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Gavin.... :)



Today started off like many other days... I woke up, looked around, wondered whether I was already late for class, looked at the clock and saw that I was not, and then was faced with the decision of whether to go, or not to go. I went. I'm glad I did, actually. My microeconomics professor had our exams back... I got a 63 out 100 points. Normally this might be something to feel devastated by. However, as the average grade was in the low 30s, a 31 point curve boosed my grade to a 94... which means I'll have to really screw up on the final to get less than a C for the class.


On my way back to my apartment I stopped by Dr Gibbons office and requested an extension on the paper, and he gave it, no questions asked. Permitting me a bit of cushion with everything thats due between all my classes.


I got a call from Gavin tonight, something I was very glad to receive. Up until this point, it had been me calling him, and him calling me back an hour or so later when he wasn't busy. I was begining to wonder whether I'd been getting too far ahead of myself in how I conceived the relationship. I'm glad to find that I was not. Initiative is something I am happy not to be the only one taking. Its a good feeling... knowing he wants to talk to me... I embrace that feeling, happy in the knowledge he will seek me out as well.


I am struck, in talking with Gavin, at the most basic things about the way he is. I was so accustomed for so long to dealing with someone so different from me in terms of thought patterns... to find someone who thinks clearly and logically in much the same patterns as myself is very... refreshing in a sense. Its... different than I'm used to and... I want to experience more of it. To say I want to spend more time with Gavin is an understatement... we are still getting to know each other and every minute I spend with him I'm left just wanting more.


I find myself missing him already. Soon I'll have graduated and moved back to Bradenton... we'll be able to spend a lot more time together then. I look forward to the time though I cringe to think of the general lack of opportunities we will have for privacy. Gavin has described himself as agoraphobic when it comes to his sexuality... I can deal with that, I can be discrete in public until he's more comfortable in public... but beyond that there's also the matter that neither of us will have our own place, both of us will be staying at our repsective parents' homes. He's closeted to his parents and mine... while more or less accepting of me, are rather uncomfortable with the idea of him and I sleeping (and I mean that in the literal sense and you can extrapolate from there) together at the house.... there's also the brother factor, and the shape he keeps the bathroom in is just embarrassingly disgusting. Needless to say, I'll be looking forward to moving out of my parents house into a place of my own, ASAP. If things go well with Gavin, and they certainly seem to be on the right track, he and I can share a place together and the lack of privacy will no longer be an issue.


Its not just the sex... don't get me wrong, i'm a very virile individual, but its the intimacy that comes with sex among of course various non-intercourse intimate activities that I most desire... and I think that can best be attained in the privacy of one's own home... one not lorded over by parents, that is. I'm looking forward to that intimacy perhaps most of all. Not that I intend to neglect our friendship... quite to the contrary I want to try to find a balance between work-life, intimacy, and more platonic forms of fun so we can maintain friendship while being more than that and live a decent life financially in the process.


Now... as its getting rather late, you'll have to excuse me as I wander off into a hopefully x-rated dream land.


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If things go well with Gavin, and they certainly seem to be on the right track, he and I can share a place together and the lack of privacy will no longer be an issue.


Slow it down a little partner...you're already talking about moving in together. :wacko:

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Slow it down a little partner...you're already talking about moving in together. :wacko:


Hey! I know to take it slow <_<


But that doesn't mean I can't look forward to the future :wub:

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