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I'm in love

With Pavel Novotny (the porn star). Or maybe I should say lust.



The sun is gone. :(

Literally, gone as of the last month or so. I could have sworn I move to Texas, but I feel like I'm in Seattle. And it's making me feel depressed.



Racist pigs, stupid drivers, and zesty Italians

Okay, so I went up town to do a bit of shopping. That's not all that unusual. As I was walking from my car into HEB (a grocery store), I noticed a couple of African American women chatting in front of the store and didn't really give it a second thought until... The stupid asshole was walking into the store itself when I was when he whispered something to the effect of "stupid n***ers talking". I wanted to knock out his f**king teeth, but I kept my composure. And this wasn't some old-looking red



A Tragedy Almost 10 Years Ago

Now, I do not remember the exact date, but it would have been 10 years ago in April of the upcoming year. I was a junior in high school, and I will never forget this. Danny was only 14. He was hunting with his 13-year-old friend. His friend's rifle jammed. Yes, it jammed. What happened next was nothing short of tragic. The rifle discharged and hit little Danny in the heart. He died at the hospital soon after. It's worth noting that I went to a very small school. Just to give people a general ide



Trying to get on a Plane with Drugs

Why the f**k would you try to get on a plane with suitcases, briefcases, etc. with drugs anywhere in the world? It's like people have f**king holes in their heads. You're not going to get away with it anywhere. Yet, people still try it. Hell, you're not even likely to get away with swallowing balloons full of drugs, and it's dangerous to do so. Are people stuck on stupid or something? Does anyone actually know of anyone who's actually gotten away with it in recent times?



Hate Crimes against LGBT People

Gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered people have long been victims of hate. Before the Stonewall Riots of 1969, gay people were arrested even for being in gay bars. The police intimidated gay people endlessly, and coming out of the closet could mean finding oneself being sent to an asylum. Until around 1973, the APA considered being gay as a psychological disorder, meaning that gay people were considered insane. Thus, gay people were subjected to such treatments as shock therapy and othe



Hate Crimes Overview

Hate crime is defined as "any of various crimes (as assault or defacement of property) when motivated by hostility to the victim as a member of a group (as one based on color, creed, gender, or sexual orientation)." This is according to Merriam Webster. Thus, it can include cross burnings, spray painting epithets on someone's home or other property, assault, or even murder. What's more is that these crimes are actually increasing, or at least the reporting of hate crimes is on the rise according



Series of blogs on hate crimes?

I've been thinking of researching hate crimes. No, not just hate crimes against gays either. Hate crimes are a serious problem. The level of violence perpetrated in some of these crimes is quite high. Worst of all, some governments turn a blind eye to these heinous crimes, and some others even participate. So the question I ask is, "Should I start a series of blog entries about hate crimes?"



Act Like an Adult...

So it seems recently that some people around here cannot seem to play well with others. Take it from me. Calling people names or publicly attacking them is not the answer. There's no reason to go around calling people names simply because you disagree with them. I realize that people have different views on things. That's a good thing. I don't expect people to agree with me about everything. I learned the hard way about what can happen when one goes too far. At one time, some people even wanted



Racist sentiments (no, not my own)

On the news, they talked about these people who work for the Grand Prairie Police Department. Apparently, an email was going around, one that contained an image of Air Force 1 with the N word on it, you know the really bad one that rhymes with bigger? Anyway, my mom said she had seen the email in question and thought it was funny. This makes me sad that she would find it funny, especially when she's supposedly befriended black people before. I don't find it funny at all.



I Took Lacey's Color Test...

Tim's Existing Situation   "Organized and detail-oriented, he has a very precise and methodical manner. He needs relationships which offer him understanding, respect, and approval."   Tim's Stress Sources   "Needs to meet people who have the same high principals and values as himself, but finds the need unfulfilled. His need to feel dominate and superior leaves him feeling isolated and does not allow for him to give freely of himself. He would like to surrender and let go, but sees that as



Two Must-See Films

Inglorious Basterds is the newest Quentin Tarantino film. It's about a paramilitary group led by Brad Pitt. Their job is torture and kill Nazis and return to their leader with Nazi scalps. It should be a gloriously violent film. Here is the trailer.   The other is GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra. It looks like a great film, and with today's advancements, the special effects should totally kick ass. Here is the trailer.   I must see these films, and I think everyone else should too.



Past, Present, and Future

It seems like yesterday that I left a small town in Kansas and moved to an outer suburb of Dallas. How do 7 months pass so quickly? It's crazy. So what is a still fairly young gay guy doing here? I needed a change in my life. I really did. As much as the mostly isolated area south of the KC metro has been home for most of my life, I was miserable there. At the time it was winter. I could not find a decent job, I was tired of the cold winters, and there's nothing there for someone my age. Sure, I



It's Too Effing Hot

Yeah, and I'm working in the heat these days. Today, it was like 103 degrees and humid. It's horrible! I knew it was going to be hot, but it's only June. Maybe that means it'll be 120 next month. I have always disliked summer. Now I dislike it even more.



Pure Evil

I don't understand why anyone would do this, but this sick bastard, Philippe Padieu, infected women with HIV, and he knew he had it.   This story is about the case.  



Dark Earth 2 and more

I have decided to begin releasing chapters of Dark Earth 2. The biggest change is the POV as I have decided to go with 3rd instead of 1st. While it can be risky, I think it is important. There's a lot going on, and it seems more suitable for the flow. For any of you have been waiting, I apologize. It took me a while to get back into it, and now the story will be told. I have also been thinking about combining this one and the planned third episode in the Dark Earth series. This one will be longe



Sure, why not... I'll play along with Viv

A - Age: 26   B- Bed size: Supertwin (yes, it's smaller than I'd like)   C - Chore you hate: Washing dishes   D - Dogs or cats: Sadly I don't have either but I wish I did   E - Essential start your day item: Cigarette (though I am trying to quit)   F - Favorite color: Black   G - Gold or Silver: Silver   H - Height: 5'5   I - Instrument played: Alto saxophone   J - Job title: Caregiver (though I seem to be laid off right now)   K - Kid(s): Maybe someday but not now (and proba



Eurotophobia (Fear of Vaginas)

Okay, I didn't think this particular topic was appropriate for the forums, so I decided to use my blog instead. Okay, I totally don't get it. Vaginas don't do much for me, but I am not in fear of them, nor am I repulsed by them. I personally think this fear is irrational even for gay men. I mean, it's just a vagina. It's not going to hurt you. So you don't want to stick your dick in one. I could live without doing so myself, but why should anyone be afraid of them?   By extension, there is ye



Fighting over politics

Well, yesterday I got into a fight over the phone with a friend of mine over politics. She's vehemently Republican. I can respect that. However, I criticized the Bush administration and talked about the video I linked in the Gay Left Forum. I tried to tell her that NO president should have the type of power that the Patriot Act yielded. Quite frankly, the thought of a mad man with the power to have people arrested just by calling them traitors is quite frankly unacceptable. That is so similar to



Selena Part II

Selena was murdered 14 years ago today. She was murdered at a Days Inn in Corpus Christi, Texas by Yolanda Sald



Selena Part I

As many may not realize, the 14th anniversary of Selena Quintanilla-P



They're so cute!

Just look at these puppies. They're adorable!   http://www.justin.tv/texaswhitelabs



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