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Homosexuality is Abnormal


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The U.S. Government has figured out how to change a society peacefully. You simple reprogram the kids and wait for them to grow up. Then the programed behavior becomes the norm even over the majority held by the adults.


Want proof? Look at the smoking issue. The numbers prove themselves.


The upside is that there are now movements to make being gay acceptable to our kids today. There are gay clubs in most major schools and "friends of gays" clubs. It is being shown as accepted in their programming as well. Sponge Bob is gay for crying out loud. Youtube has more openly gay youngsters and teens than imaginable. And my readership fan base has grown significantly and most with the blessings of their parents.


So just wait for it. It is almost here. It's coming and it's cuming.

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Sponge Bob is gay for crying out loud.

At the risk of inciting controversy... Sponge Bob Squarepants is not gay. He's a sponge, and as such is likely to be either asexual or a hermaphrodite. He also has a girlfriend (a squirrel with an unlimited air-supply diving suit). :P


Otherwise, I think you're correct. I've noted the same thing here in Australia regarding drink-driving. When I was young, it was socially acceptable, though still illegal, and people would laugh at the concept of a designated driver. Today, it's socially unacceptable and it is perfectly fine to say you're driving and so you don't want to drink. Some bars even offer free soft-drinks to nominated designated drivers.


It took over a decade to get the change of attitude through, but it's worked. It hasn't stopped drink-driving incidents, but they are certainly less common.

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Something else to consider is, the study might be asking the kids what is right or wrong and what is good or bad, but who's to say these kids even know what right and wrong is, good and bad is?


At those early ages, kids don't think. They take everything at face value. When my sister was little, she and my mother encountered a woman with obvious African descent at the supermarket. My sister, having never seen someone who wasn't white, turned to my mother and asked (loudly), "Why is that lady a different color?" Naturally, my mother blanched and apologized to the woman. The lady said, "Oh don't worry, I get asked that more than you might think," then turned to my sister and said, "I'm black because my ancestors are from Africa, where the people are this color." My sister's response? "Oh, okay!" It was that simple.


I laugh when straight couples who are against gay marriage say things like, "What will we tell our children when they see two men marry and ask us, 'why'?" The answer is simple. Tell them, "Because they love each other, and when two people love each other enough, they get married and start a family together." You don't even have to mention the family bit. I promise you, if your kid isn't really the spawn of Satan and asks 'Why' after every answer you give, they'll accept that answer at face value and move on.





So, since I'm gay, and left-handed, does that mean I'm really a Lieutenant in Satan's army? I guess if you're black, too, then you're Satan's General!


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I promise you, if your kid isn't really the spawn of Satan and asks 'Why' after every answer you give, they'll accept that answer at face value and move on.

One of my sons responded to every answer we gave hm with a "why". We could answer a question with "because" and he would ask "why".


Now that he has a little boy of his own, we are eagerly awaiting the day he starts talking and asking "why". Payback time! 3dsautcontent.gif

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One of my sons responded to every answer we gave hm with a "why". We could answer a question with "because" and he would ask "why".


Now that he has a little boy of his own, we are eagerly awaiting the day he starts talking and asking "why". Payback time! 3dsautcontent.gif


While revenge is best served cold, that's just downright cruel. devilsmiley.gif

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