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The Answer is I am a former Trekkie

hehe :)


People do not understand, how on one hand I can be so conservative?


But, How can I be so understanding of Liberal arguments?


People in real life and on GA wonder: how can you have those stands if you're a Republican and be conservative on certain issues?


Easy, the answer is: I'm a former trekkie or a 90's Trekkie.


Anyone, who embraced the ideas of Star Trek at one time of their life or another are affected by the ideas. I got into Star Trek Next Generation as a kid, so I was very open to new ideas and scientific improvements along with philosophical debates on the ideals of humanity. I guess you can say that got me into being a liberal perhaps a lot sooner in my life than most 10 year old kids should.


Then, I grew older and kept watching Star Trek. Deep Space Nine might be considered the turning point for my beginning teenage changes toward conservatism. It was a fair extension of where idealism must be tempered by the realistic issues of war and terrorism, very ahead of its time, as well.


Those that grew up on the show in the late 20th century have a different outlook than those that grew up on it in the 1990's. I'm getting that generational issue, while older guys think openness and diplomacy to be the hallmarks of Star Trek, the 90's crowd are more pragmatic as they grew up on less "happy Star Trek" and more "Dark Star Trek".


Another thing about Star Trek is the idea of Socialism being part of the Federation/Starfleet ideals. It's true believe it or not, many Trekkies may not say it, but they are socialist to an extent.


Very utopian and nice for many traditional fan, but what broke the mold most likely was the DS9 focus on the problem of Socialism breaking down and challenging the system that older fans have kept. It also demonstrated how the problems of the individual and group can sometime never work, aka the issues of terrorist within this socialist paradise.


As I see the difference, I'd say the concept of classic Star Trek i.e Star Trek The original series and Next Generation reflects 20th century hopes and ideals for better world that were still being pursued. The DS9 interpretation reflect 21st century pragmatism and functional ideas on how such hopes and ideals may never stand completely against the chaotic effects of reality.


So, I hope that explains how I can be conservative in some ways and open to liberal ideas in other ways.


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