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Just a thought

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Why do they do that?

I don't post blog entries often. So seldom do I post here I had to look up how.   This one is a rant and if you don't feel like listening (reading) I fully understand and suggest you move on. Some of you know that last fall I managed to tear a small part of my hamstring off of the bone at the upper end.  To quote a friend, "What a pain in the ass!" Three doctors, months of limited activity, various physical therapy treatments and lots of discomfort later, the rock I sit on has got



If I were gone...

Recent events started me thinking. I have made many good friends online, both here at GA and elsewhere. I would worry if one of them went missing with no warning or explanation.   When SkinnyDragon found about his prognosis, he took the time, something he had precious little of, to fill us in.   I am one of those super organized people. After having to make the arrangements for both my parents, then my father in law, I decided that was something I didn't want my loved ones to



Are they kidding me?

My refrigerator has a reasonably small freezer drawer. I am a fairly old fashioned cook who likes to purchase and preserve foods in season so I went out back in 1982 and bought a chest freezer that served me well for 30 years. When it finally passed on it didn't owe me a penny and I replaced it with a new model.   That new freezer worked well until about a week after the warranty ran out. That is when the fun began.   I understand that the warranty having run out means I need to pay for all



I need to rant...

Something was said in my hearing this morning that makes me want to sound off. A supposedly learned man made a very sweeping statement that condemned an entire group of people. It was a basic case of prejudice, but rather than an ethnic group or the gay community, it was pretty much anyone who did not hold a college degree from the "right" university that he was condemning.   Why do people feel they have a right to pass judgment on people they neither know nor care to find out about? The



Let's be fair.....

I was going to try and say all this as a response to MikeL's blog entry but it seems I have way to much to say for that.   Mike is right in that the 5 things gay's cannot do need to be fixed, but I don't see them all as "gay" issues. They strike me more as human rights issues and at least three of them hit the "straight" community just as hard.   Donating blood - I can understand why they banned it in '85. Back then they barely knew what HIV was. It was a logical step to reduce t



On that subject .......

I have met a lot of wonderful people here on GA over the last couple months. Most of you have welcomed me with open arms and hearts. Time for me to open up a bit more for you guys and answer the unasked questions about some of the things i have said. I am pretty open about most things in my life, and I think its pretty important to be very open about this one. If it helps even one person to get through a tough time it is more than worth it!   Last summer i went for my annual boob smushing ( wh



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