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Well, it's 2014 and for me that's meant a whole bunch of changes. Right after the New Year I made my second shift in jobs in three months, the bakery job I'd taken over the holidays proved to be temporary, but in life, I've always believed that things happen for a reason and I had been looking for a reason to pour myself full bore into freelancing and writing. For the past 2 weeks I've been submitting photographs and material everywhere i can, getting my small home office set up and making contacts, now I'm happy to say I'm ready to get my focus back on writing again. It's been a struggle these past few months to have the energy and drive to write after working 10 plus hour days, which has been depressing, really, because I miss my stories and my characters I feel horrible for making everyone wait for chapters for so long. My goal is to have a new chapter out for each story each week until they are completed. Once Broken Prince and Guitars two are done I will be focusing on one story at a time, splitting my focus hasn't really been beneficial and it seems like one story always seems to take precidence over another, so there will only be one story in the works from here on out. Thanks again to everyone who has stuck with my stories through my miserable few months and thanks to the friends I've made here who drop lines of encouragement whenever i'm away too long.


Love you all


Layla :)

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So glad you'll be back amongst the living again! (Or whatever you want to call us here at GA) You can help push me to keep up with mine and I'll help you keep up with yours!



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