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wanda walker

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    Animals, art, writing, horseback riding, having conversations with invisible people inside my head. You know, the usual stuff.

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  1. The fight's not over, but this is a definite step in the right direction. Congratulations to all that this ruling affects, and may ya'll have a gay old time.
  2. I am incredibly awkward with introductions (am I the only one who hates doing those in class/work/etc? I just want to get in, do my thing, and get out) but I suppose a hello is in order. I'm actually coming from Fictionpress, so I have much more experience with the stories and audience over there (very different from the audience here). I've stopped by briefly a few times and found at least one of my favorite stories here, so when I thought about expanding my empire (mwaha) I thought of this place (and for reading, of course). I'm still trying to find that niche where my stories fit. They may not work here either, but I guess you don't know until you try? Anyway, I've found that the longer I run my mouth, the more people I antagonize, so I'll just shut up now and just say hola.
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