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Hey Dom!


I'm sorry to hear about the cat shaving fiasco :| (that does sound like quite a story). I'm glad to hear about OS progressing nicely though.


Sybil is basically the poster girl for multiple personality disorder. There was a book written about her and in the 70s and movie staring Sally Field. I read the book and saw the movie. They were good. Anyway she had I wanna say 16 different personalities all stemming from various times of tragedy during which she "became someone else" as a defense mechanism. In the end, with the help of her therapist, she was able to safely incorporate the peripheral personalities with her real, primary one. (after she dealt with some of the issues surrounding the emergence of each).


MPD is an extremely rare condition and many people are very skeptical about it. It's suggested that it often occurs as a result of "suggestions" (intentional or unintentional) made the patient's therapist. I believe even Sybil's case eventually raised the same suspicions.


Oh and as a side note the "runner up" in MPD fame is Eve. A lady whom The Three Faces of Eve was written about. Of course as you can guess she only had 3 personalities so naturally she lost out to the woman with 16 :P (possibly more I can't remember). Her case I believe is generally regarded as more likely genuine though. (not that I'm saying Sybil wasn't genuine, just that there's been more speculation).


Anyway have a terrific day and take care!



P.S. You're right on the sitcom I liked Christine Baranski (her best friend)'s character better too :)

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Heya Dom!


Sybil is a Telemovie based on a true life story..(at least that's what the producers claim). The lead character, Sybil Dorsett, played by Sally Field has a multiple personality disorder and her psychiatrist, played by Joanne Woodward helps her. poor Sybil had 16 of different personalities!


Hope this helps...or not...whatever the case may be :P



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Thanks for clearing that up, guys! That was driving me crazy. Sounds like some interesting stories, although I didn

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You unintentially hit on someone...while shaving your cat? :funny: I'm gonna need that one explained.


Also, I highly recommend the new Breaking Benjamin cd. It's very good. :worship:

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I don't know which is more entertaining... the fact that he was shaving a cat, or that it resulted in him hitting on some poor defenseless guy... whose cat he was probably shaving.

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Hey Dom!


I'm sorry to hear about the cat shaving fiasco :| (that does sound like quite a story). I'm glad to hear about OS progressing nicely though.


Sybil is basically the poster girl for multiple personality disorder. There was a book written about her and in the 70s and movie staring Sally Field. I read the book and saw the movie. They were good. Anyway she had I wanna say 16 different personalities all stemming from various times of tragedy during which she "became someone else" as a defense mechanism. In the end, with the help of her therapist, she was able to safely incorporate the peripheral personalities with her real, primary one. (after she dealt with some of the issues surrounding the emergence of each).


MPD is an extremely rare condition and many people are very skeptical about it. It's suggested that it often occurs as a result of "suggestions" (intentional or unintentional) made the patient's therapist. I believe even Sybil's case eventually raised the same suspicions.


Oh and as a side note the "runner up" in MPD fame is Eve. A lady whom The Three Faces of Eve was written about. Of course as you can guess she only had 3 personalities so naturally she lost out to the woman with 16 :P (possibly more I can't remember). Her case I believe is generally regarded as more likely genuine though. (not that I'm saying Sybil wasn't genuine, just that there's been more speculation).


Anyway have a terrific day and take care!



P.S. You're right on the sitcom I liked Christine Baranski (her best friend)'s character better too :)



"MPD" is now referred to as DID--Disociative Identity Disorder. Even more current then 'Sybil' and 'Three Faces of Eve' is the Book and Television movie "When Rabbit Howls" The telemovie starred Shelly Long. it was the first book written by the personalities rather then the Therapist. An intense and devestating read! It was the first time that the personalities wrote about thier lives and the fear of integrating with the core personality. They equated integration to death. In "When Rabbit Howls" the personalites don't integrate, instead they form agreements as to who will control the body in given situations and they share information instead of blacking out.


I have heard experts debate the reality of DID but I did have a client that was diagnoses with it. Among her personailties was a little boy who was psychic--startled the hell out of me the first time she told me stuff about my day that she couldn't have known. Sadly, my client eventually killed herself but she was a fascinating person to know. DID is a fascinating area of psychology as it allows one to explore the way the mind works!

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Actually, the cat belonged to my family (my family, not me. I like dogs) and she REALLY needed it. She

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