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A solution to an obsession:)

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Alright i went searching to find out if i was the only one who obsesses over the gay boys 0:)


I found out that i am not the only one and there might be some on here like this. The defintion is called Fag hag and there are rules that i have found on another website that you might follow in being a Fag Hag, they are---->


.Rule #1

By becoming a faghag, you are never to leave your Gays. The reason for this is because when you bond with your Gays and suddenly leave, you can never get that bond back! And by being a faghag, you must stay on good terms with all Gays, at all times. (Unless you're arguing about a pair of shoes, which he will win. Always.)


Rule #2

Boyfriends do not overrule the Gays. This goes back to rule #1. Boyfriends come and go, Gays stay forever! Or until they get bored with you because all you do is complain about your boyfriend.


Rule #3

If you are arguing, he will win. Somehow, the Gays have mastered the way women argue and turned it into a f**king bloodbath. How they did it, I cannot figure out, but we need to learn. Fast.


Rule #4

Immediately when you criticise their sex life, they will retort with numerous occasions in which you have proved yourself to be a slut. You lose. See Rule #3.


Rule #5

The Gays always have a story, and you always must listen.


Rule #6

You know something epic is about to come along if you hear these words: "We're gonna need a cigarette for this, girl." Replace a cigarette with one of the following when applicable: a drink/a tissue/to sit down.


Rule #7

When you throw a party in your house, always let your Gays borrow your room for their sexcapades. They will return the favour.


Rule #8

Love your Gays, because they always love you!


And here is a song that i think goes with it :)


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