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A Brand New Day....Coming Tomorrow

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How Things Turned out a Decade Later

I can't believe it's been a decade since I last updated this blog. Heck, I can't believe it's been almost seventeen years since I joined Gay Authors. Indeed, I see there's a shiny gold "20 years" under the logo now, and it's both gratifying that I was there nearish the beginning and also a bit sad that I've missed most of those years. I've a lot to thank Gay Authors for. It was insanely formative for me as a young person figuring out my sexuality and taking those early first steps out of th


AFriendlyFace in Updates

Blogging is fun, even for overly organized people

I like blogging. I like just sitting around and thinking or chatting about a topic. Writing out my thoughts is nice because it helps me frame them in a more concrete way. It's nice just doing it in my head, but it's more fun and more satisfying on a computer screen...not on a piece of paper, physically writing sucks. Typing is nice though. Anyway, over the years I've grown thoroughly attached to this site and its members and whatever else I'm doing in my life I still enjoy a place to just sit an



Drop By Posting

Just thought I'd drop by and post a bit. Say hi to everyone, etc.   I'm doing well. Enjoying the time of year. I like late spring/early summer. Best weather in my opinion, and my mood is usually best around then too. Nothing in particular is going on, the boyfriend and I are doing well. Work is fine, friends and family are good.   Just a little "hi" I suppose



...And they all lived happily ever after.

It's a bit trite but I've always thought that was a lovely way to end a story.     Things have been very, VERY good with Richard. It hasn't quite been four months yet, so I know that's a bit premature to pin that particular ending to our story, but I truly do believe that'll be the last line.   Things have been great in general. All my personal and professional relationships seem to be going exceptionally well for this particular period of my life. I'm quite optimistic about the future,



Really want this one to be happy

Eh, why us it I never seem to blog anymore unless it's about my romantic life? Regardless here's another one....     So a few weeks ago one of my best friends introduced me to a friend of his, Richard. Obviously everyone sees where this is going. We hung out in a big group a couple more times...then a smaller group...then the last few days we've been just hanging out one on one and we've decided that yes, let's see what happens, but let's take it slow. I think this is terrific! I always



Breaking Up

So I'd been dating that guy from my last entry until tonight. Tomorrow would have been three weeks and I knew I just wasn't seeing it as a long term thing so we broke up tonight. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I'm getting better at breaking up with people. I was kind but firm. In the past I haven't been blunt enough and things have been apt to drag on. I did fumble a bit though. I decided to approach it from the angle of, "now seems like a good time to evaluate where this is going,



Eternal Sunshine

Just wanted to check in and say hi to everyone. Things for me are going delightfully well. In many ways I sort of feel like my life is one long vacation. I tend to just bounce around from one pleasant activity to the next. I've been quite bouncy lately.   I have a date Friday, a proper one, not just an excuse to...anyway, I enjoy those sorts of "dates" too, but this is a proper date. I'm quite excited about this boy. So far he seems ridiculously sweet and adorable. It was quiet day at



"This is the First Day of My Life"

.....I swear I was born right in the doorway.     Everything felt so delightfully shiny and new today. I had a nice dream about my grandfather. It was so real, like I was really talking to him again. Anyway, I was in a good mood when I got up and the weather was awesome! It was cool, but not cold, and it wasn't so damn dreary like it's been lately! So I had a nice shower, with some new body wash I used for the first time. Then I put on some new clothes and walked out into my day.  



Two Kids and a Dog

Scott and I went to a housewarming party for some friends of ours, a straight couple, recently. It was a fresh change. I don't socialize with straight people very often anymore, and when I do it's usually in some type of "gay" setting and they're the minority. So it was weird to go to a party at which Scott and I were the only two gays. It was fun though, I really like the couple and their friends were nice.   There were a couple of small kids there. A four year old girl and her baby brot



An Attitude and Culture of Victimization

I think the things that happen to you are less important than what you do with them.   Today a friend of mine kept sending me texts about this article he was reading. Basically the article, and hence the texts, were about how royally F-d up his life was destined to be because his family hadn't been supportive of his sexuality when he was younger. Now don't get me wrong, I care about my friend very much and I'm deeply sorry for all the painful things that have happened to me, but one strong m




Just under thirty hours ago my grandfather passed away. It was shocking. He'd been ill for the past month but his condition seemed stabilized.   To explain the significance of this event let me clarify that my grandfather has always been my primary male, parental figure. We've always been very close and gotten along really well. I just can't begin to explain the shock and incomprehension that I am experiencing as I realize that I'll never hear his voice again. I've never lost a close fa



Another survey thingy

What is your name? -Kevin   Are you 100% happy with your life right now? -No. Right now is a kinda of crappy time. I'm generally happy with my life though and I expect it to get better.   Will you be married to the person you have kids with? -I can but hope.   Why are you best friends with the person you are best friends with? -He's a great guy and we care about each other a lot. We seem to fit together pretty well.   Are you this persons best friend too? -Yes   Are you a jealo



I'm Coming Out

For the past several months I've been subconsciously aware of a sort of disparity between my feelings and my professed identity. I mean, I guess the feelings were always there, but I'd gotten into the habit of writing them off as unimportant or irrelevant.   That's sort of the best I can do as a means of introduction, and it's still not very accurate. It's not that I only became aware of the feelings a month ago, and it isn't quite that I had written them off either. I always admitted them,



That A-Z survey thing

A - Age: It isn't polite to ask that.   B- Bed size: Queen   C - Chore you hate: Ironing and general laundry stuff. Not a fan of taking out the trash or changing the cat litter either.   D - Dogs or cats: Cat   E - Essential start your day item: Big glass, or bottle, of cold water.   F - Favorite color: BLUE!   G - Gold or Silver: BLUE! ...well okay Silver   H - Height: 5'10''   I - Instrument played: None   J - Job title: Supreme Ruler of Everything   K - Kid(s): Yes, pl



I know the pieces fit....

because I watched them fall apart.     Two of my closest friends are breaking up. They were two of the first people I met when I moved to Houston and they were a brand new couple at the time. We were so close because I was their friend. I didn't belong to either one. I had an individual relationship with both, and the three of us had a great dynamic. It was nice, it was...equal. I didn't realize it would make a break up harder. I mean if I was primarily one of them's friend, it would b



This is NOT a recording

So I'm sitting at work minding my own business, doing my mountains of paperwork and pondering which report I want to work on next when the phone rings:   Me: "(Company name)" Guy: "Hi?" Me: "Hi" Guy: "Are you a recording?" Me: "Um, no" Guy: "Are you sure?" Me: "Yes, I'm sure." Guy: "Really?" Me: "Yeah, I'm a person." Guy: "Well you sound like a recording."       I've never had to argue to convince someone I wasn't an automated message before. I'm kinda hoping I'm not in



A World Without Certainty

I can't stand certainty. The arrogance of thinking you know something really annoys me. Especially as it relates to people, other people, but also yourself.   I've been studying sexuality and gender issues for a long time now, however, they've been particularly on my mind for the past couple of months. The way I see it, the GLBT community is designed for gays and lesbians, but the bisexuals and transgenders are still pretty much marginalized and discriminated against. It's frustrating enou



Lily Allen rocks!

**Warning Explicit language**   A couple of her best gay affirming songs:     Lily Allen - f**k You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ITZBBV8Syg     Lily Allen - Fag Hag     All her stuff's pretty cool. She has a cheerfully dark edge to most of her songs.



Late Of The Pier

So I think these guys are not only really talented, but so frickin' hot it hurts!   Check out this super sexy video (and the rest of their super sexy videos):         Ross Dawson, the gorgeous red head, is my favourite, but let's face it; they're all delicious!



My Winter

If I can just make it through winter I'll be fine. Winters are always the hardest for me. I know it doesn't seem like I've had a particularly difficult winter based on my recent blog posts, and indeed I really haven't, but nevertheless, winters are the toughest. Februarys especially are tough. I'm usually still riding on my fall energy until February. After February things start to come back to life. But in February...well I'm done. No more energy, harder to keep perspective, harder to ke



Wow! What a pleasant coincidence!

In the beginning of March I'm planning on taking a trip to Austin for a gay rights rally. I'm really looking forward to it! I've been dying to go to Austin anyway. My friends Claire (who still lives in Louisiana but is planning on moving to Austin), Mandi (Baton Rouge), and Jenn (Ohio, but visiting Mandi) are going to go with me. That ought to be a lot of fun, they'd all come to visit for New Year's and we had a ball! So the rally is on Monday and right now the tentative plan is for them to



In the end only kindness matters.

Or so Jewel said in her single Hands   I believe it personally. In the end there's not much else really. Kindness is simple. Kindness is honest. Kindness trumps all else.   Kindness is more important than being right, more important than being better, more important than agreeing, more important even than love. What is love without kindness? Nothing I'd want to see.   Really I think kindness is love, and forgiveness, and mercy, and humility all rolled into one.   Kindness is comfor



I sure know how to kill an evening...

Well, I don't suppose that's true. Very often I seem to be able to liven them up. Tonight though I definitely killed it.   I went out to dinner with Scott and Brian then we went for coffee (btw, hottest guy in the WORLD, working behind that counter! ). Anyway, we usually have fairly serious discussions, which is one of the things I enjoy most about hanging out with them. We discuss philosophy, death, politics, religion (ad nauseum), and pretty much anything else.   Anyway, last night



Blogging without blogging

It seems that very often when I sit down to write a blog entry I write a really long, open, honest one...then I decide I should post it in my private journal instead.   Just did that actually. I really enjoyed writing it, and perhaps in a few months or years I'll enjoy reading it again. I didn't post it not because it was particularly personal, just because it was so long, so self-involved.   I mean blogs are supposed to be self-involved aren't they? Or at least I would assume that it's



I miss being rude

Or so I accidentally said in a text this afternoon.   I was hanging out at our favourite cafe with Scott and Brian today when I got a text from John. He moved away to Connecticut a couple of weeks ago and it was basically a "hey, what are you up to" text. So I responded saying where we were and he said "Aww, I miss going there." Now I meant to respond with "I miss being here with you." Unfortunately, I suck at texting/typing/reading and talking/listening so I was saying to Scott and Bri



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