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The chapters that did not make it into my stories.

Entries in this blog

Young and Hungry - For life

TV shows have “teasers”   Movies have “trailers”   And books...well they just have... “dust cover notes”   CWB 4 is coming soon, so here is your word trailer for “Young and Hungry...For Life”     "But, as the ‘other man’ I felt it wasn’t my place to do so.”   “A member would say he was going to take his wife or niece, they were usually called, up to the rooftop to show them the harbour view.”   “Is there a view from the build

Welcome to the CWB Groupie Awards

The “Most Promising Newcomer” award - @CaJu The “Hercule Poirot” award for Best Deduction Skills - @ReaderPaul The “Sigmund Freud” award for Best Character Analysis Skills - @NimirRaj  The “Awesome” award for Best Distillation Skills - @chris191070  The “Ghandi” award for Patience -  @Summerabbacat  The "Best Supporting  Award" All those who registered their reaction to the story.

Mile High Benefits

I hope you all enjoyed the first 47 chapters of Catering with Benefits. Up next is a short story (3 chapters) about Rani, the sister of Raj, one of the characters from Catering. I call this story 'Mile High Benefits' and is the first of the short stories from my 'Side Salad' collection that will punctuate the ongoing story of 'Catering with Benefits. These short stories will feature characters that have appeared briefly in the main story. Please enjoy this slight diversion. The main st

Wombat Bill

Wombat Bill

Justin's PA

PRINCE ALBERT This was part of the original chapter 25 - Catering with Benefits - But was abandoned.    Craig had no idea what Justin intended to do with the new piercing and, although he had accompanied him to the studio and supported him in the recovery stage, he would not buy him any jewellery for his dick so Justin bought his own. He had started his early serving duties as a bar tender and wanted to use that experience in this new career. So far all the party tricks h

Wombat Bill

Wombat Bill


EDWARD’S CHRISTMAS ROAST     Edward sat at the head of the table and looked around at the assembled guests. To his right was his partner Romel. “What can I say about my beloved partner of fifteen beautiful years? He’s a dedicated nurse and I know how good he is because he regularly gives me a through internal examination with is instrument.” “Now Craig is also a nurse, but of course I can’t testify to his professional abilities in the ward. He can, however, give a very c

Wombat Bill

Wombat Bill

The alternative final chapter of 'The Covids'

Forget Me Not Kevin and Steve tumbled into bed after a heavy night drinking. They made a clumsy attempt at sex, but when that failed they rolled together and slept soundly until just after sunrise. Kevin started tossing and turning so much it awoke Steve who looked towards Kevin, listened to his unintelligible mutterings and became concerned by his increasingly frantic movements. “Hey buddy, what’s happening?” Steve asked as he shook Kevin awake. “Mmm...what...oh this is terrible.

Wombat Bill

Wombat Bill

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