Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Education of Grandpa - 14. How I Got to Where I Am
How I Got to Where I Am
When Tom asked Geoff to explain what inspired him to, as they say, ‘switch teams,’ Geoff gave a lengthy detailed explanation of his new interest.
A summary of his explanation: “When my grandson, Alan, told me he was saving money for a new computer, I told him I would give him an early high school graduation present. Alan offered to give me his present computer, which would be a major upgrade to the old one my wife had used. I only used it to play games. Alan and his friend Mason set up the new-to-me computer. They stayed overnight. The next morning, when walking down hall to go to the bathroom, I noticed through their bedroom door, which was open, the two in the same bed, obviously naked as Mason’s bare ass was uncovered. Later that morning, when I walked past the bathroom, I heard the shower. Laughing indicated the two were in the shower together. I surmised they were in a relationship. Mason gave me lessons on computer use, and I learned to do web searches. I have an interest in trains, and he helped me check out trains’ schedules and history. When I told retired friends from work at lunch about my new computer, they asked, jokingly, if I had found the wonderful world of porn. I admitted I had no idea what they were talking about. Their suggestions helped me find girly and couples porn. I really enjoyed watching guys fucking and being sucked. Eventually I discovered gay porn, which really turned me on. On the website gayauthors.org, I read gay stories. My first rail adventure was a trip to Boston on the high-speed Acela train from New Haven. At dinner in the hotel, I met Jason. When he mentioned his partner and then later husband, I assumed he was someone I could come out to. He was the first openly gay guy I had ever had a conversation with. I told him about my feelings for men and desire to have a relationship. Jason suggested I consider Silverdaddies. Later, in his hotel room, he and his husband, Chris, who was on a zoom call from their home in western Massachusetts, helped me create my Silverdaddies account and profile. I agreed to have the photos you saw in my account taken. But I could not get it up in front of Jason and Chris (watching online). To eliminate my shyness, Jason and Chris got naked and jerked off with me. Jason, seeing the state of my arousal, switched to video mode and you saw the results. The evening I returned home, Alan and Mason came over for pizza. After dinner they began a serious conversation. They came out to me. I replied that I had known, having seen them naked in bed, heard them showering together and noted suggestive body language when together. They admonished me for snooping, then laughed when admitting they had been monitoring my search history, something I did not realize was possible. Mason admitted he began looking at my history to determine how effective I was in doing web searches. He had discovered I was visiting porn sites. When I returned from Boston, he had checked my computer and discovered Silverdaddies. He went to the site and discovered he needed a username. Then he noticed a piece of paper next to my computer with my username and password. Logging into my account he saw all: profile, photos and videos. He shared his discovery with my grandson, and they became concerned for my safety - emotional, physical and disease.”
“Of course, I was embarrassed that my grandson had seen my profile where I stated I wanted a relationship with a man. Also, the fact that he and Mason had seen photos of me naked and jerking off was humiliating. The boys apologized for snooping. Then, with a twinkle, Alan exclaimed, ‘Wow, you are one hot guy. I am so proud to be the grandson of a really handsome and viral grandpa. Do not be embarrassed. We saw and totally enjoyed your photos and videos. I wish I could shout out and tell the world what a stud you are. But, have no fear - what happens online is your business. While I will happily never forget it, we will never share it.”
Geoff then summarized his three meetings arranged on Silverdaddies. “The first was a no-show. The second were two elderly guys who offered to pay me to let them touch and give me a blow job. The old guy had used a photo in his profile that was at least twenty years old. The other guy was heavily into S & M. I was totally disillusioned with them, and went into the meeting with you prepared for another disappointment. WOW, WAS I EVER WRONG!”
“So, that’s my introduction to the world of men. Now, tell me about yourself. If our golf mate, Fred, is to be believed, you are in a serious lady relationship and have a harem of women at your beck and call.”
Tom replied, “I will gladly tell you anything you want to know. But, right now, I am starving. Let’s go out to dinner and find a quiet place where we can continue our conversation.”
Sitting in a corner booth at the Olympia Diner, Tom began, “I do have a friend, Catherine. And yes, we do stuff together, including the trip to Scotland. She and her now deceased husband, Phil, were neighbors. We were not close friends but did neighborly stuff. When they traveled, I would take care of their dog, water plants, take in mail, and make sure their house was OK. To repay, they would take me out to dinner. When Phil’s snow blower broke down in the middle of a storm, I completed clearing their drive and walks. I told Phil to use mine and not bother to buy a new one. When Phil’s prostate cancer progressed, I helped Catherine. I took over the snow blowing and accompanied her to medical appointments, as he had to be helped into and out of the car and into a wheelchair. Phil had managed their finances. I helped her sort out bill paying, reconcile bank accounts, prepare paperwork to take to their accountant for taxes and did some minor repairs in their home. The day he died, I stayed with her until her sister arrived from Vermont.”
“A couple of months after Phil’s funeral, Catherine called me. She and Phil had a subscription to the Hartford Symphony. She asked me if I would like to accompany her to the next performance. We attended, and I took her out to dinner the following evening as a thank you. Over dessert she stated, ‘Tom, I enjoyed our symphony performance and this dinner and conversation. But, while I enjoy our times together, I want to make it clear that I am not looking for a sexual relationship. That ship has sailed’.”
“I replied, ‘That is a relief. For me. the lady ship has never even set sail. I am gay. However, I also enjoy our times together. Let’s continue our sister / brother relationship with no ‘incest.’ We are comfortable together.’ At two different small inns in the Highlands of Scotland, the only room available had a regular size double bed. We had no problem sleeping together. As you know, we grew up during a time when being gay was not as accepted as it is today. I have kept that part of my life private.
“One other quirk you may have noticed is my house. You are probably wondering why the partner of an architectural firm lives in a house that is extremely out-of-date. My parents bought the small ranch house in the 1950’s soon after their marriage. Both my younger sister and I were born there - not actually in the house, but when my parents lived there. Mom and dad were into experiences, not material stuff. Travel and entertainment were very important to them. As a family, every summer and every school vacation, we went someplace interesting. We visited all major National Parks, sailed on a four-mast windjammer throughout the Caribbean, and visited numerous countries in Europe. While we never visited Disney Land, we hiked in the Rockies and Alps. Attending theater and sports events were important. We had frequent trips to Boston that included a Red Sox or Celtics game and visits to museums and historical sites. Locally, we attended Hartford Stage, Hartford Symphony, and Goodspeed Opera House. Did you know that both of the musicals Annie and Man of La Mancha had their first performances at the Goodspeed? I saw both before they became Broadway legends. After my sister and I went to college, my parent had subscriptions to The Metropolitan Opera in New York City.”
“As I said, my parents had no interest in material things. Money was spent on activities, never on furniture, jewelry, or fancy clothes. The only place they splurged in the home was to acquire updated kitchen appliances and TVs. When I divorced over twenty-five years ago, I moved back home.”
“My parents had inherited my grandparents’ cottage on Eagle Lake. A year after moving in with my parents, I began fixing up the cottage. It soon became my permanent residence. However, since the commute between Eagle Lake and my office is about an hour, I would stay with my parents many work nights. My dad passed away six years ago. A year later, my mom decided to move to a fifty-five plus community. She has a small apartment and many friends and activities. While I consider Eagle Lake my home, I stay here most nights when I work. Since I am a semi-retired Partner, I am here only in town two or three nights a week.”
“The house now is like a museum of the 1950’s with linoleum floors in the kitchen, Formica - chrome kitchen set, vintage furniture in all rooms, original wallpaper and worn carpeting. The only major improvement I have made to the house is the master bathroom. Moving a wall resulted in making one of the three bedrooms extremely small and enabled the installation of the large shower. The small cottage on the lake has turned into, in my opinion, a beautiful lake home. I hope you are available to go there this weekend.”
When the waitress brought the bill there was a small struggle as each attempted to pay. Finally, both put cash on the table that resulted in a very generous tip. Tom then suggested, "I want you to stay with me tonight. However, I must warn you. It is unlikely I will be able to repeat my performances of the afternoon. If you want, I will happily take care of you and let you play with me. Just do not expect a hard time, by hard I mean dick hard, from me. It would be wonderful to cuddle with you and wake up with you at my side."
With a smile Geoff replied: “I was hoping you would make that suggestion. Since I think I am no more than a twice-a-day guy, I would be happy to cuddle and wake next to you.”
"Thank you for accepting my lascivious offer. Unfortunately, I will leave at 8:30 in the morning for a nine o’clock meeting with a client.”
Geoff then lamented: "I don't know if I can stay over. I do not have any pajamas.” That was said with a grin.
Tom replied, "A guy must do what a guy has to do. You will just have to sleep naked." As both smiled, Geoff moved his leg under the table and squeezed it against Tom's. Tom pressed back. This simple jester resulted in both feeling a special happiness and swelling down there.
Back at the house they watched TV. Actually, there was more roaming hands than TV. Geoff told Tom he wanted to see what a soft uncut dick looked like. Tom unzipped and displayed it for inspection. Unfortunately, Geoff got less than a thirty second look as the soft dick immediately began to ascend. Eventually, the two were naked, sitting on the sofa. Tom took Geoff's hand and led him up to the bedroom. In the bathroom they pissed together. Geoff got a look at the now soft uncut dick in action. Tom gave him an extra toothbrush and they brushed side to side. Upon crawling under the covers, they deep-kissed and explored each other's bodes again. After each kissed the other’s nipples, cocks and balls they relaxed in the other's arms and were soon asleep.
When Geoff woke up, he at first did not know where he was. Then, remembering the encounters of the previous day, he reached for Tom. He was surprised and disappointed to find no one next to him. He got up to take his morning piss. Upon entering the bathroom, he heard the shower. Geoff slid the shower open. Tom smiled and reached for his hand. Then Tom spoke. "It is getting late. Usually I wake early. After our happy times together, I had a wonderful deep sleep. I don't want to sound like a 'dirty old man', but I really want a quickie. It is all I have time for now." There was no resistance as Tom knelt and eagerly swallowed the now hard cock of his friend. As Tom moved the willing dick deep into his throat, he jerked himself. Geoff soon exploded into Tom’s happy mouth as Tom creamed on the floor. Standing, Tom wrapped his arms around his friend and kissed him with open lips. With no hesitation, Geoff enjoyed the kiss and the taste of his own cum. They agreed to meet at Geoff's home after work.
While Geoff did not consider himself a gourmet cook, he was comfortable in the kitchen and planned a special meal. While shopping in Stew Leonard’s, a specialty grocery chain, he heard the notification chime for a text. 'Hi grandpa, how is it going? Hope you are happy and safe.' Knowing he could not call Alan since he was at school, he sent a reply. 'Wonderful, amazing. Tom is having dinner at my home this evening. Will fill you in with all details later.' Remembering Tom's comments about travel and adventure, Geoff purchased fresh-made California Roll Sushi, London broil beef, ready to serve Cesar salad mixture, mini potatoes to roast, fresh asparagus, dinner rolls and one of the store's decadent chocolate cakes. He also purchased a bottle of pinot grigio. Not being a wine expert, Geoff chose a fairly expensive wine, assuming price would equal quality.
Tom had texted that he would arrive around 4:30. Geoff decided not to shower, hoping they would shower together prior to their personal happy hour. At 4:25 the doorbell rang. Geoff had considered answering nude, but decided that would be over the top. Luckily, he had made the right decision, or the UPS deliveryman would have been surprised. As the UPS truck pulled away from the curb, Tom pulled into the driveway.
As he walked up the sidewalk he joked, “That was a hot guy. I know what I would like him to deliver to me."
Geoff replied: "If you consider furnace filters ‘hot', then you would get your wish." As soon as the door closed, each leaned in. The deep kisses and roaming hands resulted in two naked guys standing in the entry hall. Hand in hand, a trip to the shower was followed by an hour of love making.
In the kitchen, the two men prepared the dinner. Following a delightful main course and conversation, Geoff brought out the cake. As he sliced it, the doorbell rang. Answering the door he was greeted by his smiling grandson, Alan.
"Hi grandpa. While I would normally just walk in, seeing the strange car in the driveway, I decided to ring first. I did not want to interrupt anything that might corrupt my young, innocent self."
"You are young, but certainly not innocent. Come in and meet my friend. We were just having cake. We'll slice a piece for you.
"Tom, meet my grandson, Alan. Alan, meet my friend, Tom."
As Tom stood to shake the young man's hand he stated: "It is a pleasure to meet such a handsome young man. Since your grandfather has told me so much about you, I feel I know you."
Alan replied, “I have not spoken to Grandpa since he met you, or I should say, 'the real you' not just a golf buddy. But we have exchanged a few texts. I am extremely pleased that he has met a compatible, handsome, hot guy.”
The lighthearted conversation continued. Tom invited Geoff, Alan, and Mason to his home on Eagle Lake for a fun weekend. Alan called Mason with the invitation that included the opportunity to kayak and hike. They all agreed it would be too cold to swim in the spring-fed lake in May. Since Alan and Mason had a varsity soccer game Saturday afternoon, they would drive to the lake after the game and arrive in time for dinner. Geoff and Tom would depart as soon as Tom could get out of his office on Friday afternoon.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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