Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Fates Mates & Pirates - 1. Chapter 1
The Bridge was large in comparison to the ships I normally used for this. I had chosen ANS Vengeance as my latest training platform. Dad had wanted me to expand my personal training and that of the larger ships of the fleet. So, I went to the top of the list and picked out one of the Battleships. It worked out good as I controlled the wing too. In this case, it was a four, four, four, plus Wing. Four Frigates, four Destroyers and four Cruisers, supporting a Battleship. It made me work hard to figure out tactics on a grand scale to encompass the abilities of all the ships, not just one. Same reason I was on the Battleship when I was with CONFED Navy 6 months ago. Deep down, I missed standing on the deck of a Battleship, even if it wasn’t as much fun as a Frigate or Destroyer. This was a training exercise that evolved into a sweep of one Sector that has been reporting increased pirate activity. I stood at my position in my armor, helmet on my hip, my somewhat famous sidearm, the hand cannon, on my other hip. Something the Marines started, and I let it circulate. I am an Alexander after all and need to keep up the legends of an Alexander in Command. Laughing internally as I worked out my own plans under Admiral Lucien Livingston’s critical eye, acting as the Acting Chief of Staff.
“Nice touch Marc. They must have loved you at CONFED Navy.”
“I like to think they did. Haven’t heard from them lately, since they asked me to come back to do another stint of 3 months helping train some of their Frigate and Destroyer crews.” He raised his eyebrows in question.
“I didn’t have the time after I did 3 months working as staff to a Battle Group Commander. Too many projects of the Corporation and my own. Otherwise, it would have been fun as I would have been working out of the War College again.” He nodded in understanding.
“Yes. I’ve been back a few times. Always found it rather enjoyable.” He said as he walked around the holotable. Everyone knew to be quiet as he did, so not to disturb his thinking. I followed around behind him as I looked at my plan from different angles.
An hour later I was standing on the Bridge with the Admiral as we dropped out of Jump. I nodded after I looked at the screens in front of me. Right where we should be. Tapping out a new command, my earlier orders went out to the Wing in the Admiral’s name. I received confirmation from each ship.
“All ships have confirmed receipt of orders, Admiral.”
“Very well Captain Alexander. Let’s retire to the Command Center and get this operation underway. Shall we?”
“Of course Sa. Let the fun begin.” I said with a tilt of my head that made him chuckle.
“Indeed, Captain.” And with that we returned to the Command Center where he commanded the Wing from.
I sat at my station to the Admiral’s left. The actual Chief of Staff was at his right. Forward of us was the main holotable and several other Officers of the staff arrayed around it. Up above us was the forward viewscreen. From our spot, all we had to do was turn our heads and we could see out in any direction as the screen circled us. It was the same for the other Officers. There were screens at our individual stations, but unlike the Engineering or Weapons Departments. We were not specialized, but had an overall view of all systems. I cycled through several screens as I watched the Wing perform their predetermined maneuvers as we spread across different quadrants of the Sector.
“Third Element is entering the rings now.” I said as the Admiral was in discussion with the Chief of Staff. He turned to look at the holotable as I enlarged that section. It showed the Frigate being followed in by a Destroyer. They were weaving a parallel course as they worked their way around.
“See if you can tap into their sensors, Captain Alexander.”
“Aye Admiral.” I said as my fingers went to work. Soon enough I grabbed an auxiliary screen and brought it to life in front of us with the information overlaid by our ships A.I. The Chief of Staff pointed to something and I double checked. When I turned, I found the Admiral and the Chief of Staff had the same feral grin I had. It wasn’t long before our Third Element was engaged and I shifted the Fifth Element into position to assist as necessary. The Fifth Element being ANS Vengeance.
“Launch the Ready Fighter Wing, Marc. They should be allowed to get some flight time in during this.”
“Of course Admiral.” I said, as I tapped out the orders. In less than 10 seconds, they were on their way.
“All four are clear of the deck, en route, Admiral.” I said as the four new icons appeared on the holotable.
Checking the other units’ status before, I went back to watching the main event. I also pulled up the Marine’s readiness status. They were ready. Admiral Livingston pointed to one ship disabled.
“Send in the Marines, Marc.”
“Aye Sa.” I tapped a Comm Link open as I tapped out the orders. “Major. You are a go. One Cutter sized vessel disabled. Standard procedure.” I said, as he acknowledged.
“On our way Captain. Four Assault shuttles on the deck and launching.”
“Very good Major. May the Stars be with you and your people.” I said as I closed the Comm.
“On their way Admiral. Four double squads in battle armor.” Was all I had to say. He knew they went into the armored assault shuttles.
* * *
It has been 2 months since I made it back to Low Point Station and I was concentrating on my Mining Company. I had a good manager in a place that only required direction in broad strokes. They would interpret my desires and make them into reality. Overall I was satisfied, and the credits were rolling in. Then back out just as fast for maintenance and upgrades as well as the occasion addition of another Ice Miner. Since I was making more with three of them than I was with the five of my Mauler Ore Miners. Today was another one of those days that I spent time down in the bowels of one of the miners running diagnostics with the engineers. About six hours worth after having spent 5 hours working on reports and another two making Comm’s to various people. By the time I sat down for dinner, it was after 19:00 hours. I still had another few hours of planning to do before I actually go to bed.
Yesterday Camile was here. Single too, I might add, and since I was, she spent the night. We even connected our implants during sex. Leaving early when I did. Too bad she wasn’t here tonight. Of course, Roman had Bonded last year to Zack. Unfortunately, he sent me the invitation after I already had scheduled my time with CONFED Navy. I was all the way over in Solomons Rift, 34 sectors away, when they had their ceremony. I made sure they had a gift from me, and they made sure I had the holovid of the ceremony. I thought about it and tapped out the sequence that would connect me with him. It took a few minutes.
“Hi Marc.” Said Zack’s voice as he appeared in my holo. “Roman is just getting out of the fresher. He’ll be right here. How was your stint with the Navy?” asked a wet-haired Zack.
“Not bad. Wish I could have gotten away. Thanks for making sure I received the holovid of your ceremony.” I said.
“We know. He was upset, but I reminded him we waited until the last minute to set the date. If we had stuck to the original date, you would have been there.” He shrugged. “Lessons learned. Other people have lives too and can’t always drop what they are doing to visit us. Speaking of…” Zack stopped as his head turned to receive a kiss before Roman’s smiling face popped into the holoview.
“Hi Marc. I heard you and Cam spent the night together.” Said Roman as I laughed.
“Good news travels fast, but good gossip moves at the speed of light. Still applies, I see.” I said, as I laughed softly.
“It does. Any chance of you being at Low Point Station on the 17th?” Checking my own schedule.
“No. I’m off station from the 14th until the 19th, it looks like.” I said, and his smile faltered a little. Just enough, I noticed it.
“We wanted to show you the new ship and… talk about something else. I would prefer to do that in person. Can we set up a date we can meet? I’ll send you our schedule?” Roman asked as Zack said he just sent it. The ding on my side said it arrived.
“Let me look.” I opened their schedule as I compared it with mine. Back and forth, my eyes flicked as they waited patiently. “Hopefully, you are not in a hurry. Our schedules come close enough, month after next on the 11th. I could shift a day and wait for you to arrive at Weissman Station?” They both looked at the day and Zack was checking something else.
“The 10th, you’ll be on station Marc?” Asked Zack as he continued to check dates.
“We can push ours and be there late afternoon the tenth. If you could delay as well. That would be nice to spend some time with you for our discussion,” Roman said as I nodded and made the notations on my schedule.
“That sounds good.” I said as we continued to talk for 30 minutes before, we disconnected. I went to bed 3 hours later. Still unsure of what they wanted to talk about, but I have an idea.
The water was warm as I swam. Diving under, I felt the familiar feeling of water trying to push up my nose. Fingers grazed my leg as I tried to swim down and under the person who tried to grab me. Surfacing, a pair of powerful arms pulled me close. Wet lips touched mine as I wrapped my arms around him, feeling the heat from his body as I tightened my grip and felt his tongue force its way into my mouth, tasting the salt on his lips. We floated together as we explored each other with hands and mouth. As he attempted to dry hump me, I could sense the pressure of my dick against his. That was enough in my horny state to start the climax building. He was moving us back towards the beach as his hands slid down and cupped my ass.
“Marc.” My eyes were open. I couldn’t see him, but I could feel him against me. A sweet cherry and cinnamon smell emanated from him. I tasted the salt from the water again as I kissed him. His warm strength and gentle but wanting touch held me close.
“Hold on, I’m going to carry you to the beach.” I could hear him whisper in a husky voice as he raised us up out of the water. I tightened my arms around his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his waist. Dripping wet and naked as the day I was born. We moved across the beach under the tropical sun that made my skin dry in the breeze. Gently, he laid me on the blanket while I heard the pop of a top. Seconds later, his lubed finger loosened my hole. The slight burning sensation in my ass told me this was going to hurt. I felt his eyes watch me for my reaction.
“Your tight. Are you sure you’re ready for this, Marc?” The voice was a gentle, deep husky, sound in my ears.
“Just take it slow…” Confusion crossed my mind as I couldn’t think of his name as I laid there, gripping the blanket with clenched fists.
His finger pulled out as he added more lube and inserted two fingers. Again, I felt the burning sensation in my ass as he pushed in, working his fingers around to stretch me. I felt him touch my prostate and an electric shock jolted through my body as I shivered as I released a moan of pleasure while my dick spasmed. A high-pitched double beep sounded as I squirmed underneath him. Confusion set in, then my body jumped when it sounded again. I reached out behind me to smack the panel.
“What.” came out in almost breathless irritation.
“Get up, kid. I’m making a run to High Sec and your mother said you could go, since your ship is in for repairs. You’re my right seat on this trip. Be ready in 30,” said the old female voice over the link. I was still groggy as I sat up and moaned.
“Grandma Barbara?”
“Yes Marc. It’s 04:02 hours. Times a wasting. You have 28 minutes to get ready. I have a flight plan filed. Get up and get moving. You can eat breakfast here with us before we depart at 05:15 hours. Pack for two weeks and don’t forget your tablet again.” The grin in her teasing voice could be heard over the link. My underwear was sticky, and I groaned as I crawled out of my bed.
“OK Gram. What dock?”
“C-12, I’ll see you in 26 minutes.” The Link clicked off as she disconnected.
“Lights” The room lit up, too bright at first until my eyes adjusted. I grabbed my travel duffel and opened my closet to throw stuff in it. I pulled out a clean shipsuit, boxers and tee to wear before stuffing several into my duffel. Then I turned and pulled out my gravtrunk. It popped open, and I pulled out my sidearm before double checking my vacsuit, helmet, and armor. It was all good and fully charged. I jumped across the trunk to my fresher. Not that hard, considering that I couldn’t fit into this small space with another person. Bed against one wall in the corner with the foot of it by the entry door, a small set of cabinets next to the other end. The closet is on the opposite wall with a small desk and chair for my workstation and tablet.
“Crap” I stretched and grabbed the tablet. Popping the top open again, I shoved it into the slot in my gravtrunk, closing the lid. Next to the desk was another set of cabinets and a space for my gravtrunk. Almost across from the entry to my room. Next to that on the wall on the other side of the door were two old style pull doors, not a sliding hatch like my entrance. One held the fresher, and the other held the Head. The one place where all the actual work gets done, according to one of my grandfathers. I hopped into the fresher and savored the hot water as I washed the drying cum off my body. My thoughts still went back to images of the dream I had. Whoever he was, he was taller than me. That in itself is unusual as I am fairly tall as in the top 10 percent of the population. He was definitely in the top 1 percent of the human population. There are species we deal with that are taller than us, but he was a human male. All male and hot as hell in my mind. I shook off the feelings of horniness as I brought myself back to reality. It wouldn’t do to be late for ship’s movement after all. Then I groaned internally. The damn schedule. I dried off and stood naked with my tablet as I fired off the schedule I worked out for my ships for the next 4 weeks. As well as a quick note to my manager that I would be out of contact today and would check in tonight.
* * *
I was dressed and heading out with my gravtrunk in tow with 7 minutes to get to the Blockade Runner. A quick and cloaking capable freighter. Mining, salvage and transport is what the family corporation does, as well as ship construction. We do it so well that we have a very large corporation in this sector with many footholds into other sectors. The family is always trying to teach me something about our businesses and it works out well. I get out of advanced classes for a few weeks again, but that doesn’t mean I get out of the work. I still have to do everything that every other student does and almost none of the students are in class the entire teaching period of which there are 4 periods to the educational stanyear. Each with 4 learning sessions, a meal break/rest period and physical instruction session, which could be anything from leaning to swim to hand-to-hand combat training. The days are long, but it’s more about socializing than just learning. With over a million permanent residents and thousands of transient personnel, there are always new kids to talk to and make friends with. Many of the kids in my classes I only see in class about 30 days in a full stanyear, but we talk over the Link all the time. At 14, we can test for our licenses and certificates. At 16 we can sit our Boards for a Captain’s License. Since I’ve been on ships all my life, even being born on one, I hold a long list of accomplishments, one of which is my Blockade Runner Helmsperson License 2nd Class, and I’m qualified for Underway Watch Standing. Another couple of trips and I can jump and add the Blockade Runner Command endorsement to my Captain’s License once I get the 1st Class Helm. That also starts a whole cascade of other endorsements I can add to my Captain’s License. But. That’s not my real area of interest. I’m a Miner and I hold a Captain’s License that allows me to command any Mining Ship in production. I smiled at the thought. It’s an ongoing competition in the year 16 class who has the most certifications. I keep bouncing between first and second with one of my cousins, but she is 21 and I am 20. Getting my 1st Class on Grandma’s Blockade Runner opens up a new string of licenses with Certifications I can get. Including my Captain’s License Endorsement as I already hold First Mate on the Industrial Ships. Which I need to help my mining company grow. Especially after the diabolical fiasco I had with William. A few people say I have an unfair advantage because of my family, but I make it a point to invite them out with me when I take a miner to do some mining. My family has also taken them out on training cruises when they show promise in a particular field of study. I rounded the last corner to the lift that would take me to the hangar.
“Marc.” Two other people turned, smiles forming on their faces to join Rachel in waving to me.
“Hey gang. Did everybody get a 04:00 hours wake up call like I did?” I asked as I got closer.
Rachel just smirked. “No, we were told yesterday.”
Tom just laughed and said, “I’m just a hitchhiker on this trip to get my qualifications on the Ice Miner, but I’ll be asking if I can hang in the engine room and Valerie is heading up to High Sec for training at the Academy Officers Training Course.”
“Congrats Val,” I said as I hugged her.
“Thanks Marc, and thank your family for me, too. I really appreciate all of their help.”
“Well, this is an Armstrong ship. You can thank them as I fly us up. I am sure they had a lot to do with it.” Val hugged me again.
“They did indeed, and I will.”
We stepped into the lift with 17 other people. I scanned the ship patches on their ship suits. Well, the people not in civilian attire, anyway. My own shipsuit had Alexander instead of a ship’s name on the shoulder patch. I had the extra distinction of having a gold star on each of my shoulder epaulets. Captain. I caught a few looks as I went back to talking to Rachel.
“And what brings you here? You heading out on search or can we grab some Ice time together again?”
“Your Grandmother is taking me out on a wormhole hunt again. Hopefully we will do better this time. So you’re heading for the Ice fields again?” My shrug was noncommittal.
“I don’t know what they have planned for me, but I am parts shopping if I can. I need a few things for the overhaul of Bear Claws again.” I don’t mention that it’s repairs either. Tom jumped in, knowing that I was trying to keep that incident quiet.
“How long before she’s ready?” His eyes danced with excitement. We always enjoyed working on it together and he learned tons from helping tear apart the engines for the rebuild over a year ago when I hired him on to work with Micah. I sighed as I worked out the time tables.
“I’ve run low on funds and parts I need. Maybe another month, possibly more.” Which wasn’t entirely true as he already knew, but again I’ve become very touchy about who knows what and the less my friends know, the better. Not that I don’t trust them, but allowing people to know too much has already cost me two friends and a crap load of repairs. Not to mention the current issues between me and my older sister, Caitlin.
“How much do you need, Marc? I could ask Dad to float you a deal” That brought both a smile to my face at the thought of Valerie wanting to help and tightening in my stomach at the thought of her father having his hooks in me somehow. And not very many people know about my other ships, except Tom and Rachel.
“Thank you, Val, but I want to do this myself, like my great grandparents did.” Nodding in understanding, she leaned up against Tom as the lift finally made it to the Dock. The doors slid open, and everyone filed out onto the Dock itself, heading to the ship’s Locks. Val was looking out of the windows at the Solar Flare as we walked.
“See you on board.” I said As I separated from them.
People lined up at the Lock and I saw a head pop around as I walked directly to the front of the line. The crew person on duty just looked up and braced to attention.
“Welcome back Sa Alexander. The Captain awaits you in her quarters.”
“Thank you.” My Link scanned through the system as I passed by, logging me on to the ship. I grabbed the first lift and got a few looks as my Link overrode the system, taking us to the Bridge deck. I promptly pulled my gravtrunk to the Captain’s Quarters and knocked three times before entering. Grandma stood and crossed the room as Grandpa came in from the other room to greet me.
“5 seconds to spare, kid. Not bad.” Grams pulled me into a hug. Then moved back to the table as Grandpa arrived. “How are you doing, Marc? You ready to fly 1st seat on this trip?”
I tensed as I pulled back, “First seat?” Grams just laughed.
“You’ll be in the right seat, but you are doing most of the piloting. If we sat you in the left seat, people would complain because you don’t have the First Class yet.”
Grandpa’s mouth quirked before he spoke. “That’s crap Marc. You could handle it and the Bridge crew knows it. You only need what, 13 or 14 more hours for your First Class and we’ll make sure you get it on this trip.” He smacked me on the shoulder as he went to sit at the table and the Steward came in. I moved and sat down, too.
“Brian. Please move Marc’s things to his stateroom next door after breakfast.”
“Of course, Sa. And welcome back Captain Alexander. Are you going to get the 1st this trip?” Before I even could open my mouth, the question was answered for me.
“He most certainly is, Brian, if we have to circle the sector a few times on the way up and back.” Said Grandma as I chuckled. Brian, as he poured coffee and juice, then disappeared, returning a few minutes later with our breakfast. Gramps and Grandma filled me in on the route up the Pipe which was displayed on the big wall system that we could all see, and they walked through a refresher of the procedures. When we finished eating and Grandpa excused himself to the engineering spaces and said he would meet us at the preflight briefing. I waited for Grams to tell me what else we would do once we hit High Sec.
“What did you want to do in High Sec this time, aside from drool over parts for your ship” The twinkle in her eye told me she was joking with me about the parts. The entire family approved of how hard I was working to put my own mining fleet together.
“Well yes. I need to go shopping and if you have some room for more cargo on the way back, that would be great. But I need to make some more credits first, so I’ll be renting a miner for a few days to run with mine. What did you want to do? I know Rachel said you were taking her out for another wormhole hunt again. I am open to suggestions.” She smiled.
“Yes. I am taking her and you too on a wormhole hunt. You’ll be flying the miner and we already have one spotted. The teams are already there, so we are putting together another team so we should get a 3 maybe 4 days of good Wormhole mining. You up for that?” Jumping out of my chair, I grabbed her in a hug and kissed her cheek.
“Yes please. I can really go? I could finish the ship this month with a good load out of a Wormhole.” Which would mean I wouldn’t need to use my current income stream. I felt her bony hand patting my arm as she laughed.
“Of course you can come, dear child. That’s why your parents OK’d it. They figured your cut of the haul should finish your ship. We are trying to expand and adding your ships into the mix will help. Few people these days seem to understand mining like you do. It’s sort of fallen out of favor and a lost art.” I laughed as I moved back to my chair.
“I am an Alexander, after all. I think it’s in my blood.” She giggled. Something I don’t think I’ve ever heard from her before. She was excited about something.
“You are indeed. I believe, and so do a few other people. That you are the generation that will leapfrog us into the one of the largest corporations in all the sectors.” She sighed. “We need to head to the briefing room. You need to meet your Bridge crew for this trip. Some of these people are going with you on the Arctic Bear Claws when we hit the wormhole. Don’t mention the wormhole to anyone until we are in it, please. Loose lips bring griefers.” She stood and headed out the door.
“Yes, Sa.” I said as we left the cabin.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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