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    Tim Hobson
  • Author
  • 6,116 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Behaving Responsibly - 3. Sunday Dinner and Beyond

Some explanation for the cryptic names is needed: Angie’s father worked at a plant designated as “Y-12,” one of the three uranium refining facilities that were part of the Manhattan Project in Oak Ridge, Tennessee (Did you see Oppenheimer?). The other two were designated “K-25” and “X-10.” They were supposedly top-secret facilities, and there were no signs announcing them, but everyone in town knew the names and where they were located. Sue Ann’s father worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the umbrella research organization over the other facilities.

Despite my reassurances to Angie and Sue Ann that everything was going to be copacetic, my stomach was in fucking knots as evening approached on Sunday. Teddy wasn’t much better off.

We tried to watch a football game with Brian in the afternoon, but the three of us hardly spoke a word. I dropped him off at his house when my brother and I went to pick up the girls.

I believed what I said about Dad—he was a gentleman and wouldn’t dream of doing anything to embarrass them or us. I trusted that all he wanted was to meet the women who meant so much to his two sons.

Teddy and I took the Bel Air and collected our steady girlfriends. The afterglow of the previous night’s sex was long gone, and the four of us rode in silence. I took the long way home, but we inevitably pulled into our driveway.

As I cut off the engine, I turned to the two girls in the back seat and tried to convey an assurance I didn’t really feel. “Our Dad is a hell of a guy, and he puts up with all our shit better than anybody else’s father I know. He wants to meet you and—”

“And what?” Angie demanded curtly.

My worry and annoyance burst out. “And I don’t fucking know what, but I swear he’s not out to hurt anybody’s feelings.” Teddy nodded in agreement but had nothing to add.

The four of us got out of the car and paired up. Teddy and I extended our elbows, which our girlfriends gripped tightly as we walked up the sidewalk and came in through the front door.

Our father stood casually at the foot of the stairs. An eternity seemed to pass as we all stared at each other in frozen silence. Then, Dad smiled warmly and stepped forward to greet his guests.

“Good evening, ladies. I’m Bill Stimson, Bobby and Teddy’s Dad.” With a friendly look at the girl on my arm, he said, “You must be Angie.” Smiling at Teddy’s girl, he added, “And you are Sue Ann. Welcome to our home.”

He shook their hands politely and beamed at my brother and me. “It’s a pleasant evening, so I’ve got lemonade on the patio for us.” I never heard Dad speak so formally. I suppose he was out of his element dealing with teenage women.

With a smile, he led the way through the house and outside to the concrete slab. He had picked some flowers and put them in a glass jar on the picnic table.

I swear it was the most domestic thing I’d ever seen him do, and I realized he was trying hard to be a congenial host and treat us all like grown-ups for whom having sex was nothing out of the ordinary.

We all took our seats and began shooting the shit: the lemonade was cold and delicious, the weather was perfect, and our team scored big in Friday's football game. I waited for the bomb to drop, but not a goddamn thing happened.

Sue Ann took the bull by the horns, as she usually does. “I’m sure raising these two hellions by yourself is hard, Colonel.”

Her words broke the ice. Dad laughed and nodded. “I’ve been trained for just about every eventuality in life, but this one found me completely unprepared.”

Angie chimed in, “Well, you’ve certainly raised two fine young gentlemen—and outstanding athletes, too.”

I gave her a raised eyebrow as if to warn her, “Don’t go too far with the athlete bit, or you’ll have him thinking we’re athletic in bed, too.”

Ignoring my odd facial expression, our father beamed with pride. “I give my wife all the credit for how Bobby and Teddy turned out.” He sighed and smiled. “Each time they accomplish something, I thank Marie.”

His words made me miss Mom, and for a moment, I struggled not to fill up. This conversation had turned too dark, so I took it in another direction. “Dad, Angie’s father works at Y-12 and Sue Ann’s is at the Lab.”

“Yes, I believe I know both of them slightly. Unfortunately, my job keeps me focused on the property and the comings and goings of people, so I don’t have the opportunity to make friends with many of them.”

Sue Ann laughed, “Not to mention a couple hundred handsome young Marines.”

Dad chuckled, “Well, I couldn’t say about the handsome part, but they’re fired up and on their guard twenty-four hours a day. I try to remind them to relax and let off some steam when possible.”

“By dating local girls?” Angie was being coy, but I had an uncomfortable idea of what she was up to.

Our father thought before he spoke. “Among other things, yes.” He was wary now.

She persisted, “Do any of them fall in love with their Marines and get married?”

Dad knit his brow. “Some of them do. We don’t encourage it because the life of a military wife is not for everyone, but once they have stars in their eyes, we can’t do much to prevent them.”

Angie went for the jugular. “Do you think Sue Ann and I have stars in our eyes?”

Almost as if he’d lured her into his trap, Dad smiled and shook his head. “Oh, not at all. From what I’ve observed this evening, you are two lovely young ladies who have your whole lives ahead of you and aren’t likely to rush into anything.”

Looking from one to the other, he added, “One reason I wanted to meet you is that I was positive that the women my sons liked would be smart and well-prepared to make their own decisions, just like their mother. I wasn’t disappointed in the least.”

All four of us sat stunned by Dad’s words. Was he complimenting Angie and Sue Ann or challenging Teddy and me?

Without waiting for us to figure out what he meant, Dad stood and announced, “Dinner’s almost ready. I’ll check on everything and invite you all inside in a few minutes.”

He closed the sliding glass door behind him, leaving us to our own devices.

“Well, I’d say he’s nice,” Sue Ann began.

“And very aware of things,” Angie added.

“Shit, I’m fuckin confused,” Teddy complained. “What the hell was that all about?”

I smiled at the irony—Teddy was smarter than me, but he didn’t have a clue about what Dad was doing. “Strange as it sounds, I think it was Dad’s way of showing his approval.”

Angie frowned, “Do you mean you needed your father’s approval to date us? To have sex with us?”

I shook my head. “Hell, no. He was complimenting you on being women who know what they want and go after it. I suppose that includes Teddy and me. He was also telling us he likes you and is glad we’re together—for sex or otherwise.”

After the brief opening skirmish, dinner went swimmingly. By dessert, all five of us were happy and relaxed. Dad shooed us back out onto the patio while he cleaned up, declining Angie and Sue Ann’s offer to help with the dishes.

“You ladies are my guests, so please enjoy yourselves...and the company of my sons.”

The drive home was cozy. I drove, and Angie practically sat in my lap. As we passed one of the town parks, she tugged on my arm and ordered, “Pull over here.”

“Why? Is something the matter?”

“No, Sweetie, everything is fine. I want to reward you for handling things so well tonight.”

As soon as I turned the ignition key, she leaned in, unzipped my pants, pulled out my dick, and went down on it hungrily.

It didn’t take Sue Ann and Teddy long to figure out what Angie was doing, and I heard the sound of Teddy’s zipper, which told me he was getting the same “reward” as me.

The car was silent except for the occasional sigh or groan escaping from my brother and me as we were treated to the physical demonstration of Angie and Sue Ann’s gratitude.

On the way home from dropping off our girlfriends, Teddy and I were unusually quiet.

Suddenly, he turned to me with a look on his face, “Can you fucking believe it? Dad’s OK with us having sex, and we both got a blowjob because of it!” We roared with laughter.

A minute or two later, I turned to my brother with a serious expression. “So, Teddy, can I ask you something personal?”

“You can ask.”

“Fuck you, smart-ass!” I gathered my thoughts. “Listen, I don’t want you to freak out about this—”

“Now you’ve got me worried. What the fuck, Bobby?”

“It’s just something I was wondering about—”

“Well, if you tell me what it is, you can stop wondering.” I slowed the car and glanced over at him.

He demanded, “So what the hell is on your mind, Bro?”

“Never mind. I probably shouldn’t bring this shit up anyway.”

“Now you gotta fuckin tell me.”

I took a deep breath. “I was just wondering—”

“Yeah? Wondering about what? Come on, out with it!”

I swallowed hard and took the plunge. “Uh, it’s about blowjobs...and you and Marty Bruner.”

“What the fuck, Bro? I thought we agreed not to talk about that.”

“We did, and I’m sorry. I know we agreed, but I’m curious about something.”

He sat in silence, considering my words. He began hesitantly, “So...what’re you so goddamn curious about?”

“It’s just I’ve heard...guys do it better because they know what it feels like, and I wondered if it’s true.”

“And since I’m the only dude you know who’s gotten a blowjob from a girl and a guy, you figured you could ask me about it.”

“Look, like I said, I’m sorry I brought it up. Just fucking forget I said anything.”

Teddy laughed. “Calm down, Bro. It’s OK. I’m not fuckin ashamed of it or anything. Marty did me a favor, and I told Sue Ann about it, so by now I guess the whole goddamn school knows about it.”


He thought a minute. “So, you wanna know if guys give better blowjobs than girls?”


He reached over and punched me in the arm, causing me to swerve the steering wheel.

“Goddamn, Teddy! You tryin’ to get us killed?”

“Hell, no. That was just to punish you for asking about shit that’s none of your business—”

I laughed. “Fuck you, then.”

“—but since we’re Bros, I’ll tell you anything you ask, as long as you’ll do the same for me.”

“I always try to.”

He gathered his thoughts and then stated solemnly, “I can’t say one is better than the other.”

“Huh? I thought—”

“Just hear me out. When Marty did it, I was getting even with Sue Ann for turning me down. I needed it, and he was a damn good cocksucker.”

“So, better than a girl?”

My brother shrugged. “I guess so. I mean—like you said—if the guy’s like Marty, and he’s done it before and has gotten the technique down, he does know how it feels, so he knows how to make it feel damn good.”

“I sense there’s a ‘but’—”

“You’re right...but when Sue Ann does it, she’s doing it because she loves me. She knows I like it, and she does it to make me feel good. And believe me, that’s the only reason she does it. I can tell it’s not her favorite thing—especially the swallowing part.”

“OK. I don’t need all the gory details.”

“When a guy does it, it’s making him feel good, like he’s getting something he wants out of it, and the fact that I’m the one on the other end of the dick isn’t that important to him.”

“But what about when two guys are like, you know—in love or shit like that?”

“I couldn’t say for sure, but I guess it would be different then. Then they’d both be getting what they want.”

“So bottom line, it makes a difference if the one giving the blowjob cares for the person they’re blowing—right?”

“Something like that. I don’t think it has to be fuckin I wanna marry you kind of love, but at least it’s I’m doin’ this because I care about you and I know you like it.”

“And you don’t think Marty cared about you when he did it?”

He was stymied. After a long pause, he admitted, “I guess I’d have to say I don’t know what he was thinking. All I wanted was to get off, and he was willing to do it, so we both got what we wanted.”

He lowered his voice in embarrassment. “It was kinda like one step above jacking off. I mean, I came, but it was nothing like when Sue Ann does it. Does that make any goddamn sense at all?”

I gave him a quick glance as I turned the corner into the street where we lived. “Actually, Bro, it makes a hell of a lot of sense. Guys can come at the drop of a hat, but without a real connection, it’s just a bodily function.”

As we pulled into the driveway, Teddy turned to me with concern all over his face. “I hope you don’t think I’m a bastard because I did that ‘bodily function’ shit with Marty.”

I put a hand on his shoulder. “No, Bro. In fact, I believe I understand better than I thought I would.”


Dad didn’t mention the rubbers, or our sex lives, after that night. The most he did was occasionally drop a hint that if there was anything we wanted to talk to him about, we shouldn’t hesitate.

I never said a word, and I don’t suppose Teddy did, either. Despite how cool and loving Dad was, I couldn’t imagine talking to him about sex, and I kind of sensed he was relieved. That would change sooner than I ever imagined.

Teddy and I became studiously discreet about buying and disposing of condoms, and we always drove home with the car’s windows down to air out any scent of perfume or passion.

Two weeks before graduation, my father surprised the shit out of me by announcing that he and Teddy were going to take a trip to check out a couple of colleges.

They would be gone from Friday when Teddy got out of school until Sunday night, and I was to be left alone in the house without the car.

Normally, I would have been invited to go with them, but Dad took me aside. “I’m sure you and Angie would appreciate a little time alone together.” I wouldn’t have been more shocked if he’d said, “Go ahead and fuck your brains out, Son.”

As I stood dumbfounded as shit, he handed me fifty dollars with instructions to “call a cab and take her somewhere special for dinner.”

In 1966, “somewhere special” in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, was only one place—the Hilton Hotel. The steady flow of VIPs, scientists, and politicians kept their business hopping, and they did a bang-up job of pampering their guests.

I made a reservation for seven o’clock and slipped the maître d’ a couple of bucks for a quiet table near a window. He smiled approvingly as I offered Angie my arm and we paraded across the crowded dining room.

I wore a suit and tie, and my date was elegant in a floor-length dress. The other guests paused in their conversations to admire the handsome couple of teenagers. I guess we shattered some preconceived notions about young people that night.

I was tempted to order champagne, but also damn sure the waiter would ask for my ID and I’d be embarrassed as hell, so we settled for sparkling water.

“My menu doesn’t have any prices on it,” Angie remarked with suspicion, as though the waiter and I were up to something.

I grinned at her. “It means you can order whatever you like.”

“Hmm. Are you buttering me up for some reason, Mister Bobby Stimson?”

“I might be, Miss Angie Madison. Do I need a reason?”

“Not tonight, Lover-boy.”

The waiter blushed and turned his head away. We placed our orders, and he headed for the kitchen, grinning from ear to ear.

We held hands across the table as we waited for our appetizers. Out of the blue, it occurred to me that we’d never had sex in a bed.

Oh, sure, cheap no-tell motels were scattered all over Oak Ridge, and they got plenty of use by the Marines, but I was convinced it wouldn’t be right to take Angie to one of those places.

Without any other option, we only ever did it in Dad’s car, either in the cramped front seat or the more comfortable but still restrictive back one, and always with Teddy and Sue Ann in the other seat.

We never enjoyed the luxury of cool sheets beneath us or room to roll around and go at it in any position we desired. And we never did it alone, with just the two of us free to make all the noise we wanted.

I wasn’t complaining—I loved sex with Angie anytime, anywhere. She met all my needs, and from what she told me, I met hers, too.

Now we could do it like grown-ups, in a proper bed, for the whole night and, if I was lucky, for the next two days.

Dinner was a blur. I’m sure the food was excellent, and Angie and I conducted a lively conversation, but I couldn’t get it out of my head that we were about to have sex alone in my bed.

We held hands as we waited for the taxi, and I pulled her into a passionate kiss. I was vaguely aware of the people who walked past us, but they didn’t appear to care, so there was no reason to stop.

Angie sighed when we came up for breath, “I can’t help feeling this is good-bye, or it soon will be.”

My mood deflated instantly, not to mention my hard dick. “No, it doesn’t have to be good-bye. Sure, I’ll be at boot camp for a couple of months, but when I graduate, I get two weeks’ leave to come home. We’ll spend a lot of time together then.”

“Will that be enough for you?” There was an edge to her voice. I couldn’t be sure what was on her mind, but I sensed it was something I didn’t want to hear.

I stumbled for words. “I don’t know. I don’t think so. Will it be enough for you?”

She gazed into my eyes for a long time without speaking, which made my heart shiver. With a sigh and a grim smile, she said, “Well, it’ll have to be, won’t it?” She took my hand and led me to the cab.

In the back seat during the short ride to my house, we made out like...well, like a couple of teenagers, which we were, despite the grown-up thing we were about to do.

As soon as I shut the front door, we kissed with a fury of hunger and passion. Kissing soon progressed to fondling, and without a word, we began removing each other’s clothes. Leaving a trail of cast-off garments, we made our way up the stairs to my bedroom, giddy with desire and expectation.

By the time we arrived at my door, we were both naked, and my boner stuck straight out like a battering ram. The damn thing throbbed with my rapid heartbeat and ached to be inside her. But the moment I stepped over the threshold, I hesitated, and my erection instantly began to deflate.

“What’s the matter?” The concern in Angie’s voice only ramped up my anxiety.

“Uh, my bed...it’s not...very big. Maybe we should’ve stayed at the hotel and gotten a room for the night—one with a larger bed.”

“How large do we need?”

“Fuck, I don’t know. It’s just...shit, Angie, I’ve slept in this bed since I was a kid.”

“And now you’re about to do something a man does in it, and it feels...what? Inappropriate? Wrong? Naughty?”

I laughed uncomfortably. “Probably all of those. We’ve been crowded into the goddamn back seat of the Chevy until now, and I guess I thought a real bed would make a difference.”

She drew me into a kiss. “Bobby, the size of the bed doesn’t matter. What matters is who’s in it. With you in it with me, it will be the most spacious, and comfortable, and sexy place we’ve ever done it.”

Angie took my hand and led me to my bed. She lay down on her back, wriggled her shoulders, and spread her legs wide. She smiled up at me and gave me an inviting wink. “I think it’s plenty roomy enough for what I want you to do.”

With those words, my reservations flew out the window, and I lowered myself on top of her. My dick was hard as a steel rod again, and it pressed into her belly. Nuzzling her ears, I whispered, “And what is it you want me to do?”

“You’ll see. You can start by kissing me.”

I pressed my lips to hers, and our tongues met. After a moment, she put both hands on the sides of my face and guided my mouth down to her breasts. I licked each of them and sucked her tender nipples between my lips.

Angie arched her back and moaned in a soft voice, “Mmm. Oh, Bobby.”

I teased, “You like this?”

“I love it.”

“Then let me fucking know. Don’t hold back.”

She threw her head back and shouted at the top of her voice, “Take me, Bobby Stimson. Make love to me. FUCK ME!”

We both giggled like little kids. Our love-making was necessarily subdued in the car with my brother and Sue Ann in the other seat. Now we were free to hoot and holler all we wanted!

With my mouth at her breasts, I reached down with one hand and cupped her pussy. It was burning hot and deliciously wet. I wanted more than anything to kiss it...and more things we’d never done.

I stroked her clit with my thumb, and she lifted her hips to encourage me to slip a finger inside her. I did, and her soft moan drove me crazy with desire.

I added a second finger. “You like this, too?”

“You bet I do!”

When my third finger was deep inside her, I asked, “What else do you like?”

“This.” Angie took control.

She gripped my hard dick and used it as a battering ram to shove my hand aside. Then she aimed the head right at its target, grabbed hold of my ass cheeks, and pulled our bodies together.

I slid easily all the way into her hot, wet love nest, and we both groaned with sheer pleasure. We lay motionless in that position for a long time, united in silent rapture.

I kissed and nibbled her neck as I started slowly moving inside her, but I stopped suddenly. “Shit! I forgot the fucking rubber!”

I started to pull out, but she held me tight against her. “Not this time. Let’s do it this way.”

“But what if—”

“My period ended a couple of days ago. There’s no chance I could get pregnant.”

“No chance? Isn’t that called the Rhythm Method? Our sex ed teacher said it fails more times than it works.”

“Thanks for the gynecological opinion, Doctor Bobby. Now will you please shut up and fuck me?”

I needed no further encouragement. We started in missionary position, but that was only the beginning.

I said, “Wrap your arms around my neck.” When she did, I rose up, backed off the bed, and stood upright with my dick still inside her.

I spread my feet and balanced myself so I could thrust up and into her, while she bounced up and down on my rock-hard erection. We made eye contact, and I could see that she was as surprised as I was at the feat of erotic acrobatics we were performing.

Next, I lowered her to the bed and helped her turn over so that she was on her knees and elbows, and we fucked doggy-style. She surprised me by taking over and pumping herself forward and back while I remained still. My dick never felt so good.

Soon, I pulled her tight against me and rolled us both over so that I was on my back and she was riding me like a cowgirl with her back to me.

As she rose and lowered herself on my pole, I lifted my ass and rammed upward in perfect rhythm with her. I reached up and around her chest and fondled her breasts, and she threw her head back and yelled, “YESSSS!”

We moved on to spooning, and every other position we could think of, plus some we invented. Angie gave her whole body to me, and I responded in kind.

Angie and I fucked in the car dozens of times, but it never felt anything like this. Now, it was somehow both relaxed and passionate. We were free to move around, lie still, speed up, slow down, and just try anything that felt good.

For the first time in my life, I was giving my whole self to a woman, and I couldn’t believe how amazing it felt.

After a while, we took a break and did something we’d never attempted in the car—the sixty-nine position. She sucked my dick while I ate her pussy. Each of us dedicated ourselves to giving the other the greatest pleasure, and it was working.

Thinking about what Teddy had said about the difference between blowjobs from girls and from guys, I realized how right he was. Caring about the other person was what mattered.

I was getting close, so I told her, “I want to come inside you.”

With a come-hither look, she stretched out on her back and welcomed me to fill her again. This time, she hugged my shoulders tightly with both arms and wrapped her legs around my ass, crossing her ankles.

I started thrusting hard, and she commanded, “Deeper. Faster. Fuck me, Bobby!”

I gave her all I had, and in seconds our bodies convulsed in the ecstasy of mutual release.

I emptied my balls as deep inside her as I could reach, while she arched her back, draining me completely as she shuddered with her own powerful orgasm. The muscles of her vagina milked me dry as I came time and again.

Our cries of passion were loud and long. I grinned, knowing no one was there to hear them except the two of us. We vowed our love for each other as loudly as we could.

When it was over and we were both calm, I didn’t pull out. I lay on top of her as my dick softened, buried in the still-quivering cocoon of her pussy, while Angie held me tight with her arms and legs for all she was worth.

I kissed her softly on the lips and whispered, “Wow! We never did that before. I can’t believe all the ways we made love. How the hell did we think of all those things we did to pleasure each other?”

“I guess it just came naturally to us.”

“No. I think it happened because we love each other so much.”

We gave ourselves to one another, holding nothing back, and the pure physical pleasure was insignificant compared to the overwhelming rush of love and desire I now felt for Angie.

It was as if something was triggered in my body, flooding me with desire and making me want to never be without her.

I even found myself wishing she could get pregnant from this—that somehow this moment of intense sensual connection would have a lasting result. I convinced myself that having a baby would cement our love for a lifetime.

After several minutes, we both relaxed, and I rolled to one side, pulling her to me and entwining our legs. She rested her head on my neck, and her heart beat softly against my chest.

“I...love you, Angie.”

“I know. I love you, too.”

I bolted upright in the bed. “What the fuck is wrong with me? How can I go away to goddamn boot camp when the woman I love is here?”

She pulled me back down beside her and licked my ear whispering, “You are a man, and men always leave their lovers to do the things men have to do. It’s the way of the world.”

“Will you still love me if I go away?”

“As long as you come back, I will.”


We made love twice more that night and again when we awoke in the morning. We took a break until after lunch and then, using the excuse that we needed a nap, we returned to bed and were still there when it got dark.

Naked, drained, soaked, and exhausted, we cuddled and kissed until a worrying thought came to me. “Shit! Where do your parents think you are?”

“I’m spending the weekend with a friend.”

“Didn’t they ask who?”

“My dad started to, but Mom hushed him. She said it was none of their business.”

“I bet she shocked the shit out of him.”

“Well, you remember how your dad accepted the fact that you have a sex life?”

“Yeah. Fucking amazing, if you ask me.”

“My mom did the same thing. She asked a couple of indirect questions to make sure we were using protection—”

“Which we’re not.”

“Shut up. And to make sure I knew when my period was due.”

Recalling my post-coital fantasy, I ventured, “Just out of curiosity, what would you do if you—we—did get pregnant?”

She got up on one elbow and peered into my eyes. “What would you do?”

“I’d marry you in a heartbeat.”

“What about your career plans? The Air Force? Becoming an officer like your dad? And don’t forget—if you don’t enlist, chances are you’d be drafted into the Army. How would all that fit with a wife and baby at home?”

“Angie, I love you. I would go anywhere and do anything, legal or illegal, as long as you were with me. I fucking know we’d figure something out, whatever the hell we did and wherever we went.”

She giggled. “You’ve always been such a damned romantic optimist.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

She sighed. “Love makes the world go ’round, eh?”

“It can.”

She cuddled up to me again and began fondling my dick, which eagerly responded to her touch.

She whispered in my ear again, “Sweetheart, I love you. This weekend together is like a pre-honeymoon for us. So let’s not rush into anything. We have all we need right here, right now. Let’s make the most of today and tomorrow and let the future take care of itself for now.”

“You’re so wise.” No sooner were those words out of my mouth than I felt like a goddamn fool.

Here we were, two teenagers fucking like rabbits because our parents were willing to look the other way. For shit’s sake, we were still in high school for another week or two. This was no time to be all starry-eyed about love and marriage—or making babies.

No, this was the time to only think about sex—making passionate love with carefree abandon, and to hell with the consequences. Enjoying each other’s bodies. Going all the way without giving a shit. And doing it over and over until we were too tired or sore to continue.

I leaned in and gave Angie a long, deep kiss, which led to yet another round of passionate rolling around in my childhood bed. To my surprise, my tiny bunk proved to be more than big enough for grownup sex.

We cooked dinner together in the kitchen, and I fought like hell to keep from picturing a perfect little domestic scene with her as my wife and the mother of our children.


Sunday was a repeat of the previous day, except it took me longer to come and longer to be ready to do it again.

I thought about those Marines under Dad’s command who crammed all the sex they could get into a three-day pass. I bet they could hardly walk by the time they returned to their barracks on Sunday evening!

Angie appeared more tired after our long romps in the hay. Was the sheen wearing off? Is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? Had we turned into an old married couple? Honestly, that was something I wouldn’t have minded in the least.

After a leisurely lunch on the patio, we took the opportunity to make love in my tiny bed once more.

Angie and I took our time, coupling passionately, resting, and changing positions. We savored the emotions, the sensations, and the mounting intensity, followed by the euphoric release and contented afterglow. I came twice, and as best I could tell, Angie had two orgasms.

We cuddled for a while afterward. Then, we cleaned up, made the bed with fresh sheets, and washed and dried the towels we used for the several showers we took together.

At least there were no used condoms to be disposed of, which was now my preferred way to have sex.

We were relaxing with lemonade in the hammock at dusk when a car door slamming shut jolted us upright. Moments later, Dad and Teddy came around the side of the house, all smiles.

My father went straight to Angie and lightly kissed her on the top of her head. While she was thus distracted, my dumbass brother raised his eyebrows at me and gave me a shit-eating grin. I frowned and gave my head a single shake.

After a brief conversation, Dad tossed me the car keys, and Angie and I left to take her home. We stopped the car a block away to avoid tipping off her father and shared a long kiss. I pulled across the street from her house, and she grabbed her overnight bag and dashed inside.

When I got home, Teddy and Dad were in the living room watching TV.

“Good weekend?” Dad inquired innocently.

“Perfect,” I assured him, knowing he would understand without needing any details.

With absolutely no facial expression or inflection of voice, he merely stated, “Glad to hear it.”

I turned to my brother. “How were the colleges?”

“Fuckin amazing! I think—”

Dad stopped him. “How about you tell him later so that we can enjoy this program? Or better yet, why don’t you two go upstairs and get ready for bed? Tomorrow’s a school day.”

“Yeah, and I only have ten more of them!” I crowed as I elbowed my brother.

As soon as we got to our bedroom, Teddy closed the door and scurried over to my bunk. He bent down and made an exaggerated show of examining it from head to toe.

“Hmm. Bed made. Fresh, clean sheets. Almost like it’s never been slept in. What did you and Angie do, sleep on the floor?”

“Eat shit and die.”

He turned his attention to the wastebasket next to the head of the bed. “Empty. Fucking smart. No tell-tale used latex products.”

“Goddamn you. Shut the fuck up.”

Sniffing the air above my bed, he teased, “Uh-oh. Smells like a fuckin orgy took place in here.”

“How the fuck would you know what an orgy smells like, asshole?”

“Well, maybe I don’t, but I bet this is exactly what it smells like.”

“Fuck you.”

“What? You mean, after fuckin your ass off the whole goddamn weekend, you’ve still got enough energy left to fuck me? You do realize I’d put up quite a fight. I don’t think you have it in you to pin me down and nail my ass.”

I couldn’t suppress my laughter. “That’s so fucking gross! Who’d want to fuck your stinkin’ ass? I’d beat the shit out of you right now, but you’re right—I’m worn out from so much sex I can hardly walk.”

He teased, “So, how many times?”

“None of your fucking business!” I laughed again. “Besides, we lost count after a dozen.”

“No fuckin way! You goddamn stud!”

Bobby is a true romantic. That, or a naïve teenager. His starry-eyed fantasy about married life with Angie resulted in nothing but silence from her. Let's hope they find a middle ground because the realities of life are only a few days away.

Copyright © 2024 Tim Hobson; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

1 hour ago, Cane23 said:

So much sex education, video, talking...condom smuggling...at the end, when lust, passion and love join their forces, brain doesn't work properly!

I like you Bobby boy but be careful what you wish.

Seems to me that when he comes back from the army, he'll be surprised with a kid. 👶

Are you saying he thinks with his little head instead of his big one, like a typical teenaged boy?

Frustrated Here We Go GIF by Sesame Street

  • Haha 4
5 hours ago, chris191070 said:

I worry for Bobby and Angie, with the lack of rubbers being used.

Thanks for reading and for the comment! They are two carefree kids who see themselves as immortal, indestructible, and totally free for the weekend to do anything they want. I remember being just as dumb at that age, although at the time, I was sure I knew everything!

Edited by Tim Hobson
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