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Disappointment to the Extreme

Yesterday I found out I have 4 impacted wisdom teeth that need to come out stat. The dentist told me to make an appointment with an oral surgeon and when I did, I let my job know that I would need to take time off for recovery. I was told off the bat that I was not covered under FMLA and would have to put in an unpaid absence and that they weren't certain if I would get it. When I heard that, I was at a loss for words and began to research it and my employer found a loophole with using my anniversary date of when I was hired full time (June 2010), not the day I actually started (December 2009) as the 12-month period in which I can apply for it. So, with a surgeon saying I need surgery and need time off for recovery, I'm in a bind.


Should I be denied (my employer has denied unpaid time off for people in worse situations then mine) not only would I have to wait until June before I hit 12 months, I would also have to wait an additional 30+ days to apply and hear back from my employer before it is approved. When I contacted my doctor, the earliest date that far out would be in July or August. If you calculate it all, it comes out to 4 months of undue pain before I can get my wisdom teeth surgically removed.


So, I'm off for a bit, disappointment is really draining, especially when you're at work.




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schedule it now, and apply for the leave for the scheduled date which should be no later than a week after your 30 days. be prepared to take unpaid time off. You should be back in a week. Schedule the surgery for a friday, and take off the entire next week, then go back to work the following monday. granted you loose 6 days pay... but at least you TRIED to do it their way first.

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Also, everyone reacts differently to having their teeth pulled. I had all four of mine pulled at once on Monday morning, and I was fine to go back to work Wednesday. Of course, Thursday night I began feeling like my face was going to explode and I ended up with dry socket in my left and right lower jaw. DON"T SUCK THROUGH A STRAW, they don't give you that advice for nothing.


Insurance and sick time suck.

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I just re-read my post. I had all four of my impacted wisdom teeth removed. Not all four of my teeth. I have more than four. I swear.

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@ Lugh: I tried to do that Lugh and was was flat out denied time off, both unpaid leave and FMLA, and any time off like that must be approved so they can find coverage. The only way for me to do any of this is to wait until June :(


@Ameila: I had surgery before and had extra tooth material removed, and I was out for a week and a half because my mouth doesn't heal right. Also I need the time off because I don't know if a client will have a fit and smack me in the mouth. If it was just an extraction I wouldn't mind, but since it's going to involve stitches and the like, I need time for the stitches to fall out, or at least for the wounds to semi-heal. Also, I was going to say I hope you have more then four teeth :P

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Ouch, sorry dear. I had 3 of mine cracked out and was fine within a day. I'm lucky, the remaining one is just floating in there all happy where it is :P I too had dry socket with the last one pulled, it does suck. Dentists and teeth are just evil to deal with. Sounds like your employer is bad too. I've been in the medical/DD help fields, they are some of the worst when it comes to leave and actually needing time to do medical stuff for you, oddly enough. Hugs, I hope you are out of pain as soon as possible!

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I had my 4 wisdom teeth taken out 11 years ago next month,,,, doesn't seem that long ago. Mine were not impacted and the surgeon said in his 30 years of pulling teeth mine were the easiest. I was fine later that day.


FMLA can be hard to get... do your home work on the subject. I just googled FLMA and it says time is 1 year, says nothing about full time or part time. Normally FMLA is done by a separate insurance provider not through your company, unless you work for an insurance company. You can talk with them and they would know what you are covered under. Last year a friend who is an HR professional told me its only 1 year with company and doesn't matter part-time or full time.


Do some research and don't let the company push you around. Most companies will do just that when they think they can get away with it.

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My wisdom teeth came out fairly easy. I had them all removed at seventeen, and I was fine after a day of recuperating.

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