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A Typical Monday



What’s a typical Monday for you? For example, heart attacks occur most often on Mondays.

Monday Reaction GIF by theCHIVE

PT #161,

Write about being late for work on a Monday. Describe what else happens. The bus is late, you forgot important papers at home, or the elevator doesn’t work and your office is on the fifth floor. Play around with minor catastrophes.

PT #162

Write about a normal, mundane Monday with a twist. Maybe let your protagonist meet a special person.


Please include the prompt number either in your story/chapter description or title to help readers who would like to search for specific prompts. Also, please remember that stories less than one thousand words must be posted as part of a collection

If you check the subgenre 'prompt' in your story tags, then people/readers can find everything here:


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Soo... just as I thought I'd get back to my wip, up come these prompts. 🙄😄 Expect something about a Monday in the not too distant future.

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