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Come inside my twisted little mind...

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Ok, Just One More

Hey All--   So, after re-reading Chapters 12 & 13, I decided that I would post Chapter 13 before my 'hiatus' as it is a more fun chapter and is a good ending point. Chapter 14 starts a very long week for the boys (5 chapters and counting) so those who have complained about me 'rushing' things...be careful what you wish for.   Another reason I am posting this chapter is it's the first one to really deal with the rescue and that has been on my mind a lot in recent weeks (more than usual).

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

A Brief Respite

Hey All--   I've just posted Chapter 12 of 'Second Chances'. I'm early this week, because my work schedule is a little bonkers.   After this chapter, there is going to be a (hopefully) short break in my postings. I've fallen behind in my writing and the leeway I had with chapters has all but vanished.   So, I find myself needing to take some time to sort things out and play catch up.   Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully, it will be a short break.

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

Checking In

Hey All--   I've been receiving a lot of mail asking about the next chapter of 'Three Hearts' or Book 3 of 'Riding Lessons', so I thought I would take a moment to offer my apologies and explanation for their tardiness.   I, like so many people, have suffered from Severe Depression Disorder for most of my life. In early May, I hit rock bottom (before anyone jumps to any conclusions...I DID NOT try to hurt myself). I have a wonderful and supportive family and I have an agreement with them that

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

Coming Attractions...

Well, I was trying to hold out for Christmas Eve, but I settled for 'The Mayans Were Wrong' Day or as it's called around my house 'Happy, We Didn't Blow Up' Day...   I have posted a new story. I wasn't sure exactly how to post this one, so I'll explain what I am doing.   The new story is titled 'Danny & CJ' it introduces two new characters named (funny enough) Danny and CJ to the 'Riding Lessons' universe. I created a 'book' for this story called 'Interludes' because I have plans for a n

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

Bewitched, Bewildered...and Just Plain Confused...

Ok, so I thought I knew what I was doing...   I recently posted a new story 'Infinity' both here and on Nifty. My original idea for the story was a far cry from what I ultimately prooduced. I was a little unsure of the end product, but sometimes the muse gets what she wants and not necessarily what I planned.   I was so up in the air about this story that after I got it back from my editor, I re-wrote the last line of dialog and I added the very last line of the story. I thought both made t

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

I Dreamed a Dream

Wow!! Just WOW!!   Every once in a while you are lucky enough to have a dream come true.   Last night I got to have one of mine come true. I was lucky enough to get to see Idina Menzel in concert.   If you aren't familiar with her, she was the original 'Maureen' in 'Rent' (and did the movie), she originated the role of 'Elpheba' in 'Wicked' for which she won a Tony...and if your idea of 'art' is the boob tube...she also played 'Shelby Corcoran' on 'GLEE'.   She is one of the most amazing

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

Hello, World

Wow!! A blog...   Never thought I'd be doing this, though if you had told me a month ago that I'd a written 24 chapters of a story that generated the kind of response that my first story "Riding Lessons' have I'd have just laughed it off.   Before I get started, i do want to take a moment to thank all of the folks who have been so generous in their praise and forthcoming in their critism of my first writing effort. I thought maybe I'd get a few e-mails and then the story would end up being o

Andrew Todd

Andrew Todd

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