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Reviews Needed!

Renee Stevens

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Have you read a story and thought how wonderful it was and then wondered why more people hadn’t read and reviewed it? Have you wondered how to get the story noticed? Well, why not write a review for the Blog! The blog is a great way to get your favorite stories noticed and help out the authors whose work you enjoy.


As many of you know, on Monday’s we feature a Hosted Author’s story on the GA News Blog. We have featured quite a few stories by Hosted Authors but we are always looking for more. Is there a Hosted Author that you follow religiously? Maybe there’s a certain story that you find yourself going back to re-read over and over again. Why not tell us about it and bring it to the attention of more members?


We know that there are many more Authors on site which is why on Wednesday’s we feature two more reviews. Wednesday’s are slated to bring member’s eyes to the many wonderful Promising Authors and Authors/Poets on GA. Like with Hosted Authors we look to you, the readers, to bring the stories to our attention. Whether you are reading a story for the first time, or are re-reading it because you just love it that much, tell us about it. Write up a review and we’ll put it into the blog and bring everyone else’s attention to that story as well!


Last, but certainly not least, we have our Blast from the Past Saturday’s. On Saturday’s we feature either a review on a Pre-2009 Anthology story, or we take a look back at a past newsletter. There are many gems to be found in the older Anthologies, and we like to just take a minute to get members to take a look at some of the earlier works that sometimes might get overlooked.


Now, in order to bring you the reviews weekly in the GA News Blog, we look to the readers to write up reviews and send them in. Without the reviews, we can’t feature them. If you are interested in writing a review for the blog, please PM Trebs or Renee Stevens and let us know what story you would like to review and we can let you know if it's already been done. We look forward to hearing from you!!!

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