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Mozilla 1 Microsoft 0!

Ima update this later today because I'm dead tired (and I have an ebook to read... it's really good!) and gonna pass out, but I'm happy to say that the Mozilla Foundation (i.e. Firefox, Thunderbird, etc.) gave a nice big FUUUUCK YOU to Microsoft today.


Turns out that from previous versions to now of Firefox, they had a way to disable on a massive scale certain addons that could mess with the security browser (which is a good thing bad thing). Recently, Tuesday if I'm not mistaken, Microsoft released a 'security update' that installed itself to the Firefox browser that was causing not only stability issues in it, but massive security headaches (Windows Presentation Foundation and .Net Framework Assistant 1.1). If you use Firefox and logged on, you might have been greeted with a message saying Firefox disabled the updates/addons. This was executed by Mozilla to protect users from Microsoft's security issues that it tends to carry.


Now that's all said and done, I'm off for bed. Expect a big update on this tomorrow (yes I'm being a BIG GEEK when it comes to this, but I'm happy about it!!!)



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I got that message.. I told it to restart later.. oops..



I got the message, too, applied the fix, and have restarted my PC. I like the idea of open source software. My next PC will have Firefox browser and Open Office applications. I'm still unsure what to do about the operating system. Can a non-geek type like me live with Linux? Are there a number of applications that aren't compatible with it?



I said stuff yourself to Billy and the Redmond boize a long time ago.



Never got a disable msg but i run updates when notified.


I use chrome also.


It all depends how wacky the website is then I resort to IE



The massive update came about when Patch Tuesday (as Tuesdays when Microsoft releases patches for its programs) downloaded .Net 3.5 updates. When that happened, it installed addons into Firefox that compromised the security of the browser. So if you didn't update windows or don't run it (e.g. you're running Mac, linux, solaris, etc) then you prolly won't get the message.


Eric :)

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