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Okay, so I didn't get home before the Fourth.


I was here on the Fourth, though.


But, I didn't get three consecutive days off. I had to deliver my load on Monday and Tuesday.


I was ready to go back to work yesterday, giving up a day of time-off just to get back on the road, but there wasn't a load to be had anywhere in all of Washington or northern Oregon.


So, tonight at 2300 I pick up a load going to Illinois. It'll mean a lot of night driving through elk and deer country. Just what I like.


I did finish Chapter 11, though. The story is settling down to episodic events in each character's life. Finishing Chapter 11 means sending Chapter 10 to my editor so all of you can enjoy it too.


My own life is blah. The mood stabilizer is great because it has stabilized my mood into a great big nothing. My only concern is not being able to continue doing what I'm doing. Being stabilized isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Plus, I still get depressed a little.


Anyway, whatever may happen in the days, weeks, and months ahead, I can look forward to being not all that excited about it.



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