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the woes of being lazy

Laziness really does bite you in the ass. I'm the hugest procrastinator and I know firsthand how laziness can kill you. Like scrambling to finish something for a deadline. But come on, it was Thanksgiving weekend! No one does work! And who can think after inhaling so much damn food?


While I was at work, I was really looking through my planner and realized school is so close to being done. I don't even care about finals. I can cram for that. But I just want class to be over. I don't wanna trek there anymore. Be done with it, I say. But then that means I have to get moving and actually finish things asap, before crap starts to snowball. Hence, my 15 page paper on the Vietname War will be done by Wednesday night, Friday the latest! Ehh....


I am still sore from rollerblading on Saturday. I never used to be like this. I hope it's the cooler weather, but I think I'm catching a glimpse of what it's going to be like aging, from here on out, and I can't say it's like looking at the Mona Lisa. It didn't help that I tripped on some pothole and used my arm to break my fall, and propel myself into some weird forward/side roll, so I didnt land on my butt, but instead back on my blades. I figured, if I was going to fall, I was going to look damned good doing it. Going out with style.


Mom's home from the hospital, but still needs a lot of help. Of course that responsiblity falls on me. Responsibility sucks! It's going to be a long recovery.


I look forward to being a bum when break hits. On the days I'm not working, no one will be able to wake me up, even if they were poking me with a stick or chucking water in my face.


It's going to be glorious. Really. Just really glorious.


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