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Maybe it's a side effect of heavy THC exposure, or maybe my bf Taylor is just a moron, but just when I think he can't say anything stupider than he already has, he proves me wrong. Here's what happened.....


We have a friend Suzie who got pregnant last year and had a baby over the summer. We didn't really like the guy that got her pregnant, but nobody ever said anything bad about him to her. I think he was kinda controlling, but no one else seemed to pick up on that. For the most part, we just all thought he was a loser and that he would hurt her.


Well, it turns out we were right. Last weekend, he called her and said he never wanted to see her or the baby again :thumbdown: It pissed us all off, and we've been there for her as much as we could. She has a pretty rocky relationship with her folks because of the baby and because of the prick that got her pregnant in the first place, and the last week has been a nightmare for her. So we've all been doing as much as we can to support her.


So today me and my cousin James went to the mall in Norfolk and Taylor met us there later on. We were eating in the food court and talking about Suzie and the baby when Taylor gave us his amazing theory about the baby, Suzie and her ex bf. Hold on now, because this is where it gets really dumb.


According to Taylor, it's obvious that he (the prick) was probably cheating on her the whole time, and because of that, she should get a test done to be sure that the baby is really hers and not some other girl's that he might have slept with while they were together.


I'm not f**king kidding.


At first I thought he was joking and I was laughing, but he looked at me like I was crazy. James and I actually had to explain to him why his theory was f**ked, and I still wonder how much he understood. I thought that maybe he had smoked a joint or something before he met up with us, but he drove straight from church so that was pretty impossible. Besides, it's easy to tell when he's blazed and when he's not.


So yeah, that's been the highlight of an otherwise boring day and I decided to share with everyone.


To my readers, I'd like to appologize for not releasing chapter ten of If By Chance this week. I messed around and spent time relaxing and being alone with my friends and family, and I got my car back this week from the body shop. So I've just been trying to chillaxicate until I go back to school on Wednesday.


Anyway, I promise to get busy on my stories and get something in soon....really soon.


So Happy New Year to everyone and I'll catch you in the cut.


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That reminds me of the redneck joke I think Jeff Foxworthy has done.


A young girl goes to her mother and says, "I went to the doctor and I have some good news and some bad news."


Mother, "Well, I like good news better than bad news. So, me tell the good first."


Daughter, "I'm six months along and the baby is doing great."


Mother, "Hey, that is good news. So, what is the bad news."


Daughter, "I'm not sure the baby is mine!" :blink:

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Funny story, Nick. I think it's time Taylor started making applications as village idiot. He should get several offers. :P


Btw, Nick, you don't need permission to chill.


Hoping you have a kick-ass 2008!



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... I don't believe you. There's no way he's actually that stupid, there had to be some sort of misunderstanding or communication error there. He just CAN'T be that dumb and still be able to breathe and walk at the same time.


One more thing; why the f**K would you date someone that incredibly stupid if he really is that stupid? That boy must have the sweetest face, the cutest ass, and a mouth a hoover can't hold a candle to.

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... I don't believe you. There's no way he's actually that stupid, there had to be some sort of misunderstanding or communication error there. He just CAN'T be that dumb and still be able to breathe and walk at the same time.


One more thing; why the f**K would you date someone that incredibly stupid if he really is that stupid? That boy must have the sweetest face, the cutest ass, and a mouth a hoover can't hold a candle to.


Trust me, he IS that dense sometimes. I think there are times when he doesn't think about the logic he's applying, and believe me, he's said some dumb stuff. We're talking about someone who actually mailed a letter that came back to him because he put the names in the opposite places on the envelopes.


As for why I'm with him, why wouldn't I be? He's my best friend and I love him. He could forget how to walk one day and I'd still be with him.

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