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botulism - Word of the Day - Sat May 11, 2024




botulism - (noun) - poisoning from the toxin produced by a bacillus sometimes found in improperly preserved foods

Walking Dead Technology GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski


Billy got very sick with botulism from his great aunts poorly canned green beans.


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It derives from the Latin botulus, meaning sausage.

Infants can get botulism from honey because their intestinal tract hasn't developed protection yet, which is why children under a year old shouldn't be given honey.

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Botulism is caused by a common bacterium called clostridium botulinum that excretes an extremely potent toxin. This toxin is so potent it can sicken a person in tiny amounts. This toxin when refined is an incredibly dangerous neurotoxin with potential military applications. It can also be used in tiny amounts for cosmetic injections under the unlikely name of BoTox.


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