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I Wrote A Book!

I mentioned in my last blog post (which was back in December, omg!) that I have a couple of books being published this year! The first one came out on Monday!! It's called Inside Darkness and it's about a humanitarian aid worker struggling with PTSD and an Asian American journalist who encounters systemic racism. It's dark and gritty and angsty; the sex is fast but the emotions are slow burn (I stole that last part from a reviewer, hehe).    It's hard to believe that I am officially a

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

A Year in Review

It’s December and I’d like to take some time to look back over this past year. In January, I wrote about how New Year’s resolutions weren’t really my thing. Well, taking stock of a year was also never my thing. But this year has been a year of firsts for me, so here goes.   I started the year by posting Between the Push and Pull, a story about two porn stars who fall in love but couldn’t overcome the baggage they brought to the relationship.   In March, I wrote a short 18k st

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

I Wrote a Hot Sex Scene: End of the Road

Whelp. I didn't make it past the semi-finals, but that's okay, because I never thought I'd make it that far to begin with!! I was up against some published and professional authors and I'm very proud of myself for taking a leap of faith and entering the contest at all.    BIG  to everyone who voted for me!! I  you all! 

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

I Wrote a Hot Sex Scene: Semi-Finals!!!

*RUNS IN FLAILING*    I'M IN THE SEMI-FINALS!!!!      I almost feel bad asking everyone to keep voting for me at this point because I really only thought I'd have to solicit votes for a round or two... not four rounds!! But if you want to keep me in the game, repping GA, and bringing the crown home to celebrate, please keep voting!! Voting ends tomorrow (Friday) at 4pm ET.    http://www.scorching-book-reviews.com/sscenec2017-semi-final-1-pot-a-hudson-lin-vs-amy-andre

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

I Wrote a Hot Sex Scene: Quarter Finals

You guys!! I made it into the quarter finals!! I honestly didn't think I'd even make it out of the first round, and I have all of you to thank for getting this far.    If you want to help me stay in the competition, please follow this link and vote!! Voting ends 3pm Eastern on Tuesday, October 24th.   http://www.scorching-book-reviews.com/sscenec2017-hudson-lin-vs-kryssie-fortune-hudsonlinwrites-kryssiefortune/   To vote, scroll to the bottom and the box that says "

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

I Wrote a Hot Sex Scene, Round Two

I made it into the next round!    For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, I entered a writing competition a couple of weeks ago for the hottest sex scene.  I wrote a blog post about it here:    Thanks to your help, I won my first round and I'm now up against someone new!! Go check out this round's scene and if you like what I wrote, please vote! http://www.scorching-book-reviews.com/sscenec2017-final-16-erin-mclellan-vs-hudson-lin-emclellanwrites-hudsonlinwrites/

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

I Wrote a Hot Sex Scene and I Need Your Help!!

Hey Everyone!!   Some of you may know that I like to write HOT sexy times for my characters  Well, I've entered an online competition for authors who write hot sex scenes!!   It's a bracket style competition where two authors are pit head-to-head, and the author with the most votes advances to the next round. My first round starts today and voting is open for 48 hours. I'd love it if you went and checked out the scene I wrote. If you like it, please vote!!!!   http:

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

I'm Terrible at Blogs... and Good News!!

When I started this blog, I had a feeling I was going to be terrible at posting regularly. I’m not surprised that it’s been seven months since my last post. Oops!    Two main things have been keeping me from updating this blog and from being on GA more generally.   The first is that I participated in Camp NaNoWriMo in April, and then again in July. For those of you not familiar with NaNoWriMo, it’s a writing challenge where the goal is to write 50,000 words in one month—enough

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

Writing POC

Over on Twitter, I follow some authors who are strong advocates of writing characters who are people of color. There are some strong opinions about this, and the general message I'm hearing is this:    1. There should be more characters who are people of color because (i) this is more representative of the real world (where not everyone is Caucasian), and (ii) readers who are people of color should be able to read stories about characters who look like them.  2. It is difficult fo

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

When I Get Bad News

I got some bad news today. It wasn’t anything terribly tragic, and I was kind of expecting it, anyway, so I shouldn’t have been surprised. But it was disappointing all the same.   Anytime I get bad news, I immediately go into self-doubt mode and systematically convince myself that I’m not worth my salt, I’m not good at anything, and who am I to think I deserve to have what I want. It’s always the same voice in my head, and it always says the same things. The voice has become so familiar over t

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

Tell Me What You Hate

I've recently received some comments on my writing that I loved. And no, they weren't about how great my writing was, they were about things the reader didn't like.   Don't get me wrong. I love getting positive comments and knowing that people enjoy my writing. But I found that I liked the constructive feedback a lot, too. They were written respectfully and politely, explaining why the reader didn't like a particular character or why they disagreed with some aspect of the story. All very legi

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

Gazing Up At The Pedestal

I’ve recently begun reading blogs and listening to podcasts from published authors, with the goal of learning from their experience and being inspired to keep writing. Unfortunately, this seems to have backfired, because the more I listen to them and learn about their writing process, the more I feel like I could never do what they do.   They talk about discipline, setting aside time every day to write X number of words. They talk about using various tools and software to help organize their t

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

New Year's Resolution

I'm not usually one to make new year's resolutions, so I'm not sure why this year is different.   My normal reluctance is wrapped up in a slew of psychological dysfunctions where if I never set goals, then I can never fail. And if I never fail, then I'm perfect; and if I'm perfect, then people will like me. Luckily (or maybe unluckily) for me, I've always tended to excel at whatever I try my hand at, so there's rarely been a need for me to step outside my comfort zone, take a risk, and do som

Hudson Bartholomew

Hudson Bartholomew

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