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parking lot etiquette...

So Rich wanted to take the kids to see Kung-Fu Panda. We all pile in the car, he whines that I'm driving with his usual, "Whoa, whoa, whoa... I'll drive," and I just giggle cause I'm already getting in the car and he's too late. Mwahahahahaha!


We drive to The Block, and since it's Friday night... there's officially zero parking in this GINORMOUS place which leads to me faithfully driving up and down every aisle looking for an empty space we can occupy and getitng frustrated TWICE by some motorcycle rider who takes up a whole space by himself while Rich grumbles about how they are almost forcing people into valet parking by sectioning off half the parking lot for that. Anyway, at some point I wise up and find some people who are leaving and go into stalker mode as I inch my car along behind them as they walk to theirs so I can take their soon-to-be-evicted parking space. I've got my turn signal on, and by this time the ladies we're stalking have figured out what we're doing and then I see it... another car coming the other direction and they also want the spot and put their turn signal on.


It was like a showdown! I even heard the eerie music that always plays as you stare each other down. Well, the ladies get in their car and start to back out and have seen what's happening so they even back out and then stop in front of the other car to let me pull inot the space since I was there first and Rich is yelling at me, "GO! GO!" and then the other car pulls around the first car and halfway into the space as I'm going to pull in. Rich about had a coronary, and the kids are yelling, and I'm irritated, but I just drive away as Rich is flipping these other people off and I'm grabbing his hand like STOP THAT! Just cause they are assholes doesn't mean we need to be. So we drive around about three or four more minutes till I see someone backing out and we FINALLY park.


Now, obviously these other people were TOTAL JERKS, and Rich is MAD and he's saying things that are beyond irrational and would never even consider doing as people do when they are upset...


Anyway, there were a couple great lines in the movie....


'There are no mistakes'


'Wanna get something to eat?'





PS. I got a few messages abotu how come UTBOS - Part 6 wasn't in the anthology that was just released... The answer is that the theme didn't fit the story. Hopefully I'll have it done soon and thanks for being patient with me. :D


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Hopefully parking will be a bit better when I go today.



I was disappointed I didn't see it there! I'm looking forward to the next installment! :D


Glad you finally found a spot and enjoyed the movie!




Now I need to see the movie! I hear it was great!!!


Haha Viv, I think I would have done the same thing, and just let the assholes have it, but how I would want to just park as much as I can so they can't get in it and we play the wait game, lol!


Take care!

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