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Superman was always trying to keep Lex Luthor out of his Fortress of Solitude as having Lex also meant there was no solitude.

Superman's fortress was my first thought.

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Bill W


Solitude comes from Latin solus (alone) to solitudo, and finally to the Latin word solitudinem, which means "loneliness," but if you have moments of solitude that doesn't necessarily mean you're lonely. The word solitude carries the sense that you're enjoying being alone by choice. 

The earliest known use of the word solitude in English was around 1374 in the writings of Geoffrey Chaucer. The word comes from the Latin word solitudinem, which means "loneliness". 

In classical Latin, solitudo was often used in a negative way, to describe a physical state of isolation. In Samuel Johnson's 1755 Dictionary of the English Language, solitude was defined as "living a lonely life" or being "remote from company". 
Solitary comes to us from the Latin solus, which means alone. Note its similarity to words like solo and, for all you card players out there, solitaire.
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