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Not sleeping



It's midnight and I'm not sleeping. I'm not sleepy, either. I am cold, though.


I was driving south on I-5 and needed to pee, but there wasn't any parking at the rest area. So, I drove to the Love's truck stop south of Roseburg. When I came out I noticed the air hoses under the trailer were not hanging by the spring. The service line had been worn through. Of course, if it had been the other line, I'd have been up the highway with locked brakes, not a pretty scenario.


Needless to say, I wasn't going any further. The company sent out a repair guy and he fixed the leaky air line. When we tested the brakes to make sure there was a good seal on the repair, the guy found a leak in the ABS on the left side of the truck when I apply my brakes. I've been wondering why I lose so much air when backing the trailer and now I found out.


Unfortunately, the company I work for goes home at the end of the day and there is no one to call, not that calling was going to do any good since there aren't any ABS valves in-stock in Roseburg. So, I'm still here.


It's no big deal as I don't have to be in Southern California until Wednesday afternoon, but I was planning a leisurely run.


I could be writing. The Kevin project needs chapters; AND, as happens when you're writing a project like this, my muse came up with a new scenario for the story. It's kinder and gentler, plus being totally wacked out.


But, mostly I'm not sleepy. I read a story in the anthology and that helped, not that it was boring. It was the one by LostCause. If you haven't read it yet, please do. It's kind of sad, actually, but very good.


And, please read my story, too. In fact, you should read all the stories in the 2007 Winter Anthology, all of them are very good.



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