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Simply Sid

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My stage for rambling stupid things...

Entries in this blog

Holding on to Hope

So I have been MIA, I know lol But today was a special day and I wanted to share this news with you all!   My story "Holding on to Hope" is getting published! It comes out next month on the Valentine's Day and I feel very lucky to announce that the publisher is none other than Dreamspinner Press - one of the most reputed publisher in the industry!   It's my dream come true. So without wasting any more time, here's everything to know about it -         TITLE: Holding on to Hope   AUT



Doctor/Amy/Rory, Finn/Rachel/Brody and Sam/Dean

I am just so sad.   The recent episodes of Glee and Doctor Who are the reason for it. (BTW If you havent seen the episodes and dont want to spoil your own surprise, you should not read this. It will contain a bit of MANY spoilers... maybe)   So, Doctor Who. Season 7. Episode 5. Angels take Manhattan   Amy and Rory are gone And the way they went, it is just so sad. So unfair to them Okay, they arent anything like Rose or Martha or Rose or Donna or ROSE! but they needed an exit that was



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