Coolness and Delight
Birthdays are very peculiar things. When you're a small they're wonderful. You get STUFF, often a party, and mostly people are nice to you... You can get away with an awful lot of mischief too!
Then you get to a point where the Birthday becomes... a weency bit of a drag. You celebrate because you feel you should rather than wanting too, and you often find you're celebrating to make other people happy; and honestly, that's just perverse.
That's where I was: 'Jaded' would encapsulate the feeling pretty well. The next stage on is probably curmudgeonly and let's not go there for a good while.
So: Today it was my Birthday, and it was brilliant! I did exactly what I wanted to do without upsetting any of the 'but wouldn't you like to?' or 'We've organised...' people. I told them in advance I was spending the day 'chilling' and voila! That's just what I did!
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