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Paint It Black



Today was a pretty good day I suppose. I finally got all my tax troubles sorted out. See it all started over a week ago when I casually decided I'd drop by H&R Block on my way home from something and get my taxes done. I figured it'd be like an hour, standard fee, and I'm good to go...Well...NO! It took two hours and the fee the guy quoted me was outragiously high! We were in fact both in agreement that the fee was inordinately high so he told me to come back tomorrow and in the meantime he'd work on getting it down (which struck me as odd in the first place). So anyway the next morning he calls and says that he fixed things and that the fee was down to like 56 dollars and I'd have the same return, apparently all I had to do was come in and sign something. So on my way to I stop in, explain who I am, and this time am greeted by a woman telling me we need to go over a few things. So I'm thinking "okay a few things, that'll just be a few minutes." So like 20 minutes later I ask "how much longer is this going to take?", and she says "oh, about an hour." :blink: AN HOUR! So I ask, "why so long when I already did all this stuff with the other guy?" And she explains that apparently he made some mistakes and we needed to re-do everything. So I'm thoroughly ticked off at this point, plus I don't have time to do all this junk, so I tell her to just give me my stuff and I'll get it done later somewhere else (I did not want to have to keep coming back to this office because it really wasn't in a very convenient location at all, and it had just happened to be where I was that first day). Well at this point she tells me that actually I can't get it done elsewhere because the first guy accidently FILED the incorrect return, and they had to do an ammended one! So now I'm REALLY mad, and irritated that apparently she wasn't going to tell me that until I demanded to have my stuff back and leave. So anyway I didn't get a chance to mess with it again for a few more days, but then I called back to try to set something up with her only to find out that apparently my little tax return was beyond her skill as well and she was turning everything over to "the most experienced agent in the office" so he could have a jab at it. :angry: Well this dude was seriously hard to track down because apparently he works abbreviated hours (which I suppose is your prerogative once you become "the most experienced agent in the office"). Anyway we finally hooked up today and a mere 45 minutes later I had everything sorted out. They did have the decency to give me a good discount though, I ended up getting it all done for 30 dollars, plus since the original guy had already filed the incorrect return they had a smaller check for the incorrect amount waiting for me, which they gave me with assurances that another check would be mailed to me for the remainder. So at least I finally got the mess sorted out and I did get a fairly decent check today.


In other news I dyed my hair black last week. It was pretty much the only somewhat "natural" colour my hair had never been. So I figured it was time to try it. Overall, I'm definitely glad I did it, only I also definitely don't like it as much as the blondes and reds that I had previously been sticking to. It was just something I really needed to get out of my system. I actually really miss the attention that my red hair had been getting me. :( It was always really bright and fun at first then it would fade to a somewhat natural (but still loud and unusual colour :boy: ), and people would often think it was natural. Apparently I've got the complexion for a red-head. I used to get at least three comments daily on it, with at least one person asking if, or convinced that, it was real. So blah, no more random attention from strangers, lol everyone that knew me flipped though. Also on the bright side at least my eyes have been getting a little more notice, they're kinda a soft blue and look really bright and somewhat gray against the black. I've also been having a lot of fun dressing up all emo/goth, but really the freaky red worked pretty well with that style too AND it had the advantage of being able to look somewhat respectable in other clothes. I guess I just need to learn how to "wear" the black, it's tricky though since my hair has been light for the past several years. Anyway I'm thinking that from here I'm just going to gradually go blonde again.


Oh yeah, and I lost all my bookmarks :( . It keeps frickin happening! Well really it only tends to happen like once every 4 or 5 months, but that's certainly often enough! It's so weird just one day when I turn on my computer they're gone! :o I don't know what's causing it, but it's really really inconvenient. I bookmark like everything, if I think I may ever want to go back to that page I bookmark (I know it sounds like that would lead to a giant bookmark mess but it doesn't because I have quite a few folders/sub-folders for various categories and sub-categories.) Anyway, I invariably loose a few good websites everytime this happens :(


Take care all and have an awesome day!



Recommended Comments

Kevin I need a picture!


I'll bet you look HOT. B)


Bookmarks? Try backing them up once in awhile. :P


Eric :devil:


BTW very funny Sharon :lmao:

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If talking about bookmarks on computer, I back mine up by exporting them from ff, I like some with black hair, imo blonde is so overrated.

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Hey Eric :)


Kevin I need a picture!


I'll bet you look HOT. B)


Bookmarks? Try backing them up once in awhile. :P


Eric :devil:


BTW very funny Sharon :lmao:

LOL, you know I hate pictures!! If I ever happen to take a good one I'll send it to you though :)

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Hey Drew


If talking about bookmarks on computer, I back mine up by exporting them from ff, I like some with black hair, imo blonde is so overrated.

Yeah, I really need to start doing that.


Personally I've always had a slight blonde fixation, but I like (and have had :P ) all colours.

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