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About lawfulneutralmage

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    Liberté, égalité, fraternité
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    Roleplaying, computers/programming, reading

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  1. I admire your patience. It may be there was a medical root cause to the customer's behaviour.
  2. Every change resubmits to the queue. Also, there is no response time guaranteed, all administration are volunteers and will getto it when they can. Have some patience.
  3. Many thanks for your work, guys!
  4. Thank you! Exactly my thoughts! At the moment, I read three stories in parallel, but that's only possible because of the holidays.
  5. All the best! May ask how you know it was Covid?
  6. lawfulneutralmage

    Chapter 1

    Yes, and it makes my blood boil.
  7. lawfulneutralmage

    Chapter 1

    Small town mentality can explain they don't like diversity. However, nothing can explain to me, except for self defense, laying hands on other people. Violent people are dangerous psychopaths. Lucas needs therapy and/or medication.
  8. lawfulneutralmage

    Chapter 1

    I did not know how to react to that post. It is a homage to our master of teenage angst, @Ronyx, at the same time, it is so awful Neil is being forced down that route.
  9. A good ending and very well described action. Great story, thx!
  10. Excellent chapter, thank you. Very good descriptions and interactions. Feels like being there. I am surprised none of the others share, if not the hate, at least the sentiment.
  11. lawfulneutralmage

    Chapter 23

    4 hours ago, peter rietbergen said: Do adult, gay American men really call each other "babe"? On this side of the ocean, it isn't a term of endearment, but felt to be both sexist and belittling...Cultural differences, I suppose... I really dislike it too.
  12. Good story! It made me angry. Therefore, I will end it here. I am angry/sad enough now.
  13. This is the fascinating and captivating tale of sixteen-year old Mateo who has to spend the summer on the farm of his mother's cousin, mother of Jericho. Both boys are in for a hot summer. Never before have the American South and life on a farm be so tangible for me. All characters have a distinct and memorable personality. It is not only the romance between the two boys, but also the whole world around that will want you to read more. I binge read it as far as my time allowed. Just as a side note, the Epilogue and the first chapters seem to have nothing to do with each other, but the relationship will become clear later.
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