in my life then at least I’ll be with my parents and Godfather.”
Hermione was shocked into silence. Ron stared at his best friend for a few moments in silence.
“Let’s go upstairs Harry,” Ron said quietly as he tugged Harry’s arm.
Ron led Harry to the room they were sharing. There were two double beds in here. Ron sat Harry down on Harry’s bed before joining Hermione on his own.
“Harry?” Ron asked.
Harry looked up, tiredness radiating from his eyes, “yeah?”
“Harry, you are my best friend. You have been closer to me than any of my brothers for the last four years. I don’t want to lose you and I don’t want you to give up,” Ron started.
Hermione picked up, “You are my best friend too Harry. While Ron and I have become more interested in each other, that doesn’t mean I care any less for you as a friend. I know you don’t like it one bit, but you have survived You Know Who on numerous occasions now. I do not want you wishing to join your parents, even if it is just to yourself.”
“I agree with her Harry. You do not need to think about dying. You need to think about school. And Quidditch. You need to stop thinking about the Dark Lord. It will be nearly impossible to get you away from Dumbledore this year. They have heightened security and the protections at Hogwarts, after all the trouble this summer. You just need to relax. Maybe you can enjoy Creevey?” Ron continued.
“Hey! I did not prompt Dennis into that hug. He was just glad because he thought I saved his life!” Harry finely responded, blushing a bright red.
“I don’t know about that Harry, as you are sleeping with him. Besides I was talking about his brother, Colin. Colin was watching his little brother hug with you with no small amount of jealousy,” Ron joked.
“You’re the one that has Colin sleeping with you,” Harry winked then bellowed, “Next thing you are going to do is accuse Draco of liking me like that!”
“Why, do you like him?” Hermione made a sly grin.
“He’s cute and has a nice… hey wait a minute! Hermi! Don’t do that to me. How could you…” THWAP! A pillow to the side of his head from Ron cut Harry off in mid-tirade.
A pillow fight followed that left them all winded and sitting in the middle of the floor hugging each other. They all had smiles on their faces and were ready to face the school year.
They all went to their proper beds and fell asleep quickly. The first time in awhile, in Harry’s case. They all slept the night all the way through to wake up to Fred and George pounding on their doors.
The ministry sent cars to get them all to Kings Cross. They loaded quickly and were all rushing to their next year at Hogwarts.
* * *
Draco finally slept a night all the way through. Lucy, the maid, knocked on his door and woke him up at nine a.m. the next morning. Draco quickly showered and dressed in appropriate clothing.
He stepped out into muggle London and hailed a taxi. He told the driver to bring him to King’s Cross Station. As soon as he arrived he went through the gap onto Platform 9¾. Finally he’d be able to catch the large red steam engine to his only safe haven.
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Recognized characters, events, incidents belong to J.K. Rowling, Warner Bro / Discovery, WB Games and subsidiaries. <br> <br>
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