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Kurt's Corner

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So. I work in Retail Loss Prevention, it is an amazing job, and I love it. I have been doing for almost 5 months now.


My biggest issue is my confidence. When I get a shoplifter and I go out to detain them I still shake quite a bit (though a lot less than my first one). My voice also cracks, and you can tell that I am nervous. This is my biggest obstacle and it could be my downfall. My boss's say that I am doing well, but I NEED to work on my confidence.


I also have confidence issues when I am calling someone for 'private business' matters. :D My voice is shaky and I stumble with my words a bit.


When I got my first lifter it was ridiculous. I got him into the office and I could hardly talk. I said things in the way wrong order. After we tell them that they are being detained for Retail Theft and that they can use the phone at any time, we are supposed to ask them if they have any more unpaid for merchandise on them and if they do then they should give it to us now because the officer will search them when they come. (We get the merchandise that we know they took when we stop them outside). I forgot to say this... but I did remember like 20 minutes into the whole thing... oops. When I asked the person for their ID and they took it out and handed it to me, it was crazy... My hand was shaking so bad. The guy probably thought I was a loser.


It has definatly gotten better. It was getting better with each stop, things are now said in the correct order, and all that, but I am still nervous and a little shaky.. and that probably has something to do with the adrenaline, but I still need to relax more. I am the one in charge and running the show. It probably gives the lifter more confidence when I am visually nervous.


I really need to try and boost my confidence. I think that it would make the stop go much more smoothly and it would probably make it more fun.


I hope that every one is doing well, I am.


Have a great evening!


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You? Loser? No way.


That is a great job, especially for pre-law enforcement. Are you going for that? I actually would kill to have that job, partially so I could be an asshole to shop lifters. But I think as you go, your confidence will improve. You caught a guy right? Most people run right? Or how do you take them down? Tazer hahahahaha?


Like you said, you're the one in charge and running the show. Use that to fuel a stern look, the best you can do is make the person you CAUGHT feel like a loser. Ask them questions, why'd they do it etc.


I think its also a shot of adrenaline, you're in control of another person, you are catching somebody who is doing something wrong in many peoples eyes. Kind of like when a gun is fired or you see somebody get mugged, alot of natural instincts come into play.


I'm totally jealous of your job, but good for you for taking that job. Sounds fun.



So, you are a store dick? That's what we used to call them. I once worked for a major department store chain. One of our stores had a little old (about 60) lady who could throw a 200 pound man over her shoulder if required. :P


Just keep plugging away. Confidence will come with experience.

  • Site Administrator


Hey Kurt, I know exactly what you are talking about.


After 20 years (damn, I'm old tongue.gif ) of retail work where my job isn't security but when there is nobody around and someone is stealing, I kind of have to take on that roll.


I still am nervous, but everybody is right, you do get more confidence. You'd be suprised how much better you probably are right now, but it is you judging you, not others. We all tend to be too critical on ourselves.


I see the comments about being in control, maybe by force. Honestly the most sucessful LPO's and ones to make it into law enforcement seem to be able to use there mouths instead of their muscles to handle situations. Talk to your suspects (it does great for reducing your nerves), they will sting you a whole bunch of lines (I'm sure you have heard them all by now), and then turn them over to the police when they show up.


So my advice would be to talk more, not less. Add some smart ass comments like "How's your day going besides the last fifteen minutes?" You will be surprised how much more relaxed you will be and less confrontational your suspect will be. All the procedures and routines will fall into place as you are more confortable.


Steve cool.gif

Mark Arbour


It sounds to me like you're growing in your job. How cool is that? Embrace the improvement and give yourself some credit. There's always room for improvement, so set some goals, but if you ask me, sounds like you're doing great.thumbsupsmileyanim.gif



A store dick... how did that name come about.


We do not use force in detaining a lifter. We only use words.


Thanks for the words.


I really enjoy my job, it is a heck of a lot of fun.


I was totally shocked at how many people actually steal from stores.



"Dick" is an old fashioned slang word for a detective. Check Wiktionary.org. I guess I'm sort of old fashioned (maybe just old). I remember terms like private dick, store dick, and railway dick being widely used at one time.


In the movies:


The theme from Shaft (1971): "Who's the black private dick / That's a sex machine to all the chicks? / SHAFT! / Ya damn right!"


John Doe (2002): "Are you some sort of private dick, or what?"


Farewell, My Lovely (1975): "You a private Dick?"

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