Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Fates Mates & Pirates - Prologue. Prologue
Adam Knight
Wallas Station
I was walking with Jackson down to the flight office as I wanted to discuss upgrades on the Explorer. It’s a fine little craft that my family uses for our exploration of the Asteroid Belts when we are looking for certain ores. Not that I need to do that, but it’s fun to get out with just me and dad for a day or two. Just because I don’t get too far from the family offices of our corporation. It will also give me time to question dad about the rumors I’ve been hearing that mom keeps telling me not to worry about. I huffed silently as I felt the eyes on me.
“Adam. You had another dream. Didn’t you?” asked Jackson. He’s one of my closest friends. Even though he is part of a rival corporation. They don’t even come close to our size, but they are still rivals. We talked about a lot of things. I even told him about the dreams I’ve been having the past few years. This one was just one of many that I’ve had. He’s convinced that it means I have a fated mate, and they are coming. I’m not sure, but I can hope.
“Yeah. He was dressed in all black armor. It had something red on it.” I replied.
“Still can’t see a face?” I shook my head no. We made another turn in the passageway and passed through the entrance to the facility I needed to be at. Jackson waited patiently as I conducted business. Ordering the change, I wanted, with a complete system diagnostic as me and dad are preparing to head out again. Once we were back in the passageway, we resumed our discussion.
“He’s some sort of Officer. This time, there was a battle. I was on another ship and he destroyed something to protect me.” I said as I tried to remember details. All I can really remember is the regret for the personal pain I caused him.
Jackson stopped as he frowned. I could tell he was organizing his thoughts. Probably reviewing every scrap of information I’ve ever given him. I watched as his head tilted and his shoulder lifted in a shrug.
“It’s confusing. Your dreams must be complete, but you can’t remember. He’s some form of Officer. He wears black armor. You are taller. He is well educated. And you’ve had sex in different places. He has to be your mate, but the picture makes little sense… Yet.” Jackson said as he kept thinking about it. He shook his head before he spoke again. “I always wanted to be someone with a fated mate. I always thought it was the coolest thing ever. Now, I don’t think I'd want to be involved in all the problems it brings you.”
“I guess.” I responded. He might be right, but deep down inside, I know I have a mate, and we love each other. The one beach memory is the most prevalent of the sex scenes and it looks like Casi Oceanus. That tells me a lot about our relationship if he is really with me on our family’s island. The chill shot through my body as we passed one of the environmental ducts. The large ones here on the station. It must be adjusting the temperature in this area.
A hand patted my shoulder. “I’ll see you later. I need to run over to section 27,” Jackson said. We hugged.
“Thanks for listening again, Jackson. I know it’s repetitious.” He shrugged.
“Yeah. But every time I get another piece of the puzzle. Maybe you could try to instruct your implant to record when you dream?” Which made me sigh. We have discussed this before.
“It doesn’t work that way. I tried to find a workaround, but it never works.”
“I’ll look into it. Maybe I know somebody that could help.” Jackson asked. Cautiously.
“No. I don’t want anyone else to know.”
“Still haven’t told your parents?” I shook my head vigorously.
“No and I’m not going to.” He sighed.
“OK then. I’ll catch up with you later.”
“After dinner. I should be free by then.” He nodded and walked off in the opposite direction as I continued forwards to the lifts.
Marc Alexander
Low Point Station
“Thanks for staying the night.” I said as I crawled out of bed.
“You’ve been having more dreams again? Haven’t you?” Tom said. Even though he is one of my closest friends. I haven’t told him about all the dreams. There are some that frighten even me at the implications.
“They have started again. Yes. Usually, the same three. The beach is almost perfectly pictured in my mind.” I said.
“Yet. You still don’t see his face.” Tom said. As a statement, not as a question.
“No. I don’t.” My mind settled in on those strong arms holding me. My head was buried against his chest, just below his chin. Close enough, I could nuzzle him with the top of my head into his neck, under his chin. I loved the thought that my lover was taller than me.
“And the implant can’t record anything?”
“Haven’t been able to. Not sure why? I can record other things.”
“Like sex with your various lovers?” Tom asked with a smirk.
I chuckled. “It was good training. And they liked it.”
“I’m sure. I’ve heard various stories of people that have done it.” Tom said. “Anyway. Repairs are on schedule. We could use more funds. I think you tied up too much with the new Ice Miner.” And he was right. I did, but in my defense. I started that negotiation before I needed repairs.
“I’m working on that. Hopefully, I’ll have the infusion I am looking for soon.” I said as we entered the family dining room for breakfast with my family.
“OK. I have to run after breakfast. Let me know later if you want me to hold you tonight, too.”
My head lowered slightly as I thought about it. “I think. If you are not busy, then I will.”
“I’ll be there by 22:00 hours.” Tom said as he plated what he wanted from the buffet.
“Thank you.” I said softly as I plated my favorites. A look around before we went to eat with my parents.
* * *
Of course I’m trying to get work done in my office, not the corporate office since this is for my mining corporation, when my Link sounds the alert sound to be followed by a Comm from my father. Tapping the reception key as the holo forms.
“Marc. We have issues out by Talor III. I’m with Jess out with Shuttle Seven-Two-Eight Alpha.” I smiled at that. My favorite shuttle, with all its toys. “Can you take ANS Crusader and her two consorts out and do a sweep?”
“Yes. Heading down to get my armor. I’ll be aboard in 10 minutes.” I said, as I started shutting down my systems.
“Good. I’ll have a shuttle sent over to pick you up. They are preparing to depart in 5 minutes.” Dad said before he disconnected. I double checked the other ships and was satisfied. Two Frigates and the Destroyer.
Ten minutes later, I was on the shuttle as we lifted and cleared the bay. Heading to ANS Crusader at best speed. They were already heading up the departure lane for the Jump area. We were cutting across the lanes, as I had allowed via control. To put us on Crusader’s flight deck before they get to the Jump area. Where I headed directly to the Bridge to meet Captain Remy Faulkner. A stout older man that has been with us for 60 years. Refuses to be promoted above his current rank or be moved out of Destroyers. I liked him. He’s a quiet, yet demanding, person who runs a tight ship. And this isn’t the first time I’ve worked with him. He nodded to me as he stood by the holotable.
“Apparently, we are being invaded by pirates.” Captain Faulkner said, watching me out of the side of his eye. Which made me tense for a second before I shrugged it off. Looking at the current situation on the holotable. It didn’t take too long to figure out what he was referring to. It looked like the 4 ships were conducting a reconnaissance slash raid. And that did not make me happy. Not just because of the memories from two months ago either, that ended in the death of two friends.
“Then let’s drop into here.” I said as I pointed to a beacon location off to their port side. Probably less than 100 kilometers out. Far closer than they would like, not nearly as close as I would like. The two Frigates are meant for close in knife fighting. Under fifty kilometers. The Destroyer, on the other hand. Could engage at that range. Even if their weapons suites were lighter than a Cruiser. It would still be enough. The Captain was already ordering the Weapons Officer to lock his targets for weapons free when we come out of Jump Space. I was working out a course and attack vector for us to engage them with. By the time we made it to the outgoing Jump area, I was settling into my workstation and closing up my helmet after I sent the courses to the two other ships.
The exit from Jump space was met with the usual stomach lurch before I felt the reverberations through the deck of the main guns firing and watched as the bright stars of the missile drives streaked away from us. The corner of my mouth lifted slightly as I watched the ships move in perfect unison and turn perfectly. The four Cutters had split, with two going one direction and two another. I snickered as my fingers tapped out a new course and pushed it to the three ships. Within seconds, the weapons stopped firing, and we hopped forwards about 70 kilometers. Within ten kilometers of the two Cutters, I had selected. I waited until I saw all three ships engage the targets before I tagged the other two and plotted out an intercept course. I caught the flare of their Jump drives as these two were disabled. Yet they didn’t go anywhere. The chuckle behind me told me Captain Faulkner had issued a system request for any of our Mimic Class Reconnaissance ships to place an Interdiction Bubble in our hostile’s path. That made me smile. Satisfied the other two had been punished enough, I executed the next set of orders, bringing us around.
Twenty minutes later, the two Frigates were in pursuit of the two Cutters as we brought up the rear. It took almost an hour for them to get into effective range and once they did, it was all over. We had already doubled back to meet the other Frigate that came to join us. That was an assault Frigate and had four assault shuttles. Two were sent to each Cutter to secure them. Our other two Frigates stood by, awaiting the other Assault Frigate to join them. All told it was 4 hours later when we turned to head for home. Captain Faulkner was happy, and so was I.
“You’ve spent more time training fleet movements.” He said.
“I have. Both with CONFED Navy and here. It has proven educational.” I said. He nodded his agreement.
* * *
My day was a bust after our latest pirate incursion. That meant I was pulled into meetings after the reports were finished. Which I was less than happy with. But. A comment that Captain Faulkner made not only caught my interest, but the Admiralty as well as my father. Who was back on station now and we spent several hours working out a new patrol schedule. By the time I returned to my quarters, it was already going for 22:00 hours. I would have just enough time to hop in the fresher before Tom arrives to hold me for the night. It’s an unfortunate effect of post-traumatic stress disorder from an event several years ago that has flared up in the past several months due to other issues. And I refuse to use my meds as they disturb my thought processes. I was just getting out of the fresher when Tom arrived. He waited for me to climb into my bed before he spooned me from behind. My body settled almost instantly as his arms wrapped around me.
“OK. I’ve got you, so you can’t roll on me and start snoring.” Tom said. It made me laugh lightly, but he was right.
“Thanks. Valerie isn’t mad at me, is she?”
“Naw.” Tom said as he yawned. “It’s been a few rough months for you. She understands. Are you talking with your sister yet?” My body tensed and he pulled me tighter. Thoughts of who said what and what was said. Siblings exploding at each other as only siblings could. Driven by the rage of loss.
Grief and outrage colored my voice as I spoke one word. “No.” Tom stayed quiet after that. His steady breathing and the warmth of his body allowed me to drift off to sleep. Just as I always do when held by someone at night.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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