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Shiny... :P 5th Entry

Johnathan Colourfield


Hello guys :)


Well, its been a tough couple of weeks with writing.


I was having some SERIOUS issues with getting the words out and onto the page.


However, I met a certain author called Nephylim on Saturday and that was when I realised i was lacking a certain amount of passion when I write.


Plus my angle of approach was all wrong. I dont need to do Lugh's method later, I need to do it now.


I just churned out 700 words of a scene in half hour using Lugh's method and Nephy's idea of just splurging words onto a page and stuff. Plus i stepped forward in the plot to add in little bits that i wants to write in :)


Having met everyone from GA on saturday, it has sparked that fire in my writing that i so desperately needed. A physical recognition of being able to have a good collection of readers is brilliant. Just brilliant.


I started Womans Game Part 2 this last week and it is going very well, i have 5k already and i'm not even onto Chapter 3 yet. All going well.


Just polishing Woman's Game and it will be ready for publishing on here soon. Hopefully 2-3 weeks :)


Angel is in the corner waiting :P Hehe :D My beta is moving house and is incredibly busy so i've just said do it when you have the chance :) Hopefully i will get it back so I can write the second half of Book 3 and then get it edited and bobs your uncle hello end of a trilogy **shock** I nearly have a triology of around 100k *shock**


Then my other two projects i have put aside until a time when i have finished Woman's Game 2. I was spreading myself WAY too thin so i wasnt able to concentrate on the characters of one story, I was having to concentrate on them all, which made my writing go down hill. Quality vs Quantity. I'm going for Quality now, not Quantity :) I'm hoping at one stage to get to a point where i can use both! :)


I'm also having issues with writing my Anthology Play 'Any Human Heart' for December. I haven't written a play in such a long time, I'm finding it difficult to get the format and the dialogue correct. Also, portraying the characters as 3-D is incredibly difficult in the Drama field. Ah well i will soldier on... I suppose.


I just get so excited when I come to write. I had to stay up to write this story just because its working and the plot is making sense and I love it when a plan comes together! :)


Also, i'm visiting museums more often! They give me a plethora of ideas.


Plus museums are shiny, dont you think? :)

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