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So, I have some good news. The animals that I took to the Humane society, they've been all adopted out into good homes. I received pictures from their new owners and it's just a great experience to foster animals for a new home. I'm now entering into a program where I get abused or neglected or baby pet animals to prepare them for their forever homes.


I'm supposed to pick up a litter of kittens Monday and their mother. :)



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That's awesome news krista, I'm so glad that they went to good home, with loving families.


A whole new litter of kittens, are you sure that you'll cope?



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Lol. My other cat she's actually missed the kittens I had. So I know she does have a soft spot. I don't know how she'll react to another adult cat, but I'm sure I can handle them.. lol. I handle brats and such all the time.


So does anyone else have anything new or happy to announce?



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Thats such a sweet and wonderful thing you are doing Krista.... :worship:


There are so many unfortunate animals who have not been blessed with good homes or worse, no homes at all and its great to see you take up their cause...


The BeaStKid

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In Febuary '05 I got my Aladdin-kitty at the Humane Society. He was only 10 months old when I adopted him and he had been there for about a month. His owner had to move to a different state and could only bring 2 cats with her so she brought the other 2 to the Humane Society.


I love my Aladdin-kitty and Im so glad that I went to the Humane Society instead of waiting for my friends cat to have her kittens. I mean, what are the odds that a girl obbsessed with Disney's Aladdin, finds a cat NAMED Aladdin. I love my kitty-baby.


Thats a great thing youre doing Krista! In helping these pets, you might even help some other "obsesssed" girl! *huggles* :worship: *huggles*


Thank you!

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In Febuary '05 I got my Aladdin-kitty at the Humane Society. He was only 10 months old when I adopted him and he had been there for about a month. His owner had to move to a different state and could only bring 2 cats with her so she brought the other 2 to the Humane Society.


I love my Aladdin-kitty and Im so glad that I went to the Humane Society instead of waiting for my friends cat to have her kittens. I mean, what are the odds that a girl obbsessed with Disney's Aladdin, finds a cat NAMED Aladdin. I love my kitty-baby.


Thats a great thing youre doing Krista! In helping these pets, you might even help some other "obsesssed" girl! *huggles* :worship: *huggles*


Thank you!



Lol, thanks Kanaye, I'm not doing anything HUGE, but really, I had a house full of kittens and puppies at on time.. so, recently a lot of people gained a new member of their family lately. Lol, I don't plan on taking quite so many animals in, but the Momma cat and the three kittens will be at my house until the babies are winged then they'll go up for adoption and if the Mother cat still isn't calmed down as she's kinda wild then I may just keep her.. as she'd not be suitable for adoption. I already have one crazy, evily ambitious cat so another would fit right in.. if they get along.


It's also nice hearing that you took the time to adopt an animal really. Shelter animals make good pets.



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It may not seem HUGE but believe you me, finding Aladdin was HUGE for me. My Ma even went so far as to say it was "fate".


Youll be raising those three kittens and finding them homes. I bet it'll be a big deal to the kittens' future owners, not to mention the kittens themselves.

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OMG!! U girls really love kittys ^_^ I thought Viv and my mom were the only obsessed kitty fans...but now I get the picture :lol:


Well, I have lots of pigeons and one of them broke a wing by falling inside the chimney shaft. Don't ask me how it fell in...I just found it cooing inside the fire-place. Thank god its summer here. Or else the piggy would have been toast or "tandoori" as we call it here in India :P I took it to the Vet but they told that they wouldn't be able to reat her as the doc is away or something and asked me to take it to the vet again tomorrow. But they put some bandages to hold the wing in place. So I think I did my best that I could and helping the piggy was HUGE for me today..hehehe

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That's really awesome Krista! Good for you!


I have a somewhat kinda but not really story like that! :P


Back when we lived at our old house, a double wide mobile home, for the summer of 2003 or 2004, I was like a Doctor Dolittle...animals just seemed to find me. I found a couple kittens underneath our house and took care of them for a while and then took them to the humane society to be adopted. Then, a month or so later, I was sitting in the living room one morning playing the playstation and I hear a meowing...hmm...I put it on pause and still hear it. I follow the sound over to our furnace...I take off the crate-metal thing where you put the filter in and I can hear the meowing better...I stick my hand down to feel for them and I find two baby kittens in the furnace! I go outside and take the siding off of our house and investigate further, and find two more kittens, and sadly, their mother laying there dead. We dispose of the mother cat and took care of them for a couple weeks, one we gave to my moms friend, one to these people who saw a sign at the library I had posted, and one to my mom's other friend. My favorite one sadly didn't make it :( but I felt good that I got the other ones good homes. :D


Someday when I'm rich :whistle: and have a huge house, I'm going to do that as well, cept I'll prolly do it with puppies and dogs, because I'm a dog lover. I like cats, but I'm just a dog guy.

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Aww, I love kittens!


My friend has this kitten named Neville... And I'm really trying to arrange to bring him home. He's pretty adorable.


My friend Jill also got a new kitten. His name is Grady, but we call him Battlecat. He beats me up. He's cute as well.


And YAY for the people rescuing those animals!

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Omg yay!!!!!!! :D That's so great!


My sister has a habit of rescuing animals. We've gotten them from all over... rescued everything from kittens to baby squirrels to birds to mice to... well, just about everything.


She was searching for a transmission in a junkyard, and found a group of kittens that had been in the abandoned car... which had been towed there that way from a few hours away... with no mommy inside. :( We took 'em home and bottle fed 'em until they got big. :D We still have two of them, their names are Punk and Dolla, hehe. Punk was my baby, beautiful orange/white kitty. She's a little off, lol, and not very affectionate anymore, but still a very good cat. :)


My mom's cat is... schizophrenic or something. She's way off, lol. When she was little, she'd hide under the couch and wait for people to sit down, then attack them. :P She and my mom'll wrestle sometimes, it's great to watch, lol. She's such a rough kitty, but she's absolutely beautiful and very loyal. She will, however, take your whole damn arm off if you're not careful. :P

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You remind me of the woman we got our dog, Sammy, from. This woman is so dedicated to taking in strays and poundees bound for the needle that her husband erected a large warehouse/barn on their farm property to house the dogs and cats and their feed. Sammy was a special case. His front right leg is disfigured, either from birth, abuse, or a car, but this woman had literally saved him from the clutches of death when the pound had sent him off to be put down. She whisked him back to her home and nursed him as best as she could, but she had to give him up since the other dogs treated him poorly. I remember the day my mom took my sister and I out to the farm to look at him after I had found her ad on the internet. When we pulled up to the house, there was a German Shepard mix jumping at the gate to the dog pen. I just knew deep down that that dog was the one I had found online, and my sister and I refused to leave that farm without him. So, for the past eight and a half years, Sammy has been the most precious addition to our family. He needed more healing when we picked him up, so we made sure he got the best care from a local vet. Somehow I think Sam just adored us immediately, since I had a fractured leg when we brought him home that I got during ice hockey practice a few weeks prior. He guarded me and my leg faithfully from day one until the cast came off, so he truly is the meaning of "man's best friend".


As of this moment in time Sammy is staying at the nearby Pet Country Club since we went to Tennessee for a week to move my sister into her new apartment, and I can't wait until we can pick him up in the morning! The place opens at 9am, and we plan on being there when they flip the sign over LOL.


On behalf of animal lovers everywhere, I commend you Krista for the service you provide to those in your community who can't tell you where it hurts!

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How very sweet of you guys and gals!


Personally, I'd love to have a puppy, but since I don't even have enough time to properly look after Lucky (my cat), I know I wouldn't have anywhere near enough time and attention for a puppy.

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Lol, people just normally drop their unwanted kittens and such on our road since no one lives down it really. I only have like three neighbors and they have the same dropping of animal problems. So I just normally take them in feed them and such then I take them to the Humane Society. I kept a box full of kittens and puppies I found back in the winter. Those are the ones I recently took to the Humane Society. The three huskies were taken to a Husky Rescue place, but someone adopted the three of them together since they had a separation anxiety as the three are so close.


Now that I'm in the Fostering program I'll get a new kitten or puppy as a needed basis. As soon as the fostering of the animal is complete I can vollunteer to take another need on or not. It's really a good program and all Humane Societies have it I believe. Tomorrow is when I get the 3 kittens and their mommy. :)




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That's such a wonderful thing to do! There are so many pets that need someone to take care of them. It may not be a huge deal to you but to the poor cats and dogs you saved it was probably a matter of life and death. :worship:


My family has taken in a few animals over the years. One was a lost dog which the owners never tried to find or just left to wander the streets. He was being chased by a much larger dog when my mother's friend saved him. She had too many pets of her own so we took him. The other was also a dog. He was one of a large litter and needed a home. They both turned out to be good pets.

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I definitely need your address to ship all..well, some of my mom's cats to you :P She's got like 7 cats now (she had over 14 of them...some of them died of old age and some she gifted to her sisters ) :blink: I don't know how she manages them but my dog doesn't like them...just like her master :whistle: Well, I don't hate them..its just that I like dogs more than cats ^_^

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