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Interactive gaming, from Duck Hunt to Wii to motion capture


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For those of us old enough to remember the 90's, Duck hunt was the first real interactive game, I think most of us had played. (There's nothing like shooting down pixels)


After that, it was a mix of arcade games and Dance Dance Revolution (DDR, remember guys, it used to be cool, now it's old news.)


Now, we've gotten to Nintendo Wii, Xbox Kinetic, Playstation motion, and new systems have their version of interactive game play as an additional hardware attachment for the foreseeable future. .


I don't know how much more they could go, unless they can construct whole environment with interactivity through your personal movements, then it would just be a replica of Star Treks Holodecks, without all the moral dilemmas and such.

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I was never a huge fan of interactive video games, mainly because the technology is not as interactive as I'd like it to be. I don't think it will be for a long time either; at least not available to the public anyway. Some of them can be fun like the sports games on Wii, but I haven't played anything on Kinect or Move.

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I LOVED Duck Hunt. I'd cheat though, I pressed the gun against the TV screen and shot that way, lol. But I'm not really a fan of the Wii or the Move. Wii controls are awkward and they've ruined games that should have been really good *glares at Twilight Princess*, plus the WiiMote Plus thing really should have been shipped at launch. Sort of necessary. I like the Kinect though. Not for real games, but for casual games. Dance Central is WAY more fun that it should be and if they can do it right Rise of Nightmare's type games could be pretty fun. But mostly I'd rather just stick with a real controller. Waving my arms around while I'm trying to play a game like Mass Effect would be awkward and lame IMO. Motion controls should be an add on with games made specifically to use them, not the only way you can play.

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I always struggle with this whole thing for motion-detection-based controls. While they seem like a good idea, they can never really live up to what they claim. Probably the main reason is that while it may be controlled by your movements (whether through detecting your body or various controllers) the lack of any physical feedback means that it never feels complete. Without being able to feel anything that you do, it isn;t truly possible to recreate most actions or activities. Of course, any sort of physical feedback is way beyond what is possible so...yeah. Im waiting for it to die off for a while and come back in a decade or so (a bit like 3D TV/film)




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If they perfected (or at least bettered) the response time to your movement, I think it could do great things. That will be a tough one; however, I am quite sure there are developers out there looking to do just that. Who knows? Maybe in 5 years we'll see something amazing.

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I like the idea...but don't think the tech's there yet for some of the games. I've only paid on the Wii, not the Kinect or Playstation Move so my experience is kind of limited.


But mostly I wanted to say I still love Duck Hunt! Posted Image

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