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The real side of me has set up an account on Facebook and has been looking for friends and acquaintances, but since I have few friends or acquaintances I've been forced to add relatives to the mix. So far I've found, in order of discovery, a nephew, a niece, and a cousin. There is a blog friend who sent one of my aliases a note to join, but though I responded, she hasn't acknowledged the request to hook up.


This morning my cousin (there are six of us, a year apart) sent me an email to catch up on old news.


We're supposed to leave on our road trip sometime this week even though it is supposed to snow all day today. Hopefully, that snow won't be going in our direction though we do have a few mountains to cross between here and there. Tentatively, we'll be heading for Arches National Park, Battleship Texas, Old River Control project, maybe the Natchez Trace, definitely a few relatives in Arkansas, the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum, and Descanso Gardens. There'll be lots of stops between and lots of photos to add to my growing collection at Flickr! I'm looking for a nice restful time driving nearly 6,000 miles between here, there, and back.




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