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The Countdown is On

Tomorrow is Halloween. I'm closing, or to be more accurate I am working a midnight release of another crappy video game at my damn store on Halloween. i don't know if my car will be egged, people will be in costume or what. All I do know is i can't get dressed up. I'll just be my boring old self. laugh.png Unfortunately with the hours I had this weekend I didn't even make a holiday party at all. I made it home late tonight and missed the start of my show, Once Upon a Time.


Anyway, the countdown is also on at my job for Christmas and Black Friday. Funny, even before I worked retail I thought that was an idiotic idea. Working it I find it simply pathetic. I still don't understand why anyone in their right mind would set up a tent on Thanksgiving at a store at 8 p.m. to be in line for a store that opens at 5 a.m. just so you can be sure to get some sale item in the circular that day. Sorry, I like warmth and comfort. There is nothing I need that bad that I will give up sleep, warmth, and all for it. I mean I've seen snow fall, six plus inches, and idiots sitting outside wrapped in coats and blankets for an item. My health and peace of mind are worth more than some tv or toy for Christmas.


While I'm on a rant, and excuse me for it, I'm also pushing myself to finish a little Halloween story I have based off a prompt. I'm trying my best to get it done. Lets see, on the list of things to get done: Finish Chapter 29 of Charlie - he has been a pain and chapter is now 7 pages and no where near done. Going to be a loooooong chapter, Finish Chapter 6 of Jonas so Andy can beta the sucker, wait for Seeon to come back from Beta and Editor, complete second chapter of Seer for FSO, complete Halloween story. Um, good lord, when did I become Nephy? I'm not even sure how I'm keeping them all straight other than the fact that each one has a completely different world. Oh yeah, I have a rest until Tuesday when November starts and then I do the novel for Secrets Kill. Any volunteers to come see me in the mental ward. I'm afraid I might break down. The sad part is the deadline and stories are all mine, but my mind is on overdrive and I'm barely getting sleep. So when massive amounts of stories begin posting, well, you know why.

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giggles... planning, spacing, and lots of caffine.

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