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Round 2



A few people know my Aunt is just recovering from a battle with breast cancer that cost her, her left breast. She is the reason the pink racing Strip appeard on my home page. Her Cancer was agressive, and the "suspect" she had found doubled in size in the month it took her to get the mammography appointment. Subsequently it had spread into the lymph nodes on the left side of her body as well.


Those were removed at the same time her left breast was removed. From there she faced chemo therapy and 5 day a week radiation barrage.


She is good now, cept for a nagging pain where her left breast used to be.


Monday her and her husband went and had colonoscopies.


Today her husband, my uncle was diagnosed with cancer.


I hope he is as objective with himself, as he was with her, when her diagnosis fell. For now I don't know what to do, I don't know what say. How can I be a marginally good with communicating when it is just me and an open word document, but when it comes to face to face interactions end up crippled? Perhaps it is because with the face to face interaction I wouldn't be able to maintain my demeanor.


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I'm sorry to hear that, Steve. Cancer is such a terrible disease. Something similar happened to my aunt and uncle. They have both had colon cancer. He even has a colostomy. :(

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:hug: Maybe communicating with a blank page beforehand could help face-to-face interaction. From my personal experience, it's important to discuss all the difficult issues in advance if possible, and once you get to confront reality of illness and all the consequences, including death, to remain yourself. Easier said than done, of course...

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Sorry, Steve! :hug:


My mom had a mastectomy in December. She just finished her rounds of chemo, which didn't go over well, because her blood count kept dropping very low. Interestingly, she had breast cancer 5 years ago, too, but this past occurance was not a reoccurance --it was both a different type of cancer and on the other side. The first time she was diagnosed, my mom says that her guardian angel was watching out for her. She'd had to reschedule her mammogram for a couple months after her original appointment. If she had kept that appointment, the cancer would have been too small to catch, and she would have gone a whole 'nother year before her next mammogram. That cancer was the fast spreading kind, too, so she would've been in a pretty bad position after a year.


Just thought I'd share/commiserate.

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