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About this blog

In this blog I'm going to be ommunicating about when I post new stories and/or chapters. I also plan to discuss character related to my stories. Also, general thoughts are included as well. Just whatever is on my mind will be put here.

Entries in this blog

Latest Project and Updates

It has been ages since I've ever done any serious writing for GA. I feel bad - because for whatever reasons that could exist... I simply got bored... bored of the material I was writing.   I have, however, began a new project that I think is a compelling story and will probably eventually turn out to be one of my better works. I guess it helps if the story had huge personal significance. We write for so many reasons. For this project - my reason is closure... on two fronts. If, when this proje



Is this typical?

Hello to you all! I hope all of you are having a good start to 2010. I know I am, as someone special has entered my life... you may possibly know him.... but I'm not gonna tell - since neither of us are ready yet!   Now onto the seriousness.   Has any of you who has written a story ever have to back track and add a whole new chapter after you've already pushed ahead with a chapter and finished it in order to better explain events in the new chapter?   To clarify - my current chapter tha



First Entry - Beginning first story

I joined GA a few days ago now. And I feel like I've accomplished so much already. I connected with a couple of my favorite authors, began a story with the first chapter already posted to eFiction, and have already seen two good reviews on it so far. But now, work continues. I am beginning Chapter 2 of In Anticipation. I'm not too sure how it will go - I do not want to rush into things with this story. I feel like I rushed through Chapter 1 already. Hopefully Chapter 2 will appear, at least in m



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