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So i haven't updated in forever...

Sooooo   I haven't written anything on this blog in a few months.   I had a phrase of like zero writing. I just didn't have time or motivation to write.   I'm going to try to get back into the groove though. I'm putting time aside as often as i can to write.   What's in the works? 'House No. 654: London's Best Little Whorehouse' Pearce takes pen to paper and decides to tell his story. He didn't know how anyone would take it; but it was time for the world to know what happened to hi

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Latest Update and Story Announcement

More of a focused update here.   Womans Game 2: Posting begins 23rd September for 7 weeks (Nov 4th - Last week)   After November 4 - i shall be posting a BRAND NEW story!!   Its title is:   'House No. 654: London's Best Little Whorehouse'     Pearce takes pen to paper and decides to tell his story. He didn't know how anyone would take it; but it was time for the world to know what happened to him inside House 654.     The plan is for the story to be finished by Novembe

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Writing Update

Hello There Guys   I thought it was time i did an update on my writing blog on GA   Good news! I have decided to plow ahead and post the second half of the woman's game when i arrive at university so that will be 8 weeks worth of posted stuff for you The story comes in at around 24k   In other news, I'm taking a creative writing class this semester so I'll be posting the results from that and submitting some of my work from GA for my portfolio   I have 3 stories in process which I w

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Wow its been a while since I updated here.

Hello everyone!   Its been a while since i updated my writing blog.   I moved to university in September so I haven't had that much time to write.   I have 'finished' Womans Game 2, i'm currently working through Cia's comments and i've kind of re-created the idea of the story in Book 2. I'm making it way more Post Modernist than originally planned but it is good   Womans Game 2 currently stands at: 23600 so i'm aiming for around 23000 so the whole series is 54,500 words long This makes

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

The Woman's Game Is Here

My new story has been released onto GA.Stories   The Woman's Game: The Book of Genesis is the title of the first half and afterwards the second half will be posted when it is written.     https://www.gayauthors.org/story/johnathan-colourfield/thewomansgame   Enjoy reading and leave me honest reviews   Love Johnathan xx

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Shiny... :P 5th Entry

Hello guys   Well, its been a tough couple of weeks with writing.   I was having some SERIOUS issues with getting the words out and onto the page.   However, I met a certain author called Nephylim on Saturday and that was when I realised i was lacking a certain amount of passion when I write.   Plus my angle of approach was all wrong. I dont need to do Lugh's method later, I need to do it now.   I just churned out 700 words of a scene in half hour using Lugh's method and Nephy's idea

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Lessons from Lugh :) YAY :P Fourth Entry :)

Hello everyone   I haven't done much writing lately because i've been taking a lesson from Lugh   He's been teaching me about Planning and Plotting All very good   I was very heavy on planning spending a third of the text planning which is stupid.   But now I use only around 10% to plan something so YAY   Very proud of myself.   I have my amazing beta's still wandering through my work They work wonders <3   From Lugh's writing lesson i have two new stories that i've devel

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

I kinda finished it... Wow...

Errr entry four.   I kinda went all out over the last three days and i finished Woman's Game 1: Book of Genesis. Wrote just under 6000 words in 3 days... I have a serious case of the Nephys.   And the word count comes round at 29691. I'm amazed. 691 words more than i expected.   I need to develop the plot (aka rewrite the plot) of Book 2 in order to completely round the story up and the dreaded plot holes, which relates to my question this week.   I will definately have this with Cia bef

What a week! Third Entry

Wow What a week I've produced a fair bit in the last week. I've focused on The Woman's Game this week and i've completed just over 2 chapters. I've gone from 18089 to 23729 which was fantastic and I am about to finish Chapter 10 which is way more than i predicted that I would have created. I may have this with Cia before the end of July   Frosty is still looking at Angel for me So no writing on that one   No questions this week just happy about having produced nearly 6000 words   C

Second Entry. Several Questions...

Time for another entry   This one will be an update but also a few questionsfor GA Authors or Members   Update   Well I'm now i'm officially halfway through with Woman's Game. I've gonefrom 16808 words to 18089. Very pleased with myself with that J The story is reallycontinuing and i'm really looking forward to getting Cia's thoughts on it Excellent editor and beta. Reccomend her to anyone J Can be harsh, butonly does it for the best   Angel 3 hasn't gone up as much but i finished th

Well i thought it would be a good idea...

Well Hello Guys and welcome to my new blog   I'm going to talk about my writing here and problems i encounter and how my word count is doing and that sort of thing.   Any comments would be appreciated and stuff   But i'm just going to start on a basic list of my stories and their current word counts and in future work from there       Womans Game: Book of Genesis: 16808 - 8 Chapters So Far   Angel 3 - 10103 - 3 Chapters So Far   Fall Anthology - COMPLETE - Really need to submit
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