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Drive By



About 1am last Friday I took a break from the sci-fi channel to amble off to the kitchen for a sandwich.


Shortly after arriving there I hear a series of loud POPs like a 9mm and I hit the deck. I thought I heard impacts hitting the house.


After the last of 8 shots, a car or truck punched it and left the area.


I looked for some time and found no evidence of gunfire... until this morning.


I found 3 X .380 bullet holes- two in the facia and one in a large window in the front of the house.


Inside I followed a trail of destruction as the .380 entered the living room, passed through the drapes, hit an antique piece of furniture and came to rest on the carpet.


I hate living in the damned hood.


This wasn't for us. More than likely the geniuses that did it were after someone else and got the wrong house.


My Dad took it in stride: he said that it was the first time since Korea anybody had shot at him and it made him feel young again.


I have to wonder what it is about and are we going to see more lead.


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When I were 14 a girl die in a drive by. The tossers who do it dint have the balls to stay an watch her die wiv the rest of us.


They think they so hard killing girls an little kids an shooting at folks in they homes an then driving off.


It is not never bout nothing they just got no brains an no balls an they so dumb they gotta prove it.



C James




JAmes, I'm very glad that you and your family are ok.



A butt-nuget was arrested early Friday morning and charged with 20+ counts of shooting into occupied dwellings and scores of counts of malicious property damage.


His driver turned him in after he was arrested for possession of crack.


Go figure.


Whatever happened to criminal masterminds or accomplices that would rather fry than give you up??? The police have to be embarrassed- arresting these guys isn't even good sport.


They are more pathetic than dangerous.

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