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Gore Vidal

The fantastic gay writer Gore Vidal died yesterday at the age of 86. Today the national media is full of obits, in fact, too many to compete with. Wikipedia has a terrific article that I recommend reading. My introduction to Gore Vidal was his memoir Palimpsest. I honestly tried to read his historical novels, but we didn't click.


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Didn't know he was gay! But I liked his straightforward honesty.



Didn't know about him too much except heard his name before. Nice to read Wiki entry! Things about what he said about WWII is interesting (though I've heard before), and Buckley vs Vidal is almost comical.



I read the Wiki article yesterday Carl, and found it very informative as well as entertaining. He was quite a character in his own right, as well as his writing. There were a few off the wall things there in the article that I found interesting, especially him being engaged to Joanne Woodward, and later staying with her and Paul Newman. Lots of nice tidbits in the article. Great writer, and very strong willed man. Will be remembered for a long time

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