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Oo how exciting! You miss writing the warm and fuzzy stuff. I miss reading it, although I do love OS and the non-warm-fuzziness of it... as a break :)

Coming Undone


Hey Dom


Write all the 'Warm and Fuzzy' stuff you want, all I ask is that you keep your mind open to the possibility of writing another suspence thriller. With the writing of TOSM you've proven that you have a talent for the genre.

In this arena we call the web, warm and fuzzy is common, it's the SciFi,Horror and Suspence Thrillers that stand out for me.


I don't want to take away from the warm and fuzzy writers as I think for the most part they do a great job, but the other genre's really get my blood pumping!




Eric :devil:

Lucy Kemnitzer


Just last night I was thinking about "The Other Side of Me" and what I was thinking is that it would make a very satisfactory print YA (young adult) novel.


Not everybody's online serials would translate well to print. I'm not talking about good and bad writing here -- it's a given your writing is good. But some other good online writers would find that their work wouldn't look as good on the page as it does online. I don't know what it is -- something about style, something about what kind of expectations the writing takes for granted, something. But I think your writing is crossover material. "With Trust" seems to me like it's developing that way too.


Have you thought about it? -- homosexual content is not a barrier any more, either. Gay YA novels got a start as "problem" stories, but they're not confined to that kind of story any more.


There are various online resources for finding out about YA publishing. Here are two. I don't know how good they are: I just googled a bit.




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